Stats Revamp 1.7

Discussion in 'Stats Revamp Archive' started by Avair, Jun 9, 2017.

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  1. spack2k Steadfast Player

    something new on the horizon?

    - i expect if i run a raid with 2 controllers the group to have no power issues regardless the spam like on live the case is with 1 troller.
    only expert raid groups who go with 1 troller only should pay attention at what power at which situation they using (pot need to stack else one troller is wasted)

    - why the damage penalty on support roles ?
  2. Mighty Committed Player

    That makes sense, I see how we jumped the track on that one. I would still raise the concern that mods tend to come last in the gear chase, because of the extreme cost associated with them. If they're going to be vital to maintaining the status quo from one gearset to the next, I think they should be more accessible than they are on live. Different issue for a different day, but I think it's worth considering.
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  3. Memphis Rainz Well-Known Player

    Becuase they are supports, not DDs. No?
  4. CaptainColdJr007AKAFreeJohnson Committed Player

    1. Half of the people that went back and forth with you have been testing with 230-270sp and have been getting extra skill points by running about the WT for hours to go above and beyond since testing has began. I have not seen one, hear me when I say this, ONE COMMENT that falls in line with this "Now, some testers seem to be asking for a solo Role able to heal / power heal / tank through difficult content while at baseline stats (low SP, no mods, no generator mods). " I would love to see a link of someone saying they want to run elite OLY/GOM/US/JFAwith no mods, no gens, and <100sp easily. I'll wait, because I doubt you'll find it since I've been every thread since stats first released.

    2. We wanted to have challenging content that made average players go 2 of each role and even above average still need 2 of each role. Only the elitists should be allowed to have solo roles in hard content, and that's something that's not currently allowed on revamp.

    3. No one asked for infinite power for healer. There's a difference between "more power" and "infinite power".

    4. Being able to complete content doesn't state anything meaningful in and of itself. You could struggle using a 5-1-1-1 comp and take twice as long inside of a raid with multiple wipes and moments of power issues and still eventually make it through. That doesn't mean that 5-1-1-1 is fine for normal content.

    5. You also failed to remember what you typed earlier when you stated this bit.

    If my power cost was solely on my gear, then when I increased in CR and kept the same olympian mods and skill points, MY GEAR ALONE would make up for the power cost increase. I wouldn't need special forces mods and 10 extra skill points in might pow. I understand that say:
    Gear Set 1:
    - gives "x" power
    - has mods for "y" power
    - I have a rotation that uses "z" power/sec

    Gear Set 2:
    - gives "x+1" power
    - has mods for "y" power
    - I have a rotation that uses "z+1" power/sec

    Yes I get that "y" is a lesser value in comparison to "z+1" as opposed to "z". However, that difference should not be noticeable to the point that I suffer that heavily and I'm forced to do "y+1" as well to maintain my rotation. If I take a penalty, so be it, but I'll be damned if I work for 3 months to get generator mods that go to hell with the next dlc because z got increased again. Z needs to increase at a lesser rate or X needs to increase at a higher rate to make up for us not having to upgrade Y. X/Z can change significantly in a week without even spending significant replays. Y takes months to finish. If I could craft mods as fast as I got gear, this wouldn't be problem but that's the not case. That's forcing anyone who has a rotation focused on their power pool (controllers and pftt especially) to constantly upgrade and spend money to get back to where they used to be.

    6. In regards to NPC's 1shottting everyone besides the tank, that's a content design problem that we used to didn't have. That requires a fix on how the defense stat and tank mitigation works.

    7. "Since you don't need to be healing at max efficiency 100% of the time" Have you ever played Elite or high rounds of SM????? You never know when an add or the boss is going to go onto someone and especially inside of Elite, you only have 1 death. You can't be half-healing through that besides at very specific points where you know it's safe. That's max heals throughout the entire boss for the most part. If you guys designed Elite better besides just having 1 death as a restriction, we wouldn't have to play that way.

    8. Not needing a controller to power heal is an exaggeration.
    8.1 - You killed the idea of controllers trying to power heal by forcing a prec buff into their dump.
    8.2 - As stated before, you talked about infinite power which is easily avoidable. Give us a lesser amount of power or make it to where one stat's hybrid power stat doesn't stack with another. That can be tweaked, that's not an issue to dismiss everything with.

    9. "DPS on the other hand will always try to be at max performance" SO IS EVERYONE ELSE. YOU ACT LIKE EVERY1 ELSE PLAYS LAZY AND CASUAL UNTIL **** HAPPENS LOL Healers want to make sure people don't die outside of 1shots. Trolls want to debuff and stun everything known to man while keeping everyone at 30-40%+ power. Tanks want to pull everything and just tank it and possibly fight it. We don't sit there and eat girl scout cookies until we are needed.
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  5. L T Devoted Player

    I think we universally need T(n-1) synthetic mods at the T(n) vendor. T(n-2) if you really want to encourage mod-chasing.

    The trend now is that generator mods are exclusively crafted. If that becomes true, we'll need to be able to buy those also.

    This is critical for those of us with alts, as well as for premium players who are completely unable to craft.
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  6. spack2k Steadfast Player

    You already dont skill towards doing damage as support so whats the point of penaltys ? Afraid a support could out dps a damage dealer?
  7. Mepps Sr. Community Manager

    Posts will be constructive and adding to the discussion. Thanks.
  8. Mepps Sr. Community Manager

    Definitely agree. Healing is just the topic we're on currently.
  9. Crimson Mayhem Loyal Player

    I agree absolutely. In fact, I'd add that if mods are going to have a higher impact than before, even mixed synthetic mods should be accessible. T(n-1) would be fair considering the huge jump in stats now from one tier to the next (including from Olympian to Special Forces). Put them on the vendor for 5-10 MoV a piece and our alts/off-roles will be grateful.
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  10. Memphis Rainz Well-Known Player

    Afraid Supports Heals Universe Online. Especially in PvP. Why add a problem that is curently not exist.
  11. stärnbock Devoted Player

    is the power stats you gain from the gear realy calculated correctly for making up the rising power costs and with rising cr?
    is it correctly balanced around the formula you are using, and do you think anyone would be able to have health generator mods?
    i guess we as testers think we have found something you need to reconsider. we are working hard for you, not against you.
    the only thing we are hoping for is a response like "we take a look at it", nothing more. please devs, consider it, please!
    • Like x 1
  12. Mighty Committed Player

    To kind of focus back in here, I think there is a disconnect, as evidenced by Moja's first post here today. I think to say that we want infinite power for heals/tanks/yada yada yada is not an accurate accounting of the feedback, as others have said. I think what the feedback is saying is that the power costs are pretty severe, and they seem to be extremely pronounced at end-game. They seem to impact heals and trolls the most, but tanks and certain powersets' DPS are also negatively impacted. I think what we're asking for is a power paradigm somewhere between the extremes of live (swimming in blue bar), and test (need three trolls for X, PST). Most of us who test regularly, dare I speak for everyone, falls somewhere on that scale, and if I had to hazard a guess, I'd say most of us are somewhere in the middle.
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  13. Jacob Dragonhunter Steadfast Player

    I agree with this, but unfortunately I see the typical catch coming on with it, ya know the one that happens to be; X power costs less, X power has less potential system(ugh)
  14. Fatal Star 10000 Post Club

    That's really the whole issue here, is finding the middle ground, which for some odd reason is very unknown territory. If it ever gets achieved it'll be a bigger accomplishment then putting the first man on the moon..(overexagerrating, I know, but only metaphor I could use to get my point across).
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  15. jamiejacket Well-Known Player

    Surely you guys must be close to releasing the revamp? Would really love to know when this testing is over and a date for the release (and the water power)
  16. Mighty Committed Player


    I think the action item for us as testers now is to find a power paradigm that feels right. Not too easy, not too severe. Right? It's the Goldilocks problem, right now we're looking for the porridge that's juuuuust right. And then when we identify the target we come back to the development team and say, this, this is the porridge. And when we do that, it'd probably be best to have ideas on how we can get from A to B. Would be my suggestion.

    Item 1. Where do we want to be?
    Item 2. How do we get there?

    Edit: Because to be fair, asking for them to just be digging around for the sweet spot with nothing but a "warmer, warmer, colder ..." approach is pretty unproductive.
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  17. xD25x Dedicated Player

    Players only want to have better damage capabilities because the devs said the damage gap between dps and support would be much smaller than we have on live. Upon hearing this many players were very excited about the potential to hybrid playstyle with support roles.
  18. Charmed Legacy Dedicated Player

    Are you for real right now? Did you even read the last like 6 pages?
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  19. majosea Dedicated Player

    no need rush the revamp just for water powers, water is not going be op[IMG]
  20. jamiejacket Well-Known Player

    Yeah, but they've already said they're not releasing water power till they have released the revamp.
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