Stop Grabbing the Health Barrels...

Discussion in 'Gotham City (General Gameplay)' started by ApacheTribe, Jul 5, 2014.

  1. Lokkii Committed Player

    it def scales with your stats, i'd imagine dom and resto and not vit and resto tho.
  2. ApacheTribe Well-Known Player

    Keep in mind the majority of players currently active in the game probably are NOT overgeared for the content they run on a regular basis so any education or tips may help them while running it with like geared teammates. Just offering some info. It's not gonna make or break an OP T6 geared dude.
  3. GrooveThief New Player

    My favorite part of this game is that I've played nearly 3 years and learn something new all the time. I didn't know this- but am so glad I do now. Thanks
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  4. Sir Arcanium New Player

    I've known this for ages due to being sorcery. Simply put the healing aspect of the barrels has almost always been downplayed. It does scale with resto (and dom) like any other healing power would. Unfortunately it's a pretty short effect to a small area. The chances of getting and smashing a barrel when a party needs life is slim. The whole animation of picking up and throwing is far to slow.

    Power helps a lot and sadly most trolls get more out of a barrel than a healer would. Plus certain powers like Mental can just grab nearby objects automatically and chuck it at the enemies with telekinetic wave or whatever the power is. That said everyone has some decent Vit now since T5 and T6 gear started to give stats for all roles. I get 81 per tick of power and crit for 101 or so from a normal healing barrel in DPS stance and something like 100 per normal tick from the t6 crystals. It's no t6 troll, but it's not bad.

    Honestly now that marks of triumph are so easy to get I can't understand anyone really having power problems. With the weapon power regeneration mod, decent vit from SP choices to unlock mastery and break out mastery you should be rolling in the power. Never mind actually using WM combo's to reduce the cost of your powers for non dps. Add to that the side kick, deep sea chanter or possible supply drops... you have a mountain of ways to get power back now as any role.
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  5. TechWarrior0329 Steadfast Player

    Agreed but what about the situation where your a Troller on a team with NO healer or a Healer with no Troll? At that point anyone breaking that barrel is better than no one because it is providing a service that is totally unavailable other wise and at the same time if your the Troll and break the barrel it helps you regain power so you can continue to PROVIDE power to a team... same goes for a healer if your dead you can't heal anyone .
  6. Mister Brees New Player

    This never bothered me until I read this thread the first time. Thanks op! Haha
  7. xDEATHnTAXESx New Player

    As a dps I always grab the crystal in the T6 alert and drop it by the troller hoping he will pick it up.

    If I just leave it in the corner, I'll usually break it accidentaly when using WM full auto and noone gets the benefit when it breaks off in the corner.
  8. David Ivanenko Committed Player

    Sometimes you don't even have the chance to pick up the crystal/barrel if you're running with a celestial DPS using some power that also damages objects, same with electricity's ionic drain, mental's telekinesis, some polarization powers, etc.

    When I'm tanking the T6 alert without a healer I usually take a barrel and smash it on me when engaging the bosses. If you're running with a melee (and kinda crappy) rage DPS at least you'll give them 10 (or whatever the crystal lasts) more seconds before they die with Takis' spin attack. Or at the last room when fighting all the amazons before the boss, I take one, run to the middle, smash it and pull all the enemies to me, makes grouping them up easier since I don't even have to worry about blocking, just pulling and grouping up.

    When I'm trolling I smash it in the middle of the tank and the DPSs or right on a power hungry DPS, and when I'm healing without a tank I let anyone take it or place it between the closest people on the boss while I kite Circe around.
    They're not needed, but nice to have anyway.
    Healing Crystals, not the other ones. "Meth, not even once."
  9. Newsflash New Player

    Healing In scales with Restoration. Power In scales with Vitalization. It's all about your stats not your class.
  10. Ice Lantern New Player

    I don't need the barrel to give sufficient power to the team when I am trolling. And it's very rare that you'll be running the alert with a healer but no troller so that scenario isn't even really worth discussing.
  11. Green Lantern New Player

    Who needs health barrels? For what?
  12. Sabigya Steadfast Player

    If the troller and healer are not grabbing the barrels, I will. If i am dying and you cannot bother to heal I will grab it. If you have not thrown a pot the entire instance I will grab it. If you are popping every single barrel you see for Lols i will grab it.
  13. rival exe New Player

    Does it give you more supercharge if your vit is higher because that's the only reason I use them.
  14. Erin Arror Dedicated Player

    Could put the tip in rotation with the loading screen messages.

    (although usually I have mine off - prefer admiring the art work in all its glory :) )
  15. Minx New Player

    Or you can just mistakingly throw benches like :D
  16. Gigga Watt Well-Known Player

    Aint nobody got time fo that!!!
  17. TechWarrior0329 Steadfast Player

    Well let's see in the past few nights my Cr 97 healer has run Brothers in Arms with 3 DPS and me (no troll), Family Reunion with 3 DPS and me (no troll), Mist with 3 DPS and me (no troller) and Strike Team with 3 DPS and me (no troller). That's all 4 alerts in a two day period and not a troller in sight.. so from what I see it is worth discussing. I didn't bother to even check power selection but it ANY of the DPS had control as their secondary role absolutely none of them were will to switch over and TROLL.