Status of Server Lag & Ongoing Issues

Discussion in 'Announcements' started by Kikumod, May 22, 2024.

  1. Kikumod Guest

    Hey everyone, I wanted to share an update with you all on the ongoing server and animation lag that has been impacting the in-game experience.

    The team is very aware of these server issues, and we have been actively monitoring the situation and working to mitigate the lag.

    To help us investigate the issue, please share details of any server/lag issues you experience here:

    We understand it's frustrating that it has taken this long for the team to publicly acknowledge the issues and their impact on DC Universe Online. We really appreciate everyone's patience and understanding as we continue to monitor the situation and work as fast as we can to mitigate the issues!

    Players may continue to experience in-game lag heading into tomorrow's release of the Braniac Returns Episode - we apologize for this, and we'll be working to resolve this as fast as possible so players can have the best experience possible with the game.
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  2. RTX Well-Known Player

    It would help to first fix the performance issues causing framedrops in the new episode before releasing it. Otherwise you will have people mixing things up. Since there are people which don´t know the difference between FPS drops, Stutters or Lags.

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  3. zNot Loyal Player

    From past experiences i would recommend to delay the release of the episode untill the problems are fixxed,it will overshadow the effort put in the episode. You dont want to make a bunch of returning players a bad impression by giving them a lag show.
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  4. Moon Shinobi777 Level 30

    Thank you for your hard working, I have faith in the new dev team keep pushing! Can't wait to see what is next from them.
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  5. MsTickle Fate Devoted Player


    Don't let yourself be put on automatic pilot regarding release times. Releasing a problematic Episode is much worse than delaying it another week.
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  6. Ryan_Ragenolds Active Player

    Delaying the release of the Episode would be a good idea. Atleast for a week.
    Even tho if you guys cant fix the lag and animation delays that randomly occurs, atleast make sure that the episode is free of.bugs (or has the minimum). Because as of right now, theres still quite a few.
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  7. Jhaina1 New Player

    Não e só o atraso intermitente, também há sérios problemas com recebimento de loots em várias instâncias
    Essa DLC pode provocar um dano ainda maior no jogo,e claramente visível que algo está muito errado. Compreendo o trabalho dedicado agora,será que a melhor opção não seria arrumar primeiro antes de lançar um conteúdo onde causará um impacto gigante no server?
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  8. SilkyPawz Bunny

    I am sorry, I will start there.

    This has gone on for months now as much as some don't like it, you are now asking us to do your job? it has been reported over and over since January, the chat issues, the lag is everyday.

    You made big phases in Gotham and Metro and Nothing from you or any Dev in Months, there is soooo little Communication. I will say it I MISS MEPPS!!

    This is beyond Outrageous!

    People here on forum posted videos after video and now this, and then we post info right and still no word when this get done, so it's another way to make this take longer to get fixed.

    All any of you or devs need to do is log into THE GAME !!!
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  9. iTiredOfTheLies Active Player

    Yeah! Tbh! I think the DLC should be pulled until these issues are fixed.
    A lot of players will turn up tomorrow to play the new dlc; and if the DLC itself turns out to be underwhelming - attop the lag/delay issues, alongside the usual issues ‘EVERY DLC’ has, I’d say it would be the final straw for quite a few.
    It’s no longer just an inconvenience! It’s a show of intent on the companies behalf. We intend to release a DLC, regardless of the issues plaguing the game.
    This is going on around 2 months now! The forums are getting worse. I swear! I can only assume that this company have cut back on EVERYTHING! And are paying for Somaliservers, and whoever hosts this site must be getting paid less too. It seems that anything daybreak, is broke/breaking,
    Honest to god! If I could get someone to - I’d sell my account in a heartbeat.
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  10. AZPrime Active Player

    The fact that some of you think that the DLC can be delayed by just a week to fix all these compounded problems shows that you're giving the dev team too much credit.

    Look, I understand the dev team is stretched thin and has been "pouring their all" into this DLC, but if the core game itself is having such terrible lag, unstable connectivity and server connection issues, and a busted voice chat that decides to randomly stop working, adding new content to draw more players in is going to make this powederkeg of a problem just get even worse. They don't need a week to fix something this drastic, this will take a month, minimum.

    Therein lies the problem though; most of the issues with the upcoming DLC aren't from the DLC itself, especially since it reuses multiple assets that otherwise have no faults. The problems are in the root game, in the servers they're using and in the buggy, outdated game code they've been compiling over and over for 13+ years. The DLC is going to release with game breaking bugs, not because the DLC was poorly made, but because the basic issues with the core game haven't been dealt with.
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  11. Tarn Active Player

    First lags I noticed more then month ago, even that I dont play that much as back in days.
    Since that time lag wasnt fixed, and tommorow is release of new episode, which will increase lag even more.
    So now i can say only 1 thing - THANK YOU for info, because i was planning to renew subscription, but since game developers cant fix game its pointless to renew subscription.
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  12. Ghostknight Well-Known Player

    Tomorrow will definitely be interesting when the new episode comes out, everyone comes back, and the lag isn't fixed. All I can say is just be prepared to be, at the least, frustrated.

    Peace and DCUO Forever
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  13. Gravedigger Active Player

    By the time anyone on a console jumps through all the hoops to report an issue, they might as well just wait the lag out. Reporting issues has never been console friendly, & reporting anything requires a whole different set of login details for a whole other web page. Its just not worth it tbh, & as you say, you know how bad the lag issues are, so surely you’ll fix it
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  14. Spider Jerusalem Well-Known Player

    This is from someone who's been here before, and has see this movie! Heed this warning, devs!!!!

    You drop a glitched episode, this far overdue, and you will be putting a nail in the coffin of this game.
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  15. Inattentive New Player

    Thank you for acknowledging it, I have to say delaying the release would be most optimal, at this point you will be bringing new eyes to your product with bad gaming basics attached to it. I more than anyone want new content, but this will not be good for the game as a whole. The lag needs to be fixed 100% before releasing new content.
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  16. Dirty Paw New Player

    You want understanding from the players because it takes you over a month to respond ?! don't be ridiculous ....
    But you should think about postponing the episode before you get more shitstorm, that would be a smart move.

    Players want to enjoy the new content and with these delays it won't be enjoyable.
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  17. Tropical Skittles Taste The Rainbow

    This has been an on-going issue for several months. You can join a raid and at first it will be fine. But then on second and last boss it would lag. The screen would freeze and people just standing there not moving. Go back in it again but this time first and last boss is lagging but second boss is fine. It's various lag spikes, at various random times. You can not complete anything without it lagging, no matter what you are running.

    Also, we would have lag spikes when the dev's do dev invasions. The screen would be glitched, and people just standing there not moving. Then BOOM speeds up real fast to catch up to current frame.

    Now if you can imagine that. Just imagine what it would be like when thousands of people logging in for the new dlc tomorrow. My question is why are you going to release a new dlc, before you fix the issue? I would rather have the lag fixed before you release the new dlc. (I have the lag issue on my PS5 DCUO version 4 and 5 and PC)
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  18. ItsMeAgain Well-Known Player

    I'm just throwing this out there, but I really do think its time to upgrade those servers. It will make a huge difference!
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  19. iLazy Well-Known Player

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  20. thedemonocus Loyal Player

    Here's a crazy idea why don't you just delay the release of the new episode until you have the game working properly
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