Stats clamped concerns... Is content is gonna Resemble LPVE??

Discussion in 'Gotham City (General Gameplay)' started by Ghost27Xog, Jul 21, 2021.

  1. 1 ncmike Dedicated Player

    I remember when we finally beat it everyone got made because there wasn't a drop. I remember one guy yell "after hours trying to do this we get nothing!" and he quit the game and we had to all leave because he was the tank . That raid is a nightmare.
  2. Yass Queen Hyppolyta Dedicated Player

    lol noooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo

    *cries in split hallway*

    Mepps, it's not too late to make it FoS 3
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  3. coldchilln88 Loyal Player

    What are the odds one of the Batman scaled up raids is Paradox?

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  4. Psycho Tech Dedicated Player

    Can’t imagine the Tyrant got new tricks just to be a ganked bounty...
  5. diangelo Level 30

    I don’t understand why anyone is for stat clamping. I mean if you want something to be more challenging then take off a piece of gear or two...and BOOM!’s more challenging.

    I like having older content that I can go be a god in. My heat vision should destroy a human in a clown mask with almost zero effort.

    And if stat clamping is going to be 4-5 DLCs above and it will still be “easy”...then all they are doing is make it take longer to do things in older content.

    My biggest concern is the open world bosses and such. One of my favorite things to do is get to the point where I can solo them.
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  6. zNot Loyal Player

    Omg fos2? Greatttt its litteraly the overall best and biggest raid in dcuo
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  7. Wildcat Committed Player

    Meh.. recycled.. comments incoming :p
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  8. Illumin411 Devoted Player

    Even though I'm generally FOR stat clamping older content, I also enjoy soloing open world bosses and wish the stat-clamping was for instances only. More than that, I think optional would be the best way to go. But in consideration of the fact the life doesn't give me exactly what I want, overall I like the sound off the new system better than the current system.
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  9. diangelo Level 30

    I play on switch so it often times hard to find people to run older content with to get feats. I was hoping they would work on us being able to do alerts/raids with less than the normal 4/8 players, that way I could just solo most of the older content. (Except the few that have mechanics that require more than one person of course.)

    I know that’s something they mentioned they were working on. I hope the stat-clamp doesn’t make that impossible.

    you want to get people excited about the game again? I say open everything up...then add a 25pt feat for soloing an alert and 50pt feat for soloing a raid. (Maybe even a little more for the elite versions.)
  10. the solowing Unwavering Player

    My reason is as a single player in a queued up raid. One. Single. Player. should NEVER have the ability to trivialize a 8 person raid that players are queuing for. You wanna 1 shot things? Go back to Chinatown and have a 1 shot fiesta.

    *Removes all my gear*
    Im glad removing my gear made a boss you defeated with no effort made the content more challenging....
  11. willflynne 10000 Post Club

    So no risk, all reward? Yeah, that'll be good for the game in the long term. :rolleyes:

    Saw a webcomic recently where the characters were talking about aspects of video games they liked and didn't like. When god mode came up one character said something along the lines of "it's fun for some players." The other character replied with "Yeah, it can be fun for five minutes. It's the SIXTH minute that's the problem."
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  12. Stanktonia Dedicated Player

    I think the clamps should only apply to content that was already in the game pre SGE, since anything after that can still be considered somewhat endgame. Also, it would ask for the focus to be primarily on the content that doesn’t see a fair rate of q’s
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  13. Eve Creator League, YouTuber

    Oh Yes!!! Can you spoil Wonder Woman one? :D
  14. KHALONofOGUN 10000 Post Club

    Except this is the one time where that argument is stupid and pointless...since it was announced ahead of time. Arguing about that at this point is just arguing to be arguing (which makes the complaint easily dismissible).
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  15. FiremanMac85 Well-Known Player

    lord give me strength…
  16. Reinheld Devil's Advocate

    Just like to point out (again) that no one is making you run with these people who won't play the way you'd like except the 8 man requirement for raids. I'm all for someone being able to play the way they'd like. And yes....assuming EVERYONE in your group removed their stuff, it would indeed scale you down. If your group is you and 3 works just fine, I've done it when running with low level friends who want a challenge. It does NOT work when you need to open the run to randoms because you could only get 7 people to go along.

    And, I'd like to note...doing some of the raids as a solo, 2 or 3 person group is by no means's pretty fun actually, give it a try while you still can.
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  17. L T Devoted Player

    Like tons of other content in the game, FOS2 was riotously fun with 7 league-mates all on voice and mind-blowingly frustrating with a bunch of random pugs.
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  18. >>>KIra<<< Dedicated Player

    Stat Clamping is a horrible idea no matter what shape it takes on imo
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  19. BumblingB I got better.

    Yeah, the hours of just trying to get Lex to MOVE. And no, it wasn't because of people doing the warp rally trick, as he would bug if you just split. It had to do with who Lex was attached to. Like a baby learning to crawl...

    In the end, this next DLC is kind of looking like it's going to be a chore. *sigh*
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  20. the solowing Unwavering Player

    Thats why i believe, the LFG Finder should by default be clamped, and anyone else wants to streamroll should be left to LFG chat. Rather then the LFG Finder being mostly used as 1 persons playground to wreck a raid that should take everyone (8 people) to complete. If people want to trivialize a raid, look for those players in LFG chat, Not LFG Finder.

    If their was a unclamped version that gave only the rewards that you get now, sure i dont mind that option, but since it isnt a option (yet), im 100% behind the clamp and the greater good of it. After they get it in and tune it properly, then ill be right there with you asking about a unclamped version as it exist in the relevancy era, loot drops and no currency drops.