That's because I deleted the document. The topic was sitting nicely in the graveyard until y'all bumped it lol.
Lol, I'm new to DCUO and the forum so when I saw your thread I was very interested. Shame you deleted the doc. It was worth the necro bump
thanks! i hate multi part missions due to pc lag. trying to farm solomon grundy would've been a pain.
Little Sister/TybeeTahiri, any chance you could bring back the list? I used to refer to it way back in the sony days lol and I hadn't thought to look through the new db forums until now when I was trying to think of a way to double check on what styles I'm still missing. Then I remembered you had a great thread so I went to try to find that, found this, found that you had updated it, then found that you had deleted the new-formatted document it was the holy grail of dcuo style for completionists like me. -Robo Kristy
I have the head and hands, legs of the rapture style but I don't know where to get the rest of the set but I keep finding the wings for controller and healer but I cant find any tank