Stop Complaining about Max Damage

Discussion in 'Gotham City (General Gameplay)' started by Echephyle, Aug 18, 2014.

  1. Sixfiguredice Well-Known Player

    People whine about health pools being to high and now there whining because there getting access to more damage sigh ... Guess there's no pleasing some people.
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  2. savageprime New Player

    I think you confuse my intentions. I am all for the mod especially to push celestial forward and im not even a celestial dps. This mod can help just about every power set, except ice and this is what I want to ensure. That ice doesn't het left in the dust. With the awesome mechanic of focus fire I dont see how this can help ice. As I posted in many other threads just because I can cast a power while moving doesnt mean its "awesome" if the damage is weak. With a very impressive AM implementation ice will be left to use weapon mastery as we are forced to now. But if max damage mod punishes us for going into ice armor then whats the point?
  3. Torikumu 10000 Post Club

    It's not a competition. You don't win anything for being top in damage.

    Originality isn't an excuse either. Hell, the way the community works for the most part, YouTubers such as yourself do the research, post a video and everyone follows like sheep. Where's the skill in that? That's not skill. Photocopying the Mona Lisa does not make you an artist.

    It's hardly game breaking, either. What's game breaking about it? The exact same thing can be achieved by powers with a 60% damage modifier power and the appropriate hand mod. Yet the game isn't crippled because of these powers causing a huge imbalance. Last time I checked, DPS centric players weren't queuing up for miles waiting to be Quantum or Fire or Mental.

    As a controller, I've noticed that power spamming is making it's triumphant return to the game. If this modifier encourages people to do more weapon attacks and less power spamming, then 2 thumbs up from me on a personal level, as well.

    Also, screw PVP, if that's what you're referring to. PVP is undergoing changes. Until these changes are done, PVP is going to just have to be what it is. Don't like it and can't accept maybe getting thrashed once in a while? do Legends instead. It's a far more level playing field in there.
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  4. Necronus New Player

    Hi all, so iv been following these forums and posts about this mod for couple days now and i havent posted pretty much cause im still a "newb" to most. But i figured i would give a go and give my 2 cents.

    Im not takeing sides or anything just gonna say there are always 2 sides to every argument. This mod is nice in since that yes people can use diff powers most never would due to it can add the 60% modifier. They can use the lowest power ability and get mod and just do WM then do thier burst and do insain amounts of dps.

    The problem i see to this is how WM is and how they are doing the AM. The reason 60% plays a big role in AM is most of em are set up to use this 60% power to set up thier powers and most WM people wont use the 60% powers due to cast times/animations taking to long and most time cant clip em or the likes so most used 50% modifiers. In this sense it gave AM users a chance to have little big more dmg to try and help them keep on par with WM. But now that WM can just cast a low power ability and get a 60% and still use the WM>burst power they were before (and lets be real that power will still be the same even with the mod due to they gonna want the hardest hitting abiltity after WM still.)

    The other side is for like the post earlier said there will "hopefully" be less power usage from some people and help trolls which be nice. Will also probly help change up WM loadouts little and be more versitile other then the cookie cutter ones everyone finds a guy doing most dmg with and follows.

    So this mod could be both good and bad,but i believe in order to make it more good then bad they are gonna have to tweek some of the powers some (especially the 60% modifier powers) due to they will jsut flat out not be used anymore cause lets be honest what would be the point useing a cast time power with huge power cost and "possiblity" of a good reward VS. useing a very low power cost power with a garunteed reward at end?

    Me personally i love useing powers ,i mean im a "super" hero lol i like my powers to hit hard and go boom. But from what i have seen in game its hard as is to compete with people who just stack precision and spam WM burst and with this mod i fear its just gonna get worse but all we can do is wait and see this is all still in testing ;).

    One last thing people who keep saying the scoreboard chasers only ones who care, think about human nature and this game little...It is in our nature to be competative,to want to compete with others and feel that achievment of riseing to the top. I promise you not a one of you has never not tried to top the chart in healing,power out,dps, less power used and so on. Everyone likes to feel competative just our nature. And there are those who dedicate themselves to be the best wether its dps,heals , tank or troll and for people to bash them cause they enjoying being competative is kinda harsh. Yes there are those who just solely care to top chart and give 2 cents about the raid but there are those who also like to top the chart while doing thier job so not all fall in the catagory.So yes those who try their hardest to be competative and actually put in the work to be in the top dps to see this mod and fear everyone and their mother will roll dps and jsut spam a low power WM>burst and be able to compete with a rotation they have worked on and tweeked for long times could be disheartning.

    Anywho thats just my thoughts bash if you like and such but everyone has a voice what these forums for,love the game and plan to play not matter the results and im sure others will do the same just adapt and move forward. Ty for your time and hope see you in game ;).
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  5. Remander Steadfast Player

    OK, so Sorc users will see a 15% damage mod gain (Transumtation is 45%) or 10%, if they use Shard.

    As for Ice, I'm just not really well-versed. I perused Radium's guide briefly. Is Ice Armor overwriting the Max Damage mod on test? If so, that's clearly a bug that needs to be addressed. Otherwise, it means the damage modifier should go up by 10%, and you should still get the +2% crit chance.
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  6. Jamie New Player

    There were a lot of people correct about GU36 and WM. Those hurt the game more than it helped. I am still conflicted about this change though.

    It will change load outs and anyone that disagrees will be proven wrong. Mass Det will be severely hurt since the main reason to use it is the modifier. The damage range makes the move too unpredictable to use for damage. A person can simply hit detonation and have the modifier in a lot less time which then can be used to create much more damage (and be more consistent) than using mass det. This change will help HL tremendously so I like that aspect of it.
  7. DarthSizzle Dedicated Player

    So Gu36, WM, AM, and now Max Damage Mod is suppose to bring balance?
    The only plus i see to this is all powers will be 60% but that takes away from powers that use 60% moves to put out damage to compete with others powers. How about ice now? Going into IA will actually hurt them now yet IA was a big reason they can compete with other powers.
    Its going to be such a mess on how many powers will benefit and not from this mod. Not to mention taking the skill, yes taking the skill away from players who actually spent hrs on a sparring target figuring out a max damage loadout but not the case any more.
  8. Octantis New Player

    Well, if Ice Armor is the issue, I'd imagine that the smart thing to do development-wise is to have the Max Damage mod overwrite Ice Armor. If it's not working that way, then it ought to. Otherwise I just don't get what all the fuss is about.

    But yeah, the mod is a great idea. After all the threads that popped up about buffing AM damage. I was about to change to Ice in a couple days so I guess I'll see first hand what the impact of the mod will be then. I know Fire's AM is more than just walking while casting; they get that Thermal Absorption buff, and I just assumed Ice had something similar, too. I was referring to that style of rotations using the power-back mechanic as getting the huge buff from this specific mod. You're right, though: the ability to move while casting is really "meh."
  9. Echephyle New Player

    Sorcery AM specifcally won't benefit, but sorcery dps as a whole will. Most sorcery dps, wm and am, stack soul wells for the dot. Soul well is 35% modifier, so we take a hit in dps for every cast. With max damage, that is no longer the case.
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  10. Echephyle New Player

    Weapon mastery did that too. The incoming AM for gadgets will make many gadgets dps, including myself, change our loadouts as well. Changes always happen. Skilled players always adapt. The players that spent hours making a loadout will still have a great loadout, but with higher dps.

    I'll use old school gadgets as an example. Gg, foam, clip with intimidation, weapon combo, fear gas, photon. Photon, the biggest hitter was preceded by two 35 modifiers, decreasing its potential. The best pre33 gadgets players still used this order because it had a faster flow of damage than ordering the rotation differently. With max damage, someone with a rotation like this need not worry about gimping their finisher to favour a smooth flow. Modifiers will all max out
  11. Remander Steadfast Player

    I wonder if Vengeance, Soul Siphon, or Karmic Backlash will get more use.
  12. Echephyle New Player

    Veng for single target may, due to its lower power cost. Its damage is equal to transmute, but it's only single target. Soul siphon might also get more use. It hits instantly and will never miss. Shard always misses fast moving targets and has a take some time to fall. It also gets blocked by tents, especially with the open world bosses in amazon fury. Soul siphon will apply bk to any and every target no matter what. It does not less damage than shard though..
  13. GaeasRevenge New Player


    lol people always wanna dictate...
  14. FloodingGotham New Player

    Max damage is going to destroy the integrity of the game
  15. Echephyle New Player

    How? Explain.
  16. Elusian Crowd Control

    Shiny tested it and the result is shocking lol
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  17. Del Maestro Well-Known Player

    How does this mod help fires AM?. I'm fire and have been trying my hardest to get the am to work. Its just not as good as wm and that gap is about to be increased. Right wm is running between 40-50%. It will be getting a 10-20% increase. The am is ALWAYS running at 60% right now and that won't change. This is my biggest issue with Max damage. They need to look into this because this mod is going to put fire back on the list of powers that need a revamp. But fire needs another revamp for tanking anyway
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  18. Bobburt Committed Player

    This is what I think about this mod-

    Bad dps will still be bad dps. A modifier won't change that whereas the good dps will only get better.

    I like the mod because I think there will be more variation now.
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  19. xColdFront Committed Player

    This mod is going to make ice armor pointless.
  20. Titans1373 Dedicated Player

    How about no OP. Max damage is DPS for noobs. There is no way around it. The support will come from low end DPS players, and according to these boards there's a lot of them out there.

    Don't sugar coat it, call it like you see it. If you're damage is boo boo you definitely want this mod...
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