Stop Blaming Damagers!

Discussion in 'Gotham City (General Gameplay)' started by Spam Free!, Sep 23, 2013.

  1. Notangie New Player

    I've been playing less on my troll since they made it possible to buy might-heavy dps gear. At least in the past, balance was forced by your gear, now the devs decided to reward the power spammers and give them even less incentive to use their weapon.
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  2. Lightful New Player

    Î have never never seen a debuff have any effect. If lex is buffed, he'll still one shot regardless. If he's not buffed, he won't one shot. This is from my experience. Those SC shields aren't jack s*** if the damage is massive enough and if it isn't, the healers should be able to effectively heal through it anyways.

    Dps should be picking up. If trolls are picking up, it will only lead to a potential domino effect due to lack of power given out. Paradox adds might be the only time crowd control is truly effective but even at that, it's still very situational.

    My perspective remains the same.
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  3. Sumeric New Player

    When you apply the defense and damage debuffs to luthor or batman in the buff room, you aren't stripping their super-buffs. The buff is a room mechanic and is only negated by the AoE blast from the destroyed robot. You are in fact, only applying the routine 10% defense and 7 % damage debuff to them when you use your powers, but this is coming off the top of their greatly increased stats. The developers really do need to put some work into improving the icons for buffs and debuffs.
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  4. shadwfyre New Player

    What bugs me is I see so many players that don't use soders. It's just ridiculous, pop a dang soder!
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  5. spack2k Steadfast Player

    lol this ends in : GLF 2xTroll cr98+recharge on loadout !
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  6. H.. Committed Player

    Controller(s) take back your Control?

    OP - I wish you good luck, you'll need to change a lot of "minds" in this community to do so. Unless, you run with, like minded individuals, who support what you are saying - overall - your work cut out for you!

    The popular view of Controllers, or, at least it seems, is that they are consider to be simple "batteries" (which is wrong as, by the way) However, Be it - Wrong or, Right - the, perception by so many, even though it maybe wrong, it becomes part of the generally, accepted, community standard(s) of what is to be expected!

    Sadly, some of the Controller(s) "themselves", start to believe this too and, in order to - "Fit-In"- with popular beliefs trends of the community - some of these particular "Controller(s), put in, Straight Yellow Vitalization Mods in every slot in their entire, set of armor - "By Passing", some very good affinities, to do so, in order to have the "HIGHEST Vitalization" possible, which, is a KEY community judgment tool and criteria needed to make sure they can join an "ad-hoc" raid party!

    You know, everywhere else in galaxy, the one(s) who have the "Power" - usually, rules!
    In the DCUO universe, the one(s) that have the "Power" - are expected to give it away, as well as, being told what to do!;)

    It is Irony, at it sheer best!:)
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  7. H.. Committed Player

    I'm not Controller but...I see this all the time...
    I have to admit - that gets me too !
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  8. Jafin 10000 Post Club

    If a DPS wants to spam their powers then I have zero issue with that as a Controller, as long as they don't scream for power. The majority of good DPS players know either to manage their power themselves, because they know that a Controller cannot constantly keep their bar up if all they do is use powers, or they carry a couple stacks of Soders to replenish their power themselves for the times that we can't keep the power up.
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  9. MattTheViolator New Player

    The current generation of DPS in the game are whiners period. Their game rotation is as follows: spam powers, don't use weapon or soder, cry the controller isn't doing their job (while still not using their weapon), get more power and repeat cycle. It's sad and a lot of alerts and raids are made more difficult because of it. Far too many DPS in this game now have T5 armor and roughly 40-50 skill points. Therefore, they lack the skill to play their roles properly
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  10. Titans1373 Dedicated Player

    As a healer I can feel your pain when DPS player take all the power and I miss getting recharge and rely on pot only. I pop a soda. I feel bad for trolls. At the same time though a trolls main job is to supply power. I never understood the whole argument against that. Yes you can "control" enemies. But that's the tanks job. Yes trolls can put out good damage numbers, but that's a DPS players job. You guys are a mix of all things but the main job you provide is power supply and debuffs. Keep in mind when my soda is on recharge and my supply drop is cooling down I can't recharge with my weapon like you guys can. All in all I give trolls props. In the new t5 world trolls and tanks are neck and neck as far as difficulty goes. Like someone said though all players should be responsible for their power output and should have sodas.

    As a celestial DPS though I have know idea what your talking about. I always have power and use sodas to help healers. But that's a topic for a different discussion.
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  11. Baryon Boy New Player

    The funny thing about these shouts is I always seem to see them doing it all night long. Get into an alert, finish, same person shouting for the same GLF X. It's almost as if nobody wants to deal with unreasonable requests like that...
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  12. GreenBear New Player


    Thanks for the easy to use layout.

    On a serious note it is possible to do what you want done (CC) and provide power so that no one in the group ever runs dry, other than you. To me this is called bringing your A game.

    From personal experience I have trolled (been a complete battery) for a power hungry tank and low damage out high power in dps, I had 2/3 of the damage out of that dps when he had better gears than I did, and I had efficiently thrown out defense debuffs on bosses(although its use wasn't extremely necessary). I say it is possible to do everything you want to do, however it will take extreme power budgeting to do.

    In that instance I had to drink 1 or 2 sodas maybe every major engagement, popped the summer controller trinket, use supply drops, use CC trinket, use fos2 trinket, and use a sidekick. Now consider all those items I had to use and know that my belt only allows 1 trinket slot + 3 consumables (how many times did I have to open up my inventory).

    If a controller decides to crowd control, by all means do so, but you better provide power out to the dps who has expectations of a good troller. Just like you have expectations of that dps to do high damage to 1) make the run quick 2) keep adds from overwhelming the group. At this point in the game crowd controls are most often a luxury and rarely a necessity. As a dps who likes precision damage would you fault me for only using my weapon range + occasional damage modifier (because if you're not providing power to me, how can I be certain you'll provide power to the healer)? You probably would fault me and scream at my butt for not knowing how to play my role.
    If I bring my A game as a DPS (drinking sodas + supply drops when I see troller/healer low on power + side kick when troller is low on power and I need more) you should bring your A game as controller, same with all the other roles.
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  13. benaiah New Player

    The problem( and why trolls complain) is not other players using to much power. The problem is that the troll role is broken. The troll role wasnt designed to give out power like healers heal but that is what is expected. A troll only has ONE power dump and ONE PoT per tree. The troll role was xesigned for crowd control, just look at the powers and if you still want to argue the point I really have nothing left to say to you. The real problem is the design of the game. The devs designed a largely pointless role that simply does not fit the game well. Encasement is a great example of this. Even as a troll i hate encasing things. The devs are the ones to blame for how trolls are treated in this game and if they really gave a crap they would fix it.

    And if you dont like these kind of threads or are sick of them THEN DONT READ THEM!!!!! Trolls have a right to complain and should continue doing so until the role is fixed. Either make trolls blue bar healers or add the need for CC. Just pick one and fix it already!!!!!!!!
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  14. GreenBear New Player

    Who's this aimed at? It's your first post in the thread and you make no references, it's below mine so are you talking to me?

    As a dps I most often have 2nd to lowest power in right after troller, or sometimes I'm the lowest power in. If a troller cann't support my type of play style he's in a large surprise when he runs into the majority of dpses that do less than my damage with 2x the power in.

    Controller role isn't broken, everything works fine. What is broken is that they have 2 options: give power to the group, waste power crowd controlling + trying to keep up with power needs when they just blew 300 just to throw a debuff/trap.

    Power to a good tank = crowd control + aggro focus
    Power to healer = keeps tank alive thus keeping the group alive
    Power to dps = things die so healer heals less, doesn't have loose aggro, and tank doesn't need to hold shift the whole time because he has way to many enemies on him.
    Controller crowd control = yeah you stunned/encased the enemy, how are you going to kill them before more adds come without the proper dps?

    Controller role as a battery is most often the more efficient route. If someone tells you that doing 1 simple action will earn you $1 while another simple action will earn you $0.50? Which would you choose. Being the battery brings more to the group than being the luxurious crowd controller.

    To fix the cost and benefits of the controller powers, they should either
    1) make debuff/trap powers cost less in controller role
    2) make it so that instant power heals a larger amount, hits more players in raids, costs the same amount of power as it currently does, and given a longer Cool Down to offset the larger power heal
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  15. Baryon Boy New Player


    3) Remove instant power and rebalance PoT to give more power (say ~300/tic at 1800ish vit)
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  16. ItsHard New Player

    You say this and then you take a look at the first page on the the gameplay discussion and see
    at least 5 threads with controllers complaining. lmao
    Controllers are by far the role that complain the most, being in pve or pvp with the past "every time i play a lair batle im against a tank.".
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  17. MetalMario Loyal Player

    Then demand for trollers would instantly be cut in half.
  18. Conduit New Player

  19. Conduit New Player

    I agree with the main point. Each role in the game has more than one job, the obvious one and then the situational.
    When it comes to DPS that knows what they're doing, there's few in the game that do... So if the DPS is crying for more power, then they probably know nothing of power management...
    I typically moderate my clipping according the the Vitalization of the Controller I'm grouped with. A very valuable and underused skill in the DPS part of the Community.
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  20. Vaxtin Well-Known Player

    Let me know how many raids you get kicked out of.
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