Ok, how often does the Sector Agent Healer Chestpiece drop in the Sciencells from Evil Star and from Kyle in Coast City?
I figured. I swear that chest never drops from Evil Star. It's either a weapon or more often than not the Sector Incendiary Head stylepiece.
I've added / confirmed many villain drops today, as well as several Sector Agent drops and Runes of the Ancients drops. ^.^ I hope this topic is helpful to everyone : )
The New Genesis head drops in the "Daily Planet" mission for Lex Luthor mentors. Confirmed about 5 minutes ago off the mini-boss in the instance. Now I am ust missing the feet. I am a Circe mentor, but will be getting a friend to help me run that mission to see if the feet drop in there as well. If anyone can confirm where the feet drop please post. Thanks.
thanks sis. i'm still looking for a confirmation on the SA Hands and Legs coming from the listed bosses. let me know if you see them. 8 months since the loot table change and no luck for me on those.
Well i have 99% of the styles listed here but i have a problem with New Genesis. I learned that apparently it hasnt dropped from vault in months cause they changed it. But i thought it stil did. Im still missing hands. Where the hell can i get them then? I heard someone say reward boxes t1.....i doubt that, ive done plenty of t1 stuff in the past months and got plenty of t1 reward boxes, i dont remember seeing anythign new geensis in those. If it's true, then it's uber rare. Can anyone tell me for sure?
http://www.dcuo-db.com/search?utf8=✓&s=new genesis looks like they have it listed for the funhouse T1 challenge now.
I am still missing the Controller Sector Agent Hands. I run Oan Sciencells every day and have never seen it drop.
Ok id read someone say that too and couldnt believe it cause i do this one a lot too but...i guess they were right. Time to farm that s. Wish id known all those months back. Thanks.
im convinced they are missing from the loot table, along with the legs. everyone i know that has them got them before the loot table update last Fall.
Hmm, I submitted a ticket... Let's see what response I get! Thanks! EDIT: According to Support, it is dropping!
does the sector incendiary shoulders drop from anywhere else other than krona? i run oan every day, sometimes more, for weeks, and ive seen it drop once and got ninja'd obviously.