Stats Revamp GUI

Discussion in 'Testing Feedback' started by Rejoicer1, Jun 25, 2017.

  1. Rejoicer1 Well-Known Player


    After going thru the forums I've noticed some common GUI requests for the stats revamp that I wanted to highlight for the developers:

    1) At the reset stations, have seperate entries for Stats, Iconics, Weapons, etc. NO ONE wants to have to rechoose 175 points in stats everytime they want to try a different setup.

    2) Have the dialer boxes for stats to make it easy to add or REMOVE stat points. Having add only with space bar is better than nothing, but still a real pain if you accidentally spend a point you didn't want to.

    3) Make sure you have a story line and some decent tutorials to go with the stats revamp release so people have an in-game reason for it to occur (some mini missions with rewards would be nice!) and lots of help to help the vast majority who haven't followed the forums in depth to understand what is going on and how to set up new loadouts for their characters that are decent.

    4) Adjust the numbers in ther STATS panes to show the actual stat value their chracter will have if they choose to spend a point in a given area. Right now the numbers don't match reality in many cases and are confusing.

    Looking forward to a great opportunity and revamp.
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