Stem's Guide To Celestial Healing

Discussion in 'Oracle’s Database (Guides)' started by Black Stem, Sep 7, 2013.

  1. blklightning New Player

    They are not equal, technically. Battle healing is high risk for high reward. If you miss the combo... that's 12 seconds that your healing abilities are crippled. With a good team, battle healing is awesome. I say start with regular healing until you understand the power and the combos. Then venture out a bit.

    At 109SP, you have enough to do what needs to be done. Spec into tier 1 resto, crit chance, and crit mag. Then go for tier 1 crit attack chance, then crit attack damage. After that, go for precision innates.
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  2. Skyris Allen Well-Known Player

    Im experience with combos been healing 4man 4 2weeks
    Do I need dps innates in order to battel heal ?
  3. Remander Steadfast Player

    Yes, to get the most out of it. You also need Core Strength to be really effective.
  4. Celestial Paragon Dedicated Player

    We need to run something together again for old times sake - lal4 (aka Celestial Paragon)
  5. blklightning New Player

    Anyone notice that the cooldown for Anoint has been drastically reduced?

    I was playing risky and running Remanders super aggressive battle healing loadout. The one w/o Blessing or Renew. I kept wondering why Anoint was off cooldown, since I had JUST cast it.

    Well, that means we can keep the buff up with less downtime and that Anoint is now a power to use for clipping. Woohoo!
  6. Black Stem Well-Known Player

    Yeah, seems like all buff moves can be recasted after it's duration has finished.
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  7. Black Stem Well-Known Player

    Anytime, just a tell away!
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  8. Remander Steadfast Player

    Yep. It wasn't listed in the patch notes, but Anoint was made so you can keep it active all the time, just like Benediction, Wired, Reinforce, etc. Pretty awesome. ScH is also no longer vulnerable to block.
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  9. Black Stem Well-Known Player

    Will be doing a little updating in the guide here and there during the week.
  10. Black Stem Well-Known Player

    Finally, The Guide has been updated. Thanks to Remander for the Help!
    (Battle Healing and Transitional Update)
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  11. reedy101 New Player

    Hey guys i am new to the forum and new to Celestial, i have been a Nature healer for over three months now and was getting tired of it as it was quit easy, i looked into other healing powers and like the look and versatility that Celestial brings but i have a few questions im hoping you pros can answer. i am currently cr 99 and have 72 skill points. i want to set up a healer only to start and have followed the guide but where is best to spread my skill points ? with nature i put them all into resto. i also want to try a battle healer out as i have a armoury spare so where do you put you s points for this ? and do i need dps armour to do this or do you keep your healing gear on ? sorry if these questions have been asked before. i read through the thread but could not see a answer relating to mine

    thanks in advance
  12. Remander Steadfast Player

    Welcome to Celestial! It's a blast! With CR 99 and only 72 SP, I would make sure to get your healing crits, then tier 1 resto. There is so much resto in gear nowadays, that the amount of tier 1 resto you'll miss with 72 SP won't matter. Better to get the crits, IMO. As for battle healing, as I mentioned in the guide, you really need more SP than you have to make it work. Reason is that you have to maximize damage and healing simultaneously. That means getting at least the damage crits, in addition to the healing crits. If you don't do enough damage, there's no point in battle healing. You're better off just going pure healer. Refer back to page one for more detailed information.
  13. reedy101 New Player

    Thanks so much for the quick reply. I looked at your guide and see i should not even stary trying until sp is in the 90 so have some work to do there before i start to look at the Battle healing option? Is there a good guide you could refer me to for a dps build that I could try out just to get some feat hunting done.

    Thanks again.
  14. Remander Steadfast Player

    There is good information in the other Celestial guide in this forum, but you'll have to dig for it. It's not as organized. If you want some basic tips, I can help you out.
  15. reedy101 New Player

    Thanks Remander i am loving this power. im just looking to see again where to put my sp into and what powers i need and the combos or rotations. i read somewhere that a rifle is the best weapon for dps ?
    thanks so much for you assistance is there a rep system for this forum so i can pass on my thanks ?
    i will also take a look around other threads for some infomation
  16. Remander Steadfast Player

    Happy to help. You really only need your weapon for stats. Main times I use my weapon are in solo and duo content, or if power is at a premium for some reason in an alert/raid. I'm not particularly fond of Rifle, due to the terrible lunge move, but Grenade is nice. Of course, they are adjusting the damage of that soon. There are jump clipping rotations using Defile and Rifle, but jump clipping will no longer be an option soon. Anyways, with the increased power consumption, the damage increase using that approach is not that great. Your DPS staples will be Anoint (precision buff), Benediction (attack crit buff), Retribution comboed into cleansed Wither, and Plague comboed into corrupted Divine Light. I also spec Admonish into cleansed Blight for melee range AoE, and Smite into cleansed Haunt for a quicker, lower power cost attack than RcW.
  17. reedy101 New Player

    that is perfect Remander I will give that a go, and where should my skill points go precision or might or crit weapon ? bearing in mind i only have 72 at the moment ? sorry to keep going on
  18. Remander Steadfast Player

    All damage crits first, then tier 1 precision, then tier 1 might. You won't get all the might with those SP, but the payoff will be better for that than going into tier 2 precision.
  19. reedy101 New Player

    Thanks so much. I will give it a go and work at getting those skill points up so I can give your build a go
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  20. GodofSorcery New Player

    Is the loadout on the first page still good or is there a better one out there now. Just switched from Sorc to Celestial today