Style Locations

Discussion in 'Oracle’s Database (Guides)' started by Little Sister, Feb 15, 2013.

  1. DreadfulRaven New Player

    Link isn't working
  2. TybeeTahiri Devoted Player

    That's because I deleted the document. The topic was sitting nicely in the graveyard until y'all bumped it lol.
    • Like x 1
  3. DreadfulRaven New Player

    Lol, I'm new to DCUO and the forum so when I saw your thread I was very interested. Shame you deleted the doc. It was worth the necro bump
  4. TybeeTahiri Devoted Player

    I think DCUO Blog Guide has style locations. ;)
  5. DreadfulRaven New Player

    Thanks, I'll give that a look.
  6. recoil Committed Player

    can anyone please tell me where runes of the ancients style chest drops? thanks!
  7. Leet Active Player

    Its in those T4 content. Like Seeds, Unpaid, or Soul Alchemy i believe.
  8. recoil Committed Player

    thanks! i hate multi part missions due to pc lag. trying to farm solomon grundy would've been a pain.
  9. Golden_Assassin Committed Player

    Doc doesn't work.
  10. BLK Well-Known Player

    all the styles arent on that site
    can you repost the list? or share it for somebody else to repost?
  11. BLK Well-Known Player

    Yo princess bless me with the list. i know you remember me.
  12. Jacob Dragonhunter Steadfast Player

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  13. Rockhound665 Steadfast Player

    This thread is so old, it has grandchildren.
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  14. Robo Kristy New Player

    Little Sister/TybeeTahiri, any chance you could bring back the list? I used to refer to it way back in the sony days lol and I hadn't thought to look through the new db forums until now when I was trying to think of a way to double check on what styles I'm still missing. Then I remembered you had a great thread so I went to try to find that, found this, found that you had updated it, then found that you had deleted the new-formatted document :( it was the holy grail of dcuo style for completionists like me.
    -Robo Kristy
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  15. cosmiclord8000 New Player

    anyone know where the rapture wings for tank and dps drop from
  16. cosmiclord8000 New Player

    I have the head I don't remember where I got it from but I would like to get the rest of the set
  17. cosmiclord8000 New Player

    I have the head and hands, legs of the rapture style but I don't know where to get the rest of the set but I keep finding the wings for controller and healer but I cant find any tank
  18. Royal Knight Kiryu Well-Known Player

    Anyone here know where the Egyptian staff style drops?