Up-Votes Needed Statue of Triumphs

Discussion in 'Arkham Asylum (Bug Reports)' started by FreyDCUO, Jan 7, 2021.

  1. FreyDCUO Well-Known Player

    On my main character, I'm able to purchase each of the statues except Ultraman because I have not completed the regular version of the Panopticon raid on said character. I have done the elite version many times however for renown and to try to get the cape (Still no luck haha) but it doesn't give me the option to purchase the Ultraman statue. Can this be looked at and possibly fixed or was this intended?
  2. Recon4thCav Level 30

    I can not buy the Brainiac Statue even though I have beaten him in Prime Battle Grounds and have the currency needed to buy it.
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  3. KlarkKent Creator League

    I assume the required boss for that base item is actual Brainiac which is in Brainiac's Bottle Ship raid. Maybe they mistakenly coded it as Prime Battle Ground?o_O
  4. Recon4thCav Level 30

    Have beaten him there also.
  5. Recon4thCav Level 30

    I reset both raids and still can not get the Brainiac Statue. Any update on a fix? Kinda sucks I wasted 175 replay badges and still nothing.
  6. StealthBlue Loyal Player

    You didn't have to spend replay badges to go in to the instances again. Using replay badges just allows you to get loot when you rerun them.

    On both instances, did you wait until all dialog is finished at the end and interact with any NPC or object nearby that has an interact icon. It's been a long time since I've done either of those raids, but I know that people often skip those kinds of things and sometimes it prevents a feat or mission from completing.
  7. Recon4thCav Level 30

    Did everything and yes I know using replay badges was not needed, but wanted to try everything. Like for Prime Battleground I qued in and walked in and soloed it.