Style Locations

Discussion in 'Oracle’s Database (Guides)' started by Little Sister, Feb 15, 2013.

  1. Little Sister New Player

    Barbarian styles drop like nobody's business in the T3 Duo Police Station / Shady Nightclub
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  2. Niaflyte New Player

    I'm so glad someone thought to bring this over.
    Thank you so much Little Sister.
  3. Little Sister New Player

    You're welcome ^.^ Also, I've been working on Villain drops lately, so don't worry Villains, you aren't being ignored!
  4. TK PUSHA Dedicated Player

    thanks for moving the thread SiS!

    i also just found out that the site apparently has been updated... at least visually.
    Hopefully their drop location lists were updated as well since they hadnt been in a long time.

    anyway, i'm currently on the mission to get some Sector style drops confirmed since they all were messed with back in the fall.
    I have some belief that there might be 'missing' pieces from the loot table since they added all the weapons and LOA junk to the F4L content.

    Specifically i have been trying to find 2 Troller Sector Agent Pieces since the Loot Update, that were previously found only in Coast City alert. after numerous runs i have yet to see one drop and I am not sure the list from this thread which contains different locations has been confirmed.

    ---Just checking the DB-DCUO, it appears they HAVE updated things, because now they show the SECTOR AGENT HANDS & LEGS missing drop locations, and those just happen to be the two pieces i can not find anymore.
    I am very suspicious that these have in fact been accidently removed from the loot table just like what happened to the Demonic runes pieces...

    it appers the DBdoes list the Troiler legs as Scion of fear as well.
    so thats a good sign that maybe ive just been farming the wrong alert, and the loot was indeed moved and not removed...
    they are still missing the hands location there which used to be in coast, but not this thread has it listed as dropping from Lysaa drak.

    i will get back to ya once i settle this
  5. Little Sister New Player

    Yea it was moved. Everything I have listed here is the new spots since GU 18. The ones in red I just happen to re-confirm. The other spots are still trustworthy.
  6. Little Sister New Player

    Like, the ones that are NOT in red are still the new locations, I just haven't seen them personally this year.

    I hope that makes sense TK.
  7. TK PUSHA Dedicated Player

    yeah, we're good.
    If you don't mind helpin me out, just keep an eye out to confirm the Legs and Hands if they drop when your in Star Labs and Oan.
  8. Lolaturface New Player

    I specifically left out the drop pairings for changed content so any ones that are now on the site have been confirmed by me.
  9. Little Sister New Player

    Added and confirmed a bunch of drops just now.
  10. fayde Level 30

    Legs drop in Star Labs. I ran Oan daily for a few months for the troller legs from Evil Star.. It never dropped.
    Then someone confirmed it dropped in Star Labs.. So, I ran it.. And I finally got it.
  11. TK PUSHA Dedicated Player

    good to know.
    guess i just was unlucky and farming the old location.
    ran both today, no luck yet, but at least now it seems im in the right spot, lol.
  12. Kyle New Player

    Healer seraph back also drops from lady doombringer. Just found it tonight.
  13. Paradox Well-Known Player

    Tank Kryptonian helm also dropped recently in FOS3 (though it was ninjaed from me by a dps).
  14. Little Sister New Player

    Yea that's not a part of this list since it was never changed.
  15. Midori Toro Level 30

    I got the noble warrior chest style as a vault drop. Anyone know where the rest of the set can be obtained?
  16. FrontlineR Well-Known Player

    Runes of the East Shoulders...
    The only Runic piece I need... and have NEVER seen drop, ever, any role.

    Thanks for the thread!
  17. Little Sister New Player

    Noble Warrior isn't from the Vault. It's only available in Promethium Lockboxes.
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  18. Little Sister New Player

    There was a missing piece for many of the roles, Hero side. It just wasn't in the game. They added them in one of the recent Updates that added loot drops to Avenging Spirit Guidicus : )
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  19. TK PUSHA Dedicated Player

    yeah, go run it now, we all got those drops finally last week after they fixed the loot table.
    50 pointers FTW!
  20. Phantom Protector New Player

    Thank you for putting this together. I have so many styles where all I need is a piece or two. This will help get some more SPs!!!
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