Stats clamped concerns... Is content is gonna Resemble LPVE??

Discussion in 'Gotham City (General Gameplay)' started by Ghost27Xog, Jul 21, 2021.

  1. Reinheld Devil's Advocate

    Not sure what LFG 'finder' mean just queuing up? Sure. If I'm blind queuing in with other people, I'm fine with that being clamped...I would also like the option to NOT have to do that....which AQS would have provided the option....they passed on that in favor of clamps, so there you go. I'd also like to point out that AQS also would have resolved your issue to NOT run with OP goons while allowing them to do their thing too. For the record, I'm 100% down with not getting currency (over what is there today) if no clamp, limited queue was an option, as long as current stuff would still drop source....but it's not. I'm really good at farming and hording source, but not when the main supply of it (current 3 DLCs) is removed. I'd last a while on the 10K-20K I have, but eventually it would dry up.

    If your best argument for clamping is that you SHOULDN'T be able to beat an 8 man with less than 8, I guess if 1, 2 or 3 people die in a raid run, it should be an auto-wipe? There have been quite a few times (in current content) where I've been last man standing if tank or maybe one of 2 or 3 surviving people to eek out the win. Does that make it trivial? Guess we should have wiped vs making a 'hero' save? That sounds silly though. I don't think I'll do that. BTW....duos where one person dies....alerts with less than 4 standing? Does the same rule apply, or is it just raids? Because those 2 things happen every day...'trivializing' the current content even.

    I have always maintained that if the main reason people want the clamp is to get 'paid' for running old content, it really takes the steam out of the 'we really want tough runs in old content' argument. If that was really the driving factor, you wouldn't need source shoehorned in, you'd run it for 'fun' or 'challenge' alone....yet, people want the source...sooooo. Some of us don't care to get paid in the old content, and would rather have our time freed up to do other things. Again, these options are being removed....and less options=more fun, right?

    It seems like both camps (clamps and non-clamps) would have liked the 'option'....I'd guess it was not technically possible. Still not sure why a limited queue was not explored first...or tried first, but hey....I'm not a dev.
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  2. 9001BPM Steadfast Player

    Hopefully, they’ll take the opportunity to fix a lot of this early game jank.
  3. Cerulean Osprey Well-Known Player

    Eh... after numerous discussions about the clamp. I boil it down to this... it's really going to help players that are new-ish to the game who are going through Tier 1-9 content for the first time. They need groups and have a small League/Friend list. And I think clamping is going to be very helpful in that regard.

    But the clamp doesn't help older players who tend to have established leagues/friends list and have already run the content ad nauseum. The only incentive to running old content, clamped, is to get Source Marks and as I understand it, there isn't as much of a need for SM's when you're at end-game content.

    I'm very supportive of clamping for our future players that are coming to check out the game, but I'm hoping the devs give more incentive to older players to run clamped content. Or maybe provide unclamped instances, only for players at end-game content.
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  4. Ghost27Xog Well-Known Player

    Great Points!!!
    Having the option to run clamped or unclamped would be ideal...
    I guess it be like picking elite or reg..
    Normal vs Elite drops...
    If there is a new twist to it like drops or feats tied to a re-release, fine,
    But there are a lot of people not interested like my self (and I apologize), that don't want to relive the frustrations of old content just cause.. I got enough of that the 1st time around... Lol
    But we'll see how it goes and if its bad they'll just change it again...all good.
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  5. Burning_Baron Loyal Player

    The Bridge can't be that hard today. Back then, DCUO was a lot of peoples First MMO and the concept of playing a role was completely foreign to people. That's why Ice tanks were favored(coming from a bitter fire tank who often got kicked IMMEDIATELY from pugs once they realized, no matter how well I was doing lol). It was the most straight forward path to victory. I think today most people who raid are willing to explore options to victory. The big killer will be the avatar of Metas Balls. The split will actually be trivialized since bases and loadout didn't exist when that was designed.
  6. Burning_Baron Loyal Player

    Second opinion assumes that there are people who always want a challenge. There are people who exist that don't want to face any attrition to to what they are doing. Experiencing the content is enough for them. I am not seeing I disagree that being on God mode all the time doesn't get boring but that's why I run on old content occasionally to just blow off some steam and run current content to get sweaty. I'm also not egotistical enough to assume that everyone wants a challenge or want to overcome something.

    Not everyone is filled with ambition and for a video game that's okay. Now do I think that everything piece of content has to be accessible to everyone ? No I don't but I'm not going to put my needs over the majority because I like to stroke my ego after finishing endgame and put on my shiny new suit and walk around watchtower to make the people who couldn't do it feel jealous(Which I have done on many of an occasion otherwise what's the point of playing dress up with the virtual doll)
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  7. the solowing Unwavering Player

    You are 100% correct this change wasnt for the vets, but to ensure a better experience for those wanting to experience the content and as a side benefit will assist players in learning the games mechanics and powers/ mechanics
  8. Illumin411 Devoted Player

    I somewhat disagree. There are plenty of times I've been in chats when us "vets" (if I can even be called that at four years in) are lamenting that there are only 1-3 remotely challenging raids to run. In those scenarios, loot and rewards are barely factors since we're already fully geared in both roles, have most or all the feats, etc. We just want to play a game we enjoy and conquer something at least somewhat challenging but not be doing the same thing over and over and over and over and over. Now we'll have HiveE, MachineE, SGe, PanE, Dox, etc as potential challenges (depending on where we'll be clamped to).

    Also, the more PS players that upgrade to a PS5, artifact switching will be more and more of a thing which means those players will need source marks for catalysts to level up those Philosopher Stone's and Dead King Scepters.
  9. FiremanMac85 Well-Known Player

    THANK YOU. This clamping isn’t for veterans. It’s for new people. People who can’t find groups or leagues to help them progress without just cr jumping.

    It incentivizes older content for veterans, while not abandoning new players.

    If you’re new to the game and there’s literally no one to run raids with you, WHY WOULD YOU KEEP PLAYING?

    This is to get new players and turn them into returning players. Everyone here needs to chill out. There’s going to be new content created.
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  10. Wildcat Committed Player

    I really enjoy being a god in lower content.

    This should be optional, If someone wants to be stats clamped - let him be..

    I was working so hard to make my character strong enough/best possible

    and now stats clamping me?

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  11. lordexecution365 Loyal Player

    Eh, I actually think the word vet is to inclusive, the term does not necessarily apply when talking about needing source marks.

    Unless there is something that I have to spend source marks on, other than the mainframe which is easy to keep up currently ( I haven't even logged on in a long time), and I don't recall seeing a sink for source marks.

    It seems like this whole clamping issue is mainly an alt problem, not something that a 1 toon account or someone who is only working on their main will have an issue with.

    For a newer player it would become a problem later on as they start an alt, but it is an issue with wanting to forgo buying feats for an alt and would rather get them to end game and then go back and aquire easier feats in group content.

    At least that is what I am getting out of this whole discussion.

    To add to it, I actually have to wonder why so many solo players responding.

    My observation is, if I were to come back right now, the content I missed will be outdated for my running buddies, but because we have a long history of helping each other out they will run me through the older content so that I can easily run with them in elite content.

    It says a lot to see so many who would struggle in content, only because it has a negative title to it...clamped it will change the mechanics or something.
  12. willflynne 10000 Post Club

    Thing is, I've experienced what happens when an MMO goes into god mode, and it happened by accident. After the NGE the SWG dev team went about creating Expertise systems for each of the remaining professions. It was a bit of a slow go at times because they wanted things to be right and relatively balanced among the combat professions in particular. But in the process they forgot to bring all the NPCs in the game up to speed as well, so even enemies like Dark Jedi Masters that normally took a small group of players to take on could be soloed. And like the bit from the webcomic I mentioned, after the sixth minute the fun kinda evaporated. There really wasn't a challenge to be had, at least not until they got around to readjusting the NPCs to the new power levels players had.

    The other thing is that, from my own experience here, players who do want to mess around in god mode seem to forget or ignore that there are other players around. I've been taking it slow through the tiers, and with multiple characters the going is even slower. LOL So right now most of the content I'm running is the open world/solo stuff from Age of Justice, Riddled with Crime and Earth 3. But even in that content I'm seeing a surprising number of players in the 300 CR range running around one-shottting or just laying waste to the NPCs there without much regard for the other players who are there. And I wish it was something that was only limited to that area, but it's something I've seen regularly as I've gone through the tiers while being behind the curve.

    It's one thing to want to experience god mode-like feelings in the game. But if you're going to do it in an MMO it should be done so that it isn't at the expense of other players. And even with aspect of the game like shared credit in place, I've had my fun ruined by someone wanting to play in god mode more than once. Those other players may have had the best of intentions, they may have thought they were helping (which they weren't) or they may have just simply not given a rat's hindquarters about my experience. But whatever the reason, the outcome was the same: my in-game experience was at the very least soured.

    As for playing dress-up with the virtual doll, for me it's exercising my creativity and giving myself reasons to keep posting in the Costume Contest thread. But to each their own. :D
  13. the solowing Unwavering Player

    Its a no from me when their are other players involved. It isnt about you having youre fun purely in your own way with 7 other people with you. That what this change is about, its not designed for you. Its designed to allow others who may want to experience the content as the content was designed.You wanna 1 shot bosses in a single player experience i have not a issue there, but in a mmo outside of solo content? No.
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  14. FiremanMac85 Well-Known Player

    If you want to be a God, you have all of Metropolis and Gotham to slaughter by tapping triangle. Raids are meant to be a team function.

    And you’re talking like the entire game is going to be clamped. Which couldn’t be further from the truth.

    At this point you’re complaining just to complain.
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  15. Tiffany6223 Devoted Player

    FiremanMac85 Well-Known Player

    Wildcat said:
    “I really enjoy being a god in lower content.

    This should be optional, If someone wants to be stats clamped - let him be..

    I was working so hard to make my character strong enough/best possible

    and now stats clamping me?


    If you want to be a God, you have all of Metropolis and Gotham to slaughter by tapping triangle. Raids are meant to be a team function.

    And you’re talking like the entire game is going to be clamped. Which couldn’t be further from the truth.

    At this point you’re complaining just to complain."

    Nope, all open worlds will be stat clamped as well. Please refer back the information Mepps has released detailing the stats clamp.
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  16. Reinheld Devil's Advocate

    The 'sink' for source is a few things. Old styles at 70 a pop or 104 a Tier set...I'd say most people can throw 1000 at that if they need to....then what? There is also artifacts leveling, which costs 1300 I believe for each 0-200 level, but many people already have a few 200s, and even a few spares. How many will most people level up, or swap with another one? Whales will always be willing to change out their artis and re-up the 1300 marks needed, but whales also probably could buy the cats they need. Other than those 2 things, the rent is 35 every 2 months and 210 or so to set up from scratch...that's not a lot. So ongoing 'sink' once you blow out the above items.
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  17. EconoKnight XIII Legion

    This really does intrigue me. I remember when the devs got bent out of shape when just some of the power / weapon animations were being clipped; but now they’re okay with you constantly opening and closing your inventory screen mid fight. As the inventory screen flickers, the player is seeing nothing. Not seeing the design work on characters and environment. Not seeing the animations of fight choreography. Hot swapping artifacts destroys the visual of the game, but the devs tune content to encourage this hot swapping practice (I believe mostly because they listen to the “it’s all too easy” crowd without investigating why it’s all too easy).

    If the devs want us to use more than 3 artifacts in a fight, then design a UI for it (like an artifact style of weapon mastery with a secondary option you can activate under certain conditions). I’m not against them selling more artifacts; I think it’s great. But this lie is perpetuated that only 3 artifacts are allowed when the reality is that players are using 6 or more in a fight through the practice of hot swapping. And for those of us who follow the “rules” and don’t hot swap? We’re left staring at feats that are likely about to be clamped out of reach forever (like the feat for dpsing Grail enough in Fractured God Sphere Elite to prevent her omega beam from firing).
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  18. WilderMidnight Steadfast Player

    Only seeing how all this takes effect is where I'll have a say. It depends on how things are "clamped".

    If we get something like what happens in seasonal instances if you "know how to play the game" you are going to be golden.

    If we get something like Legends PVE...I'm never stepping foot in old content again.
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  19. Yass Queen Hyppolyta Dedicated Player

    Agreed. I expect that an ugly side effect of forced clamping is going to be an increase in the number of speed hackers in game.
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  20. Reinheld Devil's Advocate

    Not sure how you can put 'at least somewhat challenging' and 'artifact switching' in the same post. You are doing a 100% optional thing that makes you more powerful than the raid is designed to compete with...even with max CR and 3 200 artis (which many do not have already) and then saying you want a 'challenge'. I get it, you want max DPS output, or to increase benefits if trolling/healing/tanking artis, but you are raising that bar on YOURSELF and want the rest of the playerbase to have to do the same if the game adjusts to still challenge you. Many people aren't in the game to spend 1000's of $ on artis, or want to HAVE to arti switch or change their power/weapon/movement as much as their underwear. The game has to afford a good time and challenge for the normal players as much as the try-hards.

    So when the clamp goes in and it's not 'hard' enough because you are still switching artis, clipping and using whatever the most powerful meta is for that month, what then? More clamps? Buff the bosses 2x...3x?

    How about they make it more 'challenging' by making the inventory screen take 10 seconds to load if you are 'in combat'....or remove WM so DW/Flurry goes away? Fine by me (and yes, I've used switching before in combat...even on PS4), but I'd guess you would be opposed to that?

    And hey....this is not a bag against the 'elite' players. If you want to do those things, do them, just don't expect that these advantages won't do just that...give you an advantage. "I did the things that made the raid easier....and it got easier...what's up with that?" seems like a pretty silly statement/question.
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