Stem's Guide To Celestial Healing

Discussion in 'Oracle’s Database (Guides)' started by Black Stem, Sep 7, 2013.

  1. Remander Steadfast Player

    Stem updated all of it recently, so it's good.
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  2. Remander Steadfast Player

    Have to say that WM combos are going to be absolutely sick for battle healing. Add in a RcW at the end with the reduced power cost for support roles, as well. Honestly, I'm thinking the reduced power cost for support may unbalance the game a bit.
  3. ALEX33016 Well-Known Player

    So there is no way to stay as DPS and battle heal? You have to battle heal as healer only?
  4. blklightning New Player

    Yes, you have a to battle heal in healer role only. IIRC, there's a 65% increase in healing while in healer role over damage role. Also, Admonish will not heal 4 while in damage role. You'd be a seriously crippled healer with decent DPS.
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  5. ALEX33016 Well-Known Player

    Cool I want to battle heal in PvP too and getting new gear...what gear, in your opinion, do you think I should get resto and what should be DPS? Or should I spec all DPS and get healer guy or spec all healer and get DPS gear? LOL I am just getting into PVP and like the idea of battle healing in PvP. Any other tips? Thanks for the help.
  6. Black Stem Well-Known Player

    Well for competitive 4v4s and 5v5s you really have to be on it, if you're going to battle heal. I reccomend going full healer gear but modding Resto Prec for PVP battle healing, and pick a SP build (See page 1). Battle healing on 1v1s and 2v2s is very great but seeing that most healers in 5v5s and 4v4s Kite and just heal, you'll have to try your luck going full battle healing on 4s and 5s. I have no experience healing big matches like that (Not a big PVPer) so refer to the others when it comes to that, I'm sure they'll be glad to help!
  7. Black Stem Well-Known Player

    Reason being battle healing eats power, if you're using Retribution and if you're using your weapon to take full advantage of battle healing and to conserve power in 4s or 5s, the DPSes on the other team sees you as a easy, in sight target and could potentially demolish your life. Plus it puts you at greater risk of falling for block breaks and what not, rendering you unable to heal for a little. Plus if you get interrupted during Malediction to Bennediction, battle healing is useless for about 12secs. In 2s and 1s you're almost forced to fight and not just "kite and heal" so that's why Battle healing is most effective for 1s and 2s.

    That's just my opinion but it was never tested, you can still try and let me know. Also the 4s and 5s I'm referring to is going against a really strong group, if it's a weak group ok group you might be able to get away with it.
  8. ALEX33016 Well-Known Player for weapon mods for battle healing I should use the blast one that hits multiple targets? It would kinda make sense since cB heals from damage from your weapon (along with Celest Combos, of coourse) and you are hitting multiples, right? Thanks for the info...
  9. Black Stem Well-Known Player

    I would still go with the Healing tac mod, reason being that If cB is not up then you do not get any heals and you cannot predict when the tac mod will kick in.
  10. Prodigy_Deity New Player

    So I have been playing with battle healing a bit and started to get a second set of gear for battle healing as I have one to healing dpsing pvp and had a 4th ready.

    Haven't had the chance to read up but thought I'd share what I had. Currently my loadout is:
    Blessing, BlightcAdmonsh, consume soul, divine light, Renew MaledictioncBenedition.

    Basicly what I am doing is using McB to set up my combos. I clip with CS to get my HoT up. I follow with a weapon attack clipped with BcA. Reason I use BcA instead of AcB is so that I could hit with the combo to utilize my McB. Have Blessing for breathing room when needed. Same with DL as my oh **** moment. Thinking bout getting plague as well for that extra damage healing but will have to see my pp when I'm home.

    Still practicing the combos before I try to heal a raid.
  11. Black Stem Well-Known Player

    That's almost the same thing i use, I really think you should look into Life drain. It's only 35% SC and it heals great (Even in DPS stance), if you rotate this with colas and what not, you'll be hard to kill. I used AcB because it's a burst heal and the damage cB does is amazing, it's almost like a mini Plague with long lasting DOTs. If you get cB the DOTs will be precision, thus doing more damage and more heals because of McB. I dropped DL because I don't think it's really needed in 1s and 2s because you already have plenty of heals, it's more of a 4s 5s and 8s healing move IMO. So for the last slot try a Debuff or Robot Sidekick ( sounds funny but Robot sidekick is based off CR and it'll be there to split damage when you get attacked and also do some damage)
  12. Prodigy_Deity New Player

    Sorry I meant to say that this is for healing in pve for pvp I love AcB. But for t5 content I use BcA to have combos that are ranged. Don't want the solo battle healer dying cause he was to close lol. Which I don't have this problem with league but in lfg groups sometimes. And battle healing more fun then healing lol.
  13. Black Stem Well-Known Player

    While this may be a good idea, Admonish is one of your go to heals and if you have to combo to use it, then it would not be ideal. Try using Retribution in place of consume souls.
  14. Prodigy_Deity New Player

    I've thought of that but the cs allie heal affects all pets as well giving it great use. And comboing into admonish give 5% magnitude if I remember correctly.

    Right now I try to keep up cs for the allie HoT. I've checked my innates earlier and I am using 3 innates for magnatude for both heal and dps and using the heal chance boost. Combo both blight and dl when needed.

    Will try your suggestion thou. Thinking, if I do to for retribution instead of dropping cs maybe I'd go with blessing. Thou I love it this might help cover corners with the cleanse PI. I'd have to do a new rotation of cs into McB clip with BcA clip with cs and follow a weapon combo clipped with retribution. Then I'd rinse and repeat.
  15. Black Stem Well-Known Player

    Well, whatever is comfortable for you. It was tuff for me to drop CS too but Blessing is really nice, I especially love it when Atrocidius is charging and you pop that, lives are saved. It's nice if you're under control and need to act, it prevents damage 125% of you resto which is a nice amount.
  16. Prodigy_Deity New Player

    Yes I'm having trouble letting go of cs as well lol. I will try to see how going without cs works out. And like you said blessing is amazing. Think I'd rather drop cs then blessing.

    Another thing, have you tried dropping either renew or dl (leaning towards dl) and replacing with with curse idol? Been wanting to try it out.
  17. Black Stem Well-Known Player

    You should take a look at page 1, Remander battle heals alot more than I do, see his advice there.
  18. Black Stem Well-Known Player

    You can last without either one in all honesty though, If you get rid of DL it'll be alot more like sorcery healing where you don't have any Instant big heals really. If you drop Renew, which Remander does, you will have to tread admonish like your renew lol.
  19. blklightning New Player

    Well, Remander is right! Weapon Mastery has turned battle healing into pure beast mode. With content where adds stay alive MUCH longer, we really shine.

    I've got footage of me healing w/ HB's and another using Brawlers, so that i can try to figure out which yields a better McB HoT. I've also got footage of a duo w/ a buddy where I hit 5558 w/ a Home Run combo. Better yet... in that same duo, I've got another Home Run hit for 4457. The heal that follows it was 4721. That's the largest McB heal I've seen to date. It's also 1pt over my resto of 4720. (all of my trinkets are prec buffs).

    I'll get videos up soon. Battle healing is even more fun than before.

    Regular healing is good, too, with all of those NPCs that can be healed. Can't wait to run this with my elec healer.
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  20. ALEX33016 Well-Known Player

    How'd you spec? Still 4:1 and what loadout? 5558 is huge! Congrats!