Strategy for healing Bizarro?

Discussion in 'Gotham City (General Gameplay)' started by TI99Kitty, May 25, 2024.

  1. TI99Kitty Dedicated Player

    What would you say is the best way to get the Bizarre Responders feat? Tonight was the closest we've come, but still didn't quite make it.

    And for that matter, where are the "feral cclone-zarros?" We managed to get one tonight, but with no idea how. Tonight's partner thinks maybe it came out after we started healing Bizarro.
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  2. Korlick Loyal Player

    I think that feat is broken. Barrels take too long to respawn. Or maybe im doing something wrong... i dont know.

    Feral clones spawn in the wave of adds at last boss. Sometimes they take long to show up, so if you use the barrels theres a chance to dont see them.
    Duo reg spawns 1, elite 2. No matter how much you wait. Besides...eventually, Bizarro goes away anyways. Even if you dont use barrels. Altho You can wipe and restart the fight after you kill the Ferals.
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  3. Chilontius Well-Known Player

    man if you figure this out let me know. I can't figure out how to get this feat. We tried standing on the barrels soon as the spawned and chucking them at him. Still wasn't fast enough.
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  4. Illumin411 Devoted Player

    I have a couple leaguemates who have put several hours in to trying to get this feat with no luck. They've been on mic in league chat most of that time so I'm hearing all the different strategies they're trying. They've tried everything but no dice.
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  5. iTiredOfTheLies Active Player

    Find other barrels around the area, and stockpile them. The barrels there don’t spawn fast enough! You can also try and K.O. Him near the spawning point of a barrel spawn point, and then it’ll trigger automatically when it spawns, and you only need to get the other, as the dps with the AOE deals with the ads.
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  6. Korlick Loyal Player

    Other barrels dont work on Bizarro. And standing next to the barrels time still isnt fast enough
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  7. Too Many Toons Dedicated Player

    we got close with staggered barrels - think 2 at same time is the same as spread em out.
  8. TI99Kitty Dedicated Player

    Yeah, the closest I got was yesterday's attempt, where we staggered the barrels.

    I wonder if maybe tonight I should use my tank, and just pull all the adds while the other player does the barrels?

    Oh, and just to confirm, the ferals do come out during the "heal Bizarro" phase. I was on an alt this morning, and had the fun job of keeping the feral busy while my partner was grabbing a barrel.
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  9. WilderMidnight Steadfast Player

    I haven't tried the healing barrel feats yet but i'd imagine going old school. One good dps, one good healer. dps should set up an alt armory build with everything specced into resto and the healing crits and even a resto coler loaded and ready to go. Healer should gather other barrels (if they count) ,Biz goes down, dps hits to alt armory build and both hammer him with barrels. ignore ads unless your prompted to kill a few to get the barrels going again. given the way targeting works in this game i'd run/fly them over than hoping to throw it.

    from what I've gathered two ferals come out, ive been told three. found one lingering on one of the walkways above head.
  10. Plowed In Loyal Player

    If no one has achieved after the first weekend…my strategy is to wait until they fix the feat.
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  11. Illumin411 Devoted Player

    The guys in my league I mentioned above tried both of these strategies. But no dice.
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  12. Fatal New Player

    Wait till it becomes Omnibus.
  13. Eve Creator League, YouTuber

    It's honestly 100% bugged. Me and my friend attempted it multiple times on both difficulties (Elite and Normal). We even ignored the adds and went only for the barrels, or killed Bizzaro where they spawn. It wasn't working back when we did it on test either. Hopefully they fix it soon as possible.

    To add on Feral Clones - on test we wiped to get all 4, but on live we just waited and didn't heal Bizzaro so more spawned over time. But this was on Elite.
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  14. Proxystar #Perception

    Bizarro's resistance to healing reminds me of Happy Gilmore's early putting.

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  15. FlawlessTime Dedicated Player

    The feat is bugged I had two friends on two different occasions me heal one was a tank and another time me a troll and the other a heal.
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  16. Ingrando Well-Known Player

    Do the adds hurt bizzaro? I try to get rid of them while the next barrel spawns but sometimes it takes long for the next one
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  17. Deus Ex Machina Committed Player

    Yes. They actually make a beeline towards bizzaro. It's actually quite funny seeing the adds on the stairs run off the ledge because the pathing for them is atrocious.
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  18. Reinheld Devil's Advocate

    This was my assumption too. It's likely broken. We took a few cracks at it using some of the methods above, no dice even though I'm pretty sure we had to be close one time where we had him sitting on a barrel spawn. I figure there will be a hotfix to either have the barrels immediately respawn, or do more healing.

    The one other thing I thought of was trying to find the lowest point where he goes 'down' leaving him with a bit more health to start with. Not sure, but it seems like he hits a point where he's good, the dialog about 'this isn't working' comes up where he can still take damage, but is basically at the 'heal' phase already. So if you could get him to that point, then do no additional damage before he becomes invulnerable, he would start with a higher health bar.

    But's likely to be 'fixed' if enough people keep failing.
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  19. Too Many Toons Dedicated Player

    I did a super slow burn run..still only triggers at 50%; at least we didn't mulch him down to 40% but that's about it for joy.
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  20. BumblingB I got better.

    I'm pretty sure this feat isn't possible right now. The barrels don't spawn fast enough to heal him within the allotted time.
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