Stats Revamp 1.7 - Electricity

Discussion in 'Stats Revamp Archive' started by spord, Jun 9, 2017.

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  1. Sage-Rapha Steadfast Player

    Hybrid Ability by definition but that's exactly why it deals less damage than Tesla Blast.
    It's a delayed burst heal with a base strength of 45.56 approximately at an average with the real ranges being 42-48
    It's actually overpowered for a 100 power cost ability and has a healing efficiency of 3.6448 which outclasses half the hots in the game.

    Anything else you'd like to know?
    If anything Id rather the initial attack give the burst heal to give it an actual utility.
    It may be overpowered on paper but practical use it's not worth using in healer role.
  2. Xalhadrin New Player

    For whatever it's worth, I'd rather have one PI because we'll have way more options for our tray. Options = good.
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  3. Maxwill Dedicated Player

    Hmm I have a feeling that you're just showing off with those numbers :) (which I don't know nor I care if they are true or not because I tested the healing out and was too low compared to other healing powers)
    They don't need to make that as long as they make the healing over time of Galvanize or Electrogenesis double.
  4. Sage-Rapha Steadfast Player

    You do know it's only a 100 base power cost hybrid ability right? And strength has nothing to do with efficiency BTW.
    The only problems with overcharge are the delayed burst heal and the range of the burst heal which is at 12.5m.
    It makes it very niche and won't really perform well unless in PvP and even then it would have to be a very close knit fight to be of any palpable effect.
    The other hybrid ability to make an apple to apple comparison
    with is Soul Bolt in Sorcery. Nearly identical in healing but the range is Doubled on Soul bolt and it cost more power. But they ended up the almost the same in efficiency and heal strength.

    Electricity doesn't really need a buff on the healer side. Electric is fine on power as is and buffing Galvanize would include a power cost increase to 450. Not happening on my watch.
    I wouldn't want Egen to go up on Power too because it's fine where it is for its power cost.
    Electric can also put out good burst in a pinch without being harsh on Power. It doesn't really need a hot buff imo.
  5. Ringz Dedicated Player

    How would having one Pi give you more options than having two?
  6. Fatal Star 10000 Post Club

    More options for one PI*
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  7. Xalhadrin New Player

    more abilities would be usable vs 2 PI where you can only really use abilities that interact with one or the other effect. Instead of splitting generally an electrified DOT spec and a polarized "burst" spec, you can mix and match abilities on the same tray.
  8. Fatal Star 10000 Post Club

    You can still mix and match, you'd just miss out on the 10% PI bonus, and unless you're a hardcore competitive dps, 10% is not a lot.
  9. Ringz Dedicated Player

    Thats an interesting thought. Especially considering how long and use we been to two different trees.

    But for dcuo case, we always had the freedom to mix any abilities we want, so its not like we are stuck on a specialized spec; as other mmos they have it to where you have to choose a certain route and stick with it. Then if you wanna respec out of that route, the process is more difficult than going to a respec station or could cost you money.

    Right now in my head, i see the two different pi's as variations of what you can use with the freedom of being able to mix things up. I'll have to think of it more in my head, but right now making it all 1 pi sounds "plain" to me.
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  10. Xalhadrin New Player

    Considering it's looking like we're middle of the road on dps right now on dummies and probably less in content, We'll need to maximize damage. Sorry if that sounds too hardcore, but these things add up.
  11. Fatal Star 10000 Post Club

    My comment applied to all powers, not just electric. You don't NEED to stay within the PI.
  12. Black Jaq Devoted Player

    Reduced cooldown on Voltaic Blast = damage reduction. :mad:
  13. Jacob Dragonhunter Steadfast Player

    So.. I have an electricity toon on live.. and after the changes.

    Well Congrats, I officially no longer like electricity DPS anymore.

    Your whole thing about Electricity at least with the way it is on Live, your job is supposed to be dot merging or stacking it.The dots on test they only last about twelve seconds at best, you can't refresh them, and you can't keep the PI going forever.

    I may the sole one who's saying this, but I liked what we had on test before. Having V-bolt as a Dot was better in my opinion. Now to me Electric just feels like a clone of every other powerset; You have 2 big booms, one large dot, and then... that's that.

    I personally had no issues with the Polarized/Electricity setup, it's what gave electricity players diversity in-case they didn't want to use Dots or they just wanted to use burst.

    To Everyone else who's testing, keep doing what your doing. I'm just into unfamilar terrority that I don't want to chart into now with the way electricity is.

    Hopefully the healer side still maintains the whole Safety net PI aspect.
  14. Maxwill Dedicated Player

    Seems like you haven't compared electricity healing with other healing powers,(you're too focused on specific numbers) because if you would have then you would have seen the great healing out of other powers like sorcery, celestial and maybe nature's too , versus the power in .Because of the healing over time other powers will heal more and use less power in.Electricity will be faster but will use alot more power in because it lacks good H.O.T(s).
    And because you're too focused on specific numbers you might not see the general ones.
  15. L T Devoted Player

    Well... that's sort of the rules of balancing. The decrease isn't dramatic-- seems to be on the order of 5-7%. Personally I would have rather seen it get a longer cool down or higher power cost and do really mega damage, but as it is it seems like a mostly usable power.
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  16. L T Devoted Player

    Yeah Nature's DOTs under the revamp are much stronger and generally work a lot better than electric's.
    VBolt is still a DOT. V Blast is an entirely new ability. You still have electrocute, electrogenesis, voltaic bolt, and tesla ball. The problem with those is that when I run content with them I feel like I'm always just refreshing my dots.
  17. Black Jaq Devoted Player

    I know, it doesn't seem like a game changer, but it does essentially the same damage as Electrostatic Bomb now with same cooldown.
  18. Maxwill Dedicated Player

    Nonsense.Try other powers, playtest more and you'll understand eventually what I said nonsense.
    Oh and this isn't nature to refresh dots with Harvest.
  19. Maxwill Dedicated Player

    I'm not trying to start bs .I didn't try it with fatal charm, nor with Hallow .What duo discord channel?
    I am familiar with effective burst, i didn't start playing yesterday nor I am playing only 4 years.Sorcery healing is good.What fluff are you talking about?
    About celestial dps we all assume that you and most of players will have at least 237 sp to get might and power with sp(60 criticals 1 for weapon, 1 supermovement, 175) . Or you want players to not get sp? You want them to go get 201 cr and be with 60 skill points?Maximum sp is 334 , it's easy to get 290 btw, just saying....Even using 3 330 powercost powers you'll still have 31k power (58k power is maximum u can get with 175 sp in might power) So you're wrong about using 60% of your power bar.Also why would you use those?
    And I didn't say the healing out determines if the powerset is great or not.It's the effective dps side + the effective other role , healer or troller or tank.
  20. supalova20 Well-Known Player

    Devs.....for the love of electric can you please turn Shockwave back to the electrified side and turn overcharge to the polarized side its not right that polarized has 2 AOE PI for polarized and electric has 1.....shockwave is better AOE CONE on first hit not like overcharge.....overcharge puts you behind in DPS....there is no use for TELSA blast being a single target electrified spammer....thats sillly......make TELSA blast an AOE electrified spammer upon each hit like shockwave's cone or just give us shockwave back to ELECTRIFIED side.....shockwave flows better for electrified dps rotation..its not fair that other powers AOE spammers hit in AOE CONE upon use....overcharge only works when you hit a second time.....thats putting out electric dps speed back while everyone else's attack does group damage on first use of their spammers.....electric deserves a good edge since we been on the back end for 5 long years....come on....give us shockwave back to the electrified side or hell make ATTRACT ELECTRIFIED AOE spammer...thats better than overcharge.....i been electric since day one never changed and I have put up with the negative scrap on live from DUMMIES that have no love of thus game....i do....i have grinded my electric toon against all odds to 263 so and I'm still pushing...its hard but im looking forward to new fights on a better fighting level than before with this revamp because I'm hybrid dps live anyway and we need this fire and quantum loadouts are ready to go working on my electric loadout for live and possibly a pfft HL loadout
    for dps and because I love lantern controller best...give electric the love it deserves....
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