Stucco (as in not moving critters)

Discussion in 'Old Arkham (Bug Archive)' started by Carbon Based Unit, Dec 4, 2016.

  1. Carbon Based Unit Well-Known Player

    Sometimes an opponent will get stuck. For example, in the solo OMAC base if you are over at the green ! when the floor blows, then one of the two OMAC hidden behind that wall will get stuck. Anyone can replicate that one, and eventually it will work free. I have had it happen near the shore in Metropolis and Gotham and most recently in T2 Braniac Sub-Construct.

    How bad this is depends on where. When this happens in the open world, it is not that big a deal. In the T2BSC, it killed the whole 8 player event.

    When this happened in T2BSC it was in a room you MUST clear to drop the shield. We got the entire group to go back to the entrance. No luck.

    I know there are lots of issues with raids, missions, etc. that programmers can't control. Like the 120+ CR in a T2 who runs ahead and kills the boss mob before anyone else can get close enough to get drops. I have had that happen SEVERAL times, but it is not necessarily a programming issue.

    This stuck mob thing is something programmers could check in necessary kill areas. So if the door won't drop until the mobs are dead, check their position every X ticks. If they are out of bounds, drop them in one of 3 or 4 random locations inside the combat zone. Or make a re-spawn door trigger. the door trigger would open the door, but if there are any nessisary kills left, instead of opening the door or dropping the shield, etc. it re-spawns the ones that are sill alive. That would take no extra ticks and would be hard to abuse thanks to the cycle time on a door opener.