Strange,just received LP & RB ?

Discussion in 'Gotham City (General Gameplay)' started by useless, Aug 28, 2018.

  1. useless Well-Known Player

    My sub expires tomorrow and i just received 500 LP & 150 RB.
    What is this ? I sub monthly ,pretty sure i got already for this month ?
  2. Shark Dental Devoted Player

    Did you remember to cancel your sub?
  3. useless Well-Known Player

    Ohhh,a guy just told me it could be anniversary gift,did go from premium to sub some time summer last year,is that it ?
  4. Knarlydude Loyal Player

    Replay Badges come at a different time for me than my sub.

    You need to double check you account status and make sure that you cancelled you subscription. The Sub auto renews if you do not cancel. Even if you pay for one month. Daybreak will keep charging you. I know....... it's BS. I pay monthly & have to cancel every month.
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  5. useless Well-Known Player

    Sorry if my original post got little confusing,my auto renewal is off and i put money in wallet just to have enough for subscription (otherwise my kid would spend everything on fortnite skins and dance and...).
    I know LP & RB comes couple days later...
    Last sub i renewed around july 30,get my LP & RB on august 4...
    Spend it,now today i have to renew my sub (dont have money in wallet atm) but i got 500LP & 150RB yesterday...that confused me.
  6. Knarlydude Loyal Player

    Did you cancel your sub after you paid for the new month. If you did not cancel your sub your will auto renew and debit your account whether you want it or not. I would double check just to make sure if I were you.