Stem's Guide To Celestial Healing

Discussion in 'Oracle’s Database (Guides)' started by Black Stem, Sep 7, 2013.

  1. blklightning New Player

    The new gear is soooo OP that I can wear a mix of healer/dps gear and still have 4k resto. There's been talk of acquiring a 2nd set of healer gear that can be modded full resto/prec, so we can benefit even more but not lose out on our regular healing. That's a lot of exos though. :p

    While battle healing, I have my DPS Central City trinket and my precision trinket from Sons of Trigon. While regular healing, I use the healing counterparts of each trinket. The DPS trinket for CC is a nice mixup, cuz you can still get the group shielding (only available in healer role) and the precision boost that you can squeeze out for up to 60sec (if you're willing to take a stun on the last activation). I also tend to carry orbital strike and supply drop on my battle loadout, whereas it's seasonal healer trinket and supply drop on my regular healing.

    I don't particularly run ST, as I hate one part of the open world content. When doing MR, I usually battle heal until the last fight. Then, it's a mixup depending on how squishy the team is. The more skilled players are at avoiding unnecessary damage = the more risk we can take with our loadouts. I find that the last room of MR has enough crowd control and counters that I'm too easily knocked out of my McB combo. That alone makes me very grateful for armories and being able to change specs depending on the challenge coming up.
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  2. Remander Steadfast Player

    Welcome to Celestial healing. :D

    My current battle healer loadout is: Renew, AcB, McB, CS, Blessing, CI. I dropped out RcW, because it's very power hungry. I sometimes sub in ScH for CS, though. My Armory has a mix of healer and DPS gear with the WoL prec trinket, consumable (Karmic Hex, usually), Supply Drop, and Orbital Strike in my utility belt. Depending on the content, I'll titrate the amount of DPS gear. For instance, in T4, I can use more, because my base heals don't need to be as great. In T3 and below, I'll even heal in full DPS gear with exception of my healer chest piece (has Core Strength, whereas my DPS chest has Penetrating Strikes). I like titrating DPS gear, rather than locking myself in with all resto/prec in my reds and yellows, for instance. I run a pure healer loadout which involves no battle healing at all. Don't want to bother with 2 full sets of healer gear.

    EDIT: Ugh, that was my old battle healer loadout. Replace Anoint with CS. The ScH sub is for AcB. Sorry. Been running more as DPS recently.
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  3. Derio 15000 Post Club

    Gear must not be modded with resto and precision, because I am sitting at 772 precision and 5089 restoration. Yea a flex soder can easily bump to over 1k and rage buff to 1800 or celestial annoint from another dps to 1600. I dont wear any dps gear when I battle heal and everything is resto and precision and health and restoration. Skill points go in all the healing and rest of them go in critical attack and critical attack magnitude and precision.

    My guess is you dont have the 90 gear, combine that with new gear and almost 800 precision I have seen crazy numbers in healer role, especially from rage dps buff, divine light to plague can hit anywhere from 1900 to 3500 and admonish to blight from 1500-2500.
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  4. Derio 15000 Post Club

    Try divine light to plague, yea its 1 power point but it ticks 11 times after the initial hit and if your precision is over 700 it will tick for 300 and sometimes intial hit crits over 2k while giving heals.
  5. Remander Steadfast Player

    Yeah, I've run with that instead of CI, but IIRC, I didn't like the PP investment required. I'll look at it again.
  6. blklightning New Player

    I'm not particularly a fan of conjecture, especially when it's directed toward me.

    I'm 1-2 pcs of shy of full 90 gear. I don't mod my healer gear's yellow sockets w/ resto/prec mods. Those go in my DPS gear and/or will go in my 2nd set of healer gear as those drop in the future. So, the numbers I provided are from a blend of healer and dps gear. They'll continue to change as more pieces drop or are purchased.
  7. Sage-Rapha Steadfast Player

    Damn..... I'm so behind!!! Ugh!
    I give up tryin to keep up.
  8. Derio 15000 Post Club

    Oh ok, yea i didnt want to sacrifice the power and resto so I could still battle heal and solo heal at the same time. Hopefully when T6 drops they give us healers a little more precision in our gear because the restoration is already at an insane high.
  9. blklightning New Player

    Well, I thought I'd like bow for battle healing, but I hate it. I just can't consistently pull of as much dmg w/ my 90 bow as I can my 87/88 HBs. Specced down and my McB heals are much larger and more consistent.
  10. 13igtyme Devoted Player

    Doesn't HcS do more precision damage? It's a hair slower but for a healer they shouldn't be blowing up their power bar anyway.
  11. Remander Steadfast Player

    ScH is a single target might burst with a prec cone DoT (3 ticks). HcS is a single target might DoT (3 ticks) with a prec cone burst. So, sort of the opposite of each other. The prec burst of cS seems to be less overall damage on average than the tick stack of cH, though.

    Anyways, I'm back to using RcW with weapon combos subbed in, when power is an issue. I was tired of getting block punished with ScH. ;)
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  12. 13igtyme Devoted Player

    I've always used weapon combos for my prec damage. But lately I was wanting to test more. To me McB is just another HoT.
  13. Remander Steadfast Player

    Exactly! Fact is that you'll do more precision damage with Celestial combos than weapon combos, so if the power is available, you should use it. Doesn't take long to determine whether your team can tolerate the power draw. Just adjust accordingly.
  14. blklightning New Player

    How are your PP specced for the new loadout again? Is this the same loadout you'd use for solo healing Raids and running alerts/ops?

    I'm sure I'll play around a bit. Just too sleepy to want to try right now.
  15. Remander Steadfast Player

    I'm going to try out Anoint, AcB, McB, RcW, PcDL, CI. Much more aggressive loadout, so we'll see. Enough PP to spec the 10% healing and damage mag Iconics. Will not have Blessing, and will have to rely on Admonish for burst. Interested to see the damage-based heals, though. Should be able to get a PcDL and at least two RcW while McB is up. With prec trinket and Anoint, my prec will be around 2500. :)
  16. blklightning New Player

    This looks fun. I worry about its ability to handle an "Oh crap!" moment, as your only burst is Admonish. Looks like a really great supplemental DPS/healer loadout. Great way to help out in damage, yet help a "solo" healer at the same time.
  17. Remander Steadfast Player

    Yeah, that's the idea. Wouldn't solo heal a raid with that setup, unless overgeared.
  18. 13igtyme Devoted Player

    If I had armories, I'd have one be my main healing which is AcB, divine, renew, blessing, CS, and McB with using HB for damage. The other would be a more damage healer spec. But honestly if I did a better damage healer load out I'd probably be embarrassing pug dps even more. However, I don't have armories because I don't think I'll be playing this game for much longer in its current "Nerf bad weapons and power, while buffing OP weapons and powers" state of imbalance.
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  19. NyyPope New Player

    I got a Question I ran A&B with a Healer "Nature" who had less Resto then me Prob CR 98 or 99 and a Rage Tank who is a monster and I got out healed by both my Resto is 4300 Cr99 100sp I use AcB, Renew, Consume Soul, Blessing, Divine Light, Life Drain. The only thing I did notice at the end my power in was 230,678 and the Nature was 689,000 he had as much power in as the 2nd place DPS and I had the least. I have soloed Nexus Wave and Healed A&B several times what am I doing wrong not to mention the Rage Tank healed into the Millions.
  20. blklightning New Player

    It may not be that you were doing anything wrong. The Nature healer may have been spamming heals unnecessarily.
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