Stats Revamp 1.5: Celestial

Discussion in 'Stats Revamp Archive' started by spord, Mar 31, 2017.

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  1. spord Developer

    Stats Revamp - Celestial
    Please use this thread to discuss your testing results of the Celestial power set.

    Overall Updates
    • Celestial Combos now cost 100 power to use
    • Celestial Combos now use the Might stat for damage output
    • Both abilities no longer need to be unlocked in order to use the Celestial Combo
    • Removed multiple stat buffs and shifted that into the core abilities' output
      • Anoint
      • Corrupted Admonish
      • Blight
      • Benediction/Corrupted Benediction
    Specific Ability Updates
    • Admonish - Increased the damage cone width/Now deals extra damage to Purified enemies/Increased the cooldown to 3 sec from 1.5 sec to match other power sets 4 person heals
      • Corrupted Admonish - Increased the damage cone width/Now deals extra damage to Purified enemies/Removed knock down to keep the damage higher and because Blight has knock down leading into this combo
    • Blight - Now deals extra damage to Purified enemies/Increased the cooldown to 3 sec from 1.5 sec to account for Corrupted Admonish being a 4 man heal. The DoT can now stack with the DoT from Cleansed Blight
      • Cleansed Blight - Now deals extra damage to Purified enemies/Removed knock down to keep the damage higher and because Admonish has knock down leading into this combo. The DoT can now stack with the DoT from Blight
    • Anoint - Increased the Precision buff to 33% from 15%/Swapped the icon with Benediction to better message that this is the Weapon Buff
    • Benediction - Now heals you based on a portion of the damage dealt from your attacks/Swapped the icon with Anoint
      • Corrupted Benediction - The healing cap is now set based on a portion of your Restoration and Dominance like a shield in PvE and PvP
    • Malediction - The DoT and healing now stacks with Cleansed Malediction/Deals less damage in Healer role but with a higher healing output than DPS role
      • Cleansed Malediction - The DoT and healing now stacks with Malediction/Removed the stun to keep the damage output higher
    • Blessing - Decreased the cooldown to 18 seconds from 22 seconds/Changed it so group members only get the shields if you are in Healer role/Increased the range at which a Healer can shield a group member
      • Corrupted Blessing - Changed is so in Healer role three other group members get shields instead of one and in DPS role only the user gets a shield
    • Death Mark - Now heals you when your target is KO'ed/The effects that happen when the target is KO'ed can now stack with the effects from Cleansed Death Mark
      • Cleansed Death Mark - Removed the stun to keep the damage higher/The effects that happen when the target is KO'ed can now stack with the effects from Death Mark
    • Divine Light - Damage now stacks with Corrupted Divine Light/Initial range for Healing glyps has been increased
      • Corrupted Divine Light - Now heals you and 7 other group members instead of you and 3/Initial range for Healing glyps has been increased/Damage now stacks with Divine Light
    • Plague - Damage now stacks with Cleansed Plague/The inital burst of damage has been rolled into the damage over time effect in order to increase its effectiveness/Now deals more damage to Purified enemies
      • Cleansed Plague - Damage now stacks with Plague/The inital burst of damage has been rolled into the damage over time effect in order to increase its effectiveness/Now deals more damage to Purified enemies/If the target is KO'ed near the end of the damage over time effect it will now spread the damage over time and create a glyph just like it does near the beginning of the effect
    • Curse - The damage dealt back to the target now lasts 12 seconds instead of 16 seconds but now stacks with the same effect from Cleansed Cursed
      • Cleansed Curse - The damage dealt back to the target now stacks with the same effect from Cleansed Curse
    • Retribution - Now deals damage and Purifies up to 8 targets/No longer stuns enemies to keep the damage higher for the low power cost
      • Corrupted Retribution - Increased the radius of the damaging aura left on your target/No longer stuns enemies to keep the damage higher for the low power cost
    • Wither - Deals additional damage to Purified enemies/No longer stuns enemies to keep the damage higher for the low power cost
      • Cleansed Wither - Deals additional damage to Purified enemies/No longer stuns enemies to keep the damage higher for the low power cost
    • Smite - Deals additional damage to Purified enemies/Now deals damage in an area/No longer knocks down enemies to keep the damage higher for the low power cost
      • Corrupted Smite - Deals additional damage to Purified enemies/No longer panics enemies to keep the damage higher for the low power cost
    • Haunt - Deals additional damage to Purified enemies/Now deals damage in an area/No longer stuns enemies to keep the damage higher for the low power cost
      • Cleansed Haunt - Deals additional damage to Purified enemies/No longer stuns enemies to keep the damage higher for the low power cost
    • Wrath of the Presence - Deals additional damage to Purified enemies/Increased the cooldown to match Consume Soul
      • Corrupted Wrath of the Presence - Deals additional damage to Purified enemies/No longer knocks down enemies to keep the damage higher for the low power cost
    • Consume Soul - Deals additional damage to Purified enemies/No longer stuns enemies to match changes made to all pull abilities
      • Cleansed Consume Soul - Consume Soul - Deals additional damage to Purified enemies/No longer stuns enemies to match changes made to all pull abilities
    • Dark Pact - This ability has been removed because we no longer have super powers Might buffs
    • Sacred Light - New ability that generates supercharge, damages, stuns, and purifies enemies, and has a 6 second cooldown with a 200 power cost.
    • Defile – Removed the knock down to keep damage higher and to balance with all other execute style moves in other power sets
    • Guardian’s Light – Increased the range at which group members are healed /Heals more for group members below 50% health/Increased the cooldown in order to keep the healing output high
    • Cursed Idol – No longer triggers hit effects per tick (only once when used or if an enemy leaves the area and re-enters)/Decreased the duration and increased the supercharge cost in order to keep damage & healing higher per tick
    • Sacrifice – Can now clip animations of other heals/Increased the range at which group members are healed/No longer heals non-group member allies to ensure that group members are the target/Increased the cooldown to keep the healing & shielding higher
    • Life Drain – In order to keep the damage higher removed the heal over time that was not part of the healing gained by a portion of the damage dealt by Life Drain, increased the supercharge cost, and increased the cooldown
    • Consecrated Ground – In order to keep the 75% mitigation with a 12 second duration the supercharge cost and cooldown have been increased
    Additional changes in 1.6:
    • Cleansed Blight:
      • Increased the damage, healing and power cost.
    • Cleansed Consume Soul
      • Increased the damage, healing and power cost.
    • Cleansed Death Mark
      • Increased the damage, shielding and healing.
    • Cleansed Plague
      • Increased the damage and power cost.
    • Corrupted Admonish:
      • Increased the damage, healing and power cost.
    • Corrupted Blessing
      • Increased the damage, shielding and healing.
    • Corrupted Divine Light
      • Increased the damage and power cost.
    • Corrupted Wrath of the Presence
      • Increased the damage, healing and power cost.
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  2. Fatal Star 10000 Post Club

    Just wanted to say I love you. Theres literally nothing dreadful I read here, will be testing it heavily this weekend.
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  3. Ala Rebeldex Loyal Player

    let's get it started :D
  4. Shark Dental Devoted Player

    Looks good from reading. Just one question, the only power that sets up the purified PI for the entire playset seems to be Sacred Light, ist that correct? Is that the norm to only have one power do that? Just curious.
  5. spord Developer

    Also Retribution/Corrupted Retribution and Divine Light/Corrupted Divine Light.
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  6. Shark Dental Devoted Player

    Sweet. Just adjusted my glasses. And learned how to read. LOL. Thx.
  7. Fatal Star 10000 Post Club

    Was it intentional to change the animation on whither? It went from a bright explosion kind of animation to just a small sparkle on the ground
  8. Mepps Sr. Community Manager

    For all those testing this weekend, for clarity, we will be stopping in a bit to check on feedback tomorrow and Sunday, but we will be reviewing as a team and primarily responding and answering questions on Monday.
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  9. Aerith Rose Committed Player

    Healing Side

    Combos costing power is going to seriously hinder the heal aspect of celestial. I would appreciate if you seriously consider removing the power cost in healer stance.

    Admonish was changed to an 8 person heal a long time ago (similar changes are made to other powers). IMO it should stay an 8 person heal. The cool down should also remain as is and not be increased. Celestial only has two heals that can be used repeatedly in heavy damage situations (admonish and the single heal). If the cool down is increased then the strength of the burst heal also needs increased.

    Question regarding male fiction and benediction. It seems like they both provide a heal based on damage. Is the heal they provide intended to be equal or does one provide a stronger heal over the other?
  10. CrappyHeals Devoted Player

    I really think we need relax with this damage vs power vs cc formula. It takes away viable cc that celestial and other powers needs in some cases to not get constantly cc'd and interrupted. Cc should by no means be anywhere involved in the damage calculation.

    Another thing with damage vs power. Who's to even say what the damage of the ability should really be? Adjusting them with no baseline for damage is just making a mess out of things. What we should ultimately be working on is getting the damage of abilities where it needs to be then adjusting the power from there. What's happening now with some other powers is the damage on them is good but the power cost is to high, then the power cost gets reduced but now leaving the ability to weak. Both power and damage cannot always both be adjusted, sometimes just one needs to be.

    If things continue down this road and every time power or damage needs to be adjusted we will never achieve a close balance.
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  11. Elusian Crowd Control

    I think you confusing here something. Admonish is and was always on live a 4man heal. The cooldown had to be increased to bring it in line with the other 4man heals or Admonish would be better than other 4man heals. It's a logical adjustment here.
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  12. DCUO Addict Committed Player

    I'm trying things out on solos at each tier until I can force some leaguemates on tomorrow to run duos and alerts. So I'm running DPS tonight, but I hope to try out healing tomorrow.

    I ran three T1 solos with the loadout: Benediction, Retribution, Wither, Consume Soul, Anoint, Defile
    I'd plan to run hybrid, but ended up mostly PftT because my power was good.

    I ran two more T1 solos with a different loadout to try out the supercharge generator. My loadout was Sacred Light, Retribution, Wither, Cursed Idol, Anoint, Defile. I tried out several different non-SC loadouts in running the T2 solos.

    • It's been pretty smooth so far.
    • I really like Sacred Light. The stun is good, the damage is decent, and the SC builds quickly. I don't use an SC in my loadout on Live, but I might consider changing things up.
    • One things I found that felt a bit off was the one-tap combo, especially for Smite.
    • I kept Defile in my loadout throughout, and I thought it was working well as an execute.
    • It is quite an adjustment to not have some of the cc effects on powers like Wither. I'm having fun mixing and matching and trying out different loadouts, so it's not bothering me, yet. But it is a major change to the feel of celestial that will take some getting used to.
  13. Sage-Rapha Steadfast Player

    I do think that we got off very easy with power costs.

    It's quite the opposite dilemma. The hots are trash with Celestial forcing you to rotate shields and use Benediction or Malediction the instant with combo Supercharge and a glyph.. either or is fine along with AcB.

    The healing is equivocal between the two but the catch is that they do not stack.
    Two celestial healer cannot use McB and get healing from both McB's. You get it from the healer with the highest resto. Same with Benediction.
    The ticks from Benediction and Malediction's burst stack as they are recognized as different/inverse.
    So one uses bene and the other malediction
    And you will want to use the combo of BcM because it is better than anything Consume Soul can give you.
    Plus the cap is much much lower on McB and BcM. This is like 3-5% we're talking here.. and that's rough numbers.
  14. stärnbock Devoted Player

    The cooldown of blight is to long to clipp with itself... Overall i am a lttle overwhelmet by all the possibilities... I mean: i was used to have 3 buffs and an SC... Now, there is so much you can do ^^ well: please, consider a power to add the PI wich is from the cursed powers, because the only powers i see are from the blessed tree. My wicked witch on live would like to use only curses, if thats possible ^^
  15. Fatal Star 10000 Post Club

    After searching hard I finally found something to ask about... Lol. I have to admit you fixed the DPS side of celestial up nicely, much more variety then we currently have on live server, not to mention my favorite combo is now vaible!! (DMcB)
    Anywho I did have a few questions about the healer side...

    It appears regular benediction and corrupted benediction don't follow the same formula...

    At 19883 resto, my regular benediction heals are capped at 1060 and my cB heals are capped at 1425, can we get the forumlas used for these by any chance? As in what percentage of your resto and Dom they go off of?

    Also I feel cele is now too reliant on the damage heals, to be as effective. Not everyone wants to use them, I know a few celestial healers that rely on pure heals. I purposely tried to overrun myself with adds in typhons monster invasion to see how well I could hold up, if it wasn't for benediction I would have most likely been overran because the HoTs from AcB and CS just aren't enough to sustain heavy damage. Many cele healers will be upset they need to rely on damage heals to keep people up. Not asking you guys to make HoTs as op as they are on live, but 400-500 HoT ticks at 19883 resto won't cover it in hard content, especially with how hard the tanks get hit now.

    HoTs in general from all powers could use a buff, but for cele it's crucial because it relies on them heavily.

    Perhaps a 35-50% increase to all smaller hots in all healing powers would make them more desirable?

    Other then that can't really complain about the healing side. I love what you guys did to McB and B, making it so it's not based on prec or might damage, but all damage dealt, adds more variety to the way to play battle heal.
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  16. Fatal Star 10000 Post Club

    Another thing I noticed that's not mentioned in the patch notes, admonish is hitting almost 4 times harder in DPS role then in healer role.

    In DPS gear at 14970 might, it hits for 10-11k regularly, with crits of 22k+

    Swapping healer role in DPS gear, suddenly it drops to only 3.5k average with 7k crits. Was this change because of the fact it heals in healer role and you needed to compromise damage because of that? If so, may want to update the patch notes to mention that.

    Edit: it appears any other power that heals in support role but doesn't in DPS received the same treatment as well.
  17. Shadowdragon Devoted Player

    I only got a chance to do initial setup, but the thing that stuck out to me is that Anoint doesn't combo and has a different animation. If it's no longer going to combo, can it be made more like ice bash/weapon of destiny/etc.?

    More testing soon(tm).
  18. Fatal Star 10000 Post Club

    Anoint was never a combo, just a prec buff. You're probably thinking of benediction, which still combos into malediction
  19. Shadowdragon Devoted Player

    Ahh.. got it. I got the icons mixed up. Thanks!
  20. DCUO Addict Committed Player

    They swapped the icons to make it clear that Annoint is the weapon buff, so it's an easy mistake to make. :)
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