Stem's Guide To Celestial Healing

Discussion in 'Oracle’s Database (Guides)' started by Black Stem, Sep 7, 2013.

  1. Cadens Dedicated Player

    You swap out cursed idol for sacrifice when you solo? That makes entirely no sense. Sacrifice has no effect on you, only group members.
  2. Cadens Dedicated Player

    What I have found in PVP, is that celestial suffers from constant interrupts, stuns, juggles etc... far more than the other healing powers. Sometimes, i cant even get off the ground and have enough time to cast a combo, due to another stun landing. Stuns in general need to be toned the F down in PVP.
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  3. Derio 15000 Post Club

    It makes perfect sense if you know how to use it. Not to mention if you are out of attack range of the boss you wont draw aggro when casting it. Typically in raid groups I take the least amount of damage and with 6100 health and 4400 defense I have alot of survivability. Like I said sacrifice held in the right hands is a great supercharge.
  4. Derio 15000 Post Club

    After using that loadout to get the epic odessey feat I can pretty much use sacrifice for any content. But I will find out when DLC9 comes out.
  5. Remander Steadfast Player

    BIngo. Not to mention that if you already have north of 4k resto, you should use the prec trinket over the resto trinket. Hit that before Anoint for an even bigger prec boost.
  6. 13igtyme Devoted Player

    As long as you don't spam combos back to back you can't be interrupted during a combo. Do combo> weapon> combo and you wont be interrupted.
  7. Cadens Dedicated Player

    But ill be stunned in that time period, more times than not, while im in the middle of the combo.
  8. Cadens Dedicated Player

    So you were talking about solo healing, not when you are "soloing" content.
  9. Derio 15000 Post Club

    Yea sorry i meant solo healing, when I am soloing content, cursed idol is the way to go.
  10. Sage-Rapha Steadfast Player

    Saw the videos on the 1st page... oh lord.. I have failed as a healer lol.
  11. Black Stem Well-Known Player

    Please specify xD.
  12. Sage-Rapha Steadfast Player

    You made it look so effortless! Have trouble keeping people alive period.
    It could be what I'm running with and the fact that my resto is only 3250 right now. Cr 94 and mixed up the numbers with skill points lol. My sight is horrible... instead of 87 its 67.. just my luck.

    Haven't done dox or nexus yet. Trying to at least get to 3800 resto..
    I'm running with Renew (no combo)
    Admonish cBlight
    Consume Soul
    Divine Light
    Consecrated Ground
    Blessing or Guardians Light
  13. Black Stem Well-Known Player

    Please don't use Guardian's Light xD...It's REALLY not needed, if anything the 3 sec cast is risky and why take a risk that is not needed. You'll benefit off a sheild more, it's a 4 man heal (Regenetive sheilding) and it takes in damage equal to 125% of your resto. That aside after HOTs are up it's fairly simple, use use Admonish Renew to heal primarily with Blessing in case you're in a control effect and cannot heal and I try to save Divine Light for special times.

    EDIT: The first part is talking about T5 healing (Raids) T4 and below might be nice to use Guardian's Light because of cheap healing (Power).
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  14. Zeikial Committed Player

    Regenerative shielding only heals you when you pop a shield, it does not heal everyone that gets the shield. And blessing is still bugged, when using malediction combo so it might be best to have another heal in the load out or a SC
  15. Remander Steadfast Player

    I think he may have been mentioning that because Regenerative Shielding is about the best hand mod out there, and a lot of folks use it, regardless of powerset or role (I use it on all my toons). Yeah, and Blessing is still broken, but the shield only breaks for you, not for others.
  16. Zeikial Committed Player

    If you have regenerative shield mod in you hands but I use a shield, it still does not heal you, only the user who activates the shield. Either way, I will check it out after work, but I am pretty sure that's how that works. I have also noticed if you use blessing before McB you keep the shield, but if you use after casting McB is when you loose the shield.
  17. Remander Steadfast Player

    Hmm, I think you may be right, there. Just reviewed the tooltip description.

    Using AcB after Blessing will also break the shield, so when I cast Blessing, I usually go to CS as my HoT to top folks off. They really need to fix that. Have seen no indication in Arkham Asylum that they are even paying attention, though. :(

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  18. Sage-Rapha Steadfast Player

    I know about blessing. I mainly use that. Guardian's light is my fail safe when the damage is eating through shields and heal. Used it in mist last night... didn't wipe once.
    What I do is admonish cBlight, comsume soul, blessibg lol. I guess the people I played with before were really squishy...the t5 alert I was running with. Few friends, their health didn't dip below 50%..
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  19. blklightning New Player

    In my battle healer gear, I have base precision of around 700 and resto around 4K. I can drink a flex soder and get precision up to 1K. An additional 45% of that is significant and welcome. 45% of a normal healer's precision is paltry though.
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  20. TK PUSHA Dedicated Player

    thanks ya'll.
    first time reading this.
    i just recently have started 'easing' my way into healing with Celestial by doing some battle heal hybrid stuff.
    mostly because we've been queuing into the new OPs and often end up getting by without a healer.

    anyway, right now i'm basically just curious as to what what gear you're wearing in healer stance while you "battle heal'.
    are you just using all dps gear and then maybe healer trinkets, weapon, neck ... or just mix and matching however?