Stat clamping

Discussion in 'Gotham City (General Gameplay)' started by Solace Man, Jun 13, 2022.

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  1. Rahkayo Active Player

    Lol okay. Youre the same guy that told me mercy wasn’t good for brick tanking though all the numbers and practical test in elite sw showed otherwise. Im not about to argue with you again forum person. Good day
  2. DeitySupreme Steadfast Player

    Ahhh it’s you. Figures you would make that statement lol
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  3. Stanktonia Dedicated Player

    The introduction of stat clamping is one of my favorite game updates, 2nd to the attribution home turf, specifically armories (a much needed qol item). It’s made all areas of content welcoming again, not just for veteran players, but newer ones as well. The only thing I want to see added onto clamped instances is incentives, because that will urge players to run more of said content, which would naturally combat the issue of feat hunting, and general completion o
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  4. Rahkayo Active Player

    lol your track record speaks for itself big forum person. wheres my how to utilize alts guide from you. its been coming soon forever.
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  5. DeitySupreme Steadfast Player

    That’s the difference between you and me. When I replied to you I replied to what you said. Really have no interest in who you are. If you make a valid comment I’ll agree and if you make an idiotic comment (which seems to be what you normally write) I will disagree with you. So instead of talking nonsense and trying to make these childish digs about signatures or “big forum guy” I will talk about actual stuff. You’re whole point on “mercy being BiS” for earth tanking was an idiotic point. Even after saying why that was the case I even said that it was a build I actually liked to play around with cause it was a fun little gimmick build. But an optimal choice.. no. Now you want to do a back and forth over clamp when you clearly have no basic understanding does nothing but show why talking to you is a complete waste of time
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  6. Rahkayo Active Player

    Lol okay.
  7. MsTickle Fate Devoted Player

    That word, "ironic": it does not mean what you think it means.
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  8. MsTickle Fate Devoted Player

    General note: everyone gets to decide for themselves how they feel about something.

    Arguing that someone shouldn't feel a particular way is a pointless exercise. Feelings aren't susceptible to argument.

    Lastly, trying to tell someone that they haven't pretty much stopped playing won't change the fact that they've pretty much stopped playing.
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  9. Proxystar #Perception

    Panderus did say though that they're happy with the engagement numbers, so that being said, what the minority of people say on the forums about it probably doesn't matter.

    Panderus wouldn't have said that without at least have some data in behind the scenes to back up their view.

    So for everyone saying they've pretty much stopped playing because of stat clamp there's likely multiple others doing exactly the opposite.

    Personally I think the stat clamp has been far healthier for the game (coming from a past toxic opponent of it) more than I'd have thought.

    I say this time and time again but the people struggling in clamped content simply are not building their characters properly or are doing something wrong.

    Is it a bit longer and a bit more tedious, sure, but I'll take that and the reward over being rewarded absolutely nothing of value just so I can smash something in a few minutes to feel powerful.
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  10. Forum Junkie Committed Player

    So you want them to catch up how? In skill level or CR? I don't get it. You want to carry the troops or actually have a decent team to run with? If you want them to catch up in CR that is what skip is for, yet if you want them to learn how to play correctly, run the content with them. Teach them some rotations. Show them how to properly play their roles. Your point was counter intuitive. You want players to catch up faster yet for what if they cannot carry themselves through the content? Clamp or no clamp, bad players are still bad players. Good players in this game find a way to complete the content. For instance, join a league that feat hunts if you are a completionist. Make some friends at your CR to run the content with you.

    I joined a league two months ago on the villain side USPS and I have gained 160sp. 160sp in 60 days. If you ask me, you might need a new strategy. No disrespect but it sounds like a broken record to me. The clamp has made the game enjoyable again and far more rewarding than it ever was. I have over 3000 source marks, something unachievable before the clamp. I never have to spend a single replay ever again, but for feat and style unlocking. There are other things in the game that need far more attention than the stat clamp.

    Best of luck to you, I hope you complete some content.
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  11. MsTickle Fate Devoted Player

    Okay, fine, argue that my statements about my behavior aren't true because reasons.

    This is what I mean by "compulsive" arguing. I post to note that the facts of someone's behavior, such as my own behavior, isn't subject to argument and you post to argue with that fact. That I've barely been playing in recent months IS NOT SUBJECT TO ARGUMENT.

    This is just a weird response. I didn't claim that anyone's behavior "mattered." I said that THE FACT OF IT ISN'T ARGUABLE.

    What I wrote:
    That I said anything about it "mattering" is just completely untrue. False. Made-up out of whole cloth.

  12. Proxystar #Perception

    settle down mate, I never said you didn't stop playing because of stat clamping or for any reason whatsoever, I use your post as a segue in to my own, You're entitled to your view as to why you stopped playing, for whatever that might be worth. I was however suggesting that it probably doesn't matter when 3, 4 maybe even 10 other people aren't agreeing with you (if indeed your reason is the clamp).

    Panderus said that they're generally happy with the effects of the stat clamp ,as per the quote below.

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  13. Rahkayo Active Player

    You can carry and teach. It’s 1000% possible. Tell group members mechs and how to deal with them and if they die no worries we will get through it cuz I’m carrying. People are more opt to leave than sit in a raid all day especially some of these old ones. How could you not achieve 3000 source marks before. Please explain because from my understanding someone max cr would make earning marks from raids exponentially faster. I don’t get the whole buy a cr skip if I want them to catch up but don’t carry them to catch up argument. Stat clamping affects pug groups. Try to do paradox stat clamped ina pug group. Happened multiple times running omnibus. You can tell them all the mechs. They still will die and 4 ppl will finish a certain boss. Just an example of many. Still getting carried just not as fast as if I wasn’t stat clamped.
  14. DeitySupreme Steadfast Player

    Against my better judgment I will try to explain (as slowly as possible) why there is a difference.

    Pre clamp literally anyone can beta most content in slightly older content. This is cause of their stats allowing them to steamroll through things. 8 very unskilled players could have beaten content. Now 8 unskilled players would not be able to beat content without common sense (IE if there’s. Red area get away. If there’s a skull block. If someone killed me once than maybe I should see what killed me for next time).

    Another thing. Pre clamp one ok player could carry 7 terrible players by steamrolling. The 7 bad players would not know they are bad because the one ok player is killing everything and the run goes smoothly. Post clamp the 7 bad players won’t be carried as easily and most likely will die a few times. Even if the ok player is able to carry them the 7 bad players will have some sort of clue that things aren’t going smoothly. So some of these bad players could learn from this while the bad ignorant players will still be bad.

    Bottom line is that pre clamp bad players would get carried and think everything is fine. Post clamp some of these bad players will see something’s wrong and at least be aware to fix these mistakes.
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  15. Proxystar #Perception

    Let's be honest.

    Before you ran a raid un-clamped and were rewarded at best 3-4 source marks and apart from the generator and artifact catalysts there was little for an end game player to spend source marks on.

    Now that the things you can spend source marks on has vastly increased people want them at a greater rate is because of the increased use for them. The green eyed monster can get the better of people when they think of how much they could use source marks and how much more they'd have obtained more quickly without the clamp.

    However, even if say you completed a raid every 5 minutes before and earned 4 source marks, you'd earn about 48 source marks an hour, in that same time under the current system if you are farming something like FOS3, you'd farm about 120 marks, are still not sure which one you'd prefer?

    It's fairly obvious that the new system is easily better in terms of being rewarding to the player for time and effort, especially at end game.You also obtain a vast amount of source marks simply from running all the relevant content, a source of marks they were going to initially remove but reversed upon negative feedback.

    You also say stat clamping affects pug groups? sure, in some ways it does, but in other ways you smashing through content undermining the experience, potentially locking people out of fights, smashing everything in a wake of destruction while trivializing the hell out of everything well beneath you does the same thing, just in an opposing fashion, why is that any more acceptable?

    Also what good is it when queues are barely popping because no one wants to run anything outside of passing fun? At least under the omnibus clamp system people are queuing potentially everything.

    The only reason certain things pop more frequently is because there are people out there custom queuing specifically what they want, the omnibus blind queue is then sorting the rest, if you want something specific as well then you should also be utilizing the custom queue.

    Despite the fact source marks are very rewarding in this game now, the omnibus should be even more greatly rewarded in other ways to even further increase queues and overall activity, see my suggestion about quark rewards or even ally favor etc.

    The trouble with "at level groups" in omnibus is that they often approach the content forgetting they're at level and they still try to hulk smash everything without actually attempting to do it properly, they've become accustomed to an unhealthy mentality that fostered that approach.

    If you're well over level, have all your gear, artifacts, allies, mods and other progression then stat clamped content is still so easy that it's pretty close already to being trivialized already, even with the clamp as it stands, watering it down any further would risk tipping it all over (which I'm sure some people want) but the truth is, if you're at end game with all the extra trimmings, but still struggling in omnibus then you're either doing something terribly wrong or just outright lying about your experience to support your desire to have it removed.

    You'll still want those rewards though of course.
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  16. Rahkayo Active Player

    Idc to argue with y’all doesn’t change nothin
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  17. Forum Junkie Committed Player

    There was a hard cap on source marks, you could not have more than 999 I believe. Now the cap is 99,999 source marks. That was my point, not that you could not earn source marks. And again, no need for replays. Only time you need replays is for end game content if you are a completionist, and from the sound of it you are not needing to spend them because you cannot form a decent group nor carry your friends to end game CR.

    Do not pug, lol, join a better league with active members that actually farm content. Where are all of these friends that you want to carry? Spend less time on the forum making rebuttals and use LFG to find a raid group, to find a league, to find new friends that are already at end game CR. I think you will have better luck in the future and come to realize that though flawed, the stat clamp sutured a festering wound in this game. Queues, yes it is spelled "queue," do not take nearly as long as they did before. What was near impossible to queue, now takes a few minutes. With two good players, you can complete all content. You need a tank and a healer that understand how to synergize to keep the group on their feet. You sound like a player who takes themselves seriously. So seriously get after it and make due with what you have got, I believe you have what it takes, and I have never had the opportunity to play a single time with you.

    Again, best of luck to you.
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  18. Scarlet Rise Loyal Player

    Some people disregard natural law to the stat clamping debate as well.
  19. Scarlet Rise Loyal Player

    This sentiment echos how lopsided and unfair having this debate/discussion on the forums actually was over the years.
  20. OneWhoLaughed Committed Player

    Doing the teaching now, vs pre-clamp are two very different things. And IMO, much much more rewarding now, but that does mean putting in a butt ton of effort, which sometimes, I CBA with.

    Before clamp, most players played a loop of elite raid content once a week (Olympus, GCZ, US, JFA, Panopticon & BN even though not E). The lottery raids as it were.
    Fast forward to now and we have a much different selection of raids, that are no longer just ran once a week, but spammed constantly.
    Nobody goes near US E or JFA E, people shouting for reg less frequently too.
    Oly is now ran more often regular instead of E, because people still don't get the zeus mech. More often people are asking for GOM instead.
    GCZ & Panopticon are still shouted for, but less frequently and those groups are usually doing multiple runs of just one of the raids.
    DM E is now farmable, as is False Idols reg.

    The lottery raids are now mostly pet/henchmen farming runs and aren't just ran once a week.
    Thus there is a more diverse selection of content being farmed as opposed to 5/6 raids ran once a week.

    Which is why I'm baffled when people complain about the clamp. More content is being ran more often, isn't that a good thing?

    I think the goal has been achieved, eventually. Adapting and bettering the omnibus reward box, adding in the pets/styles/iconic weapon styles and upping the rally limit in elite were great moves IMO.

    I think aside from some of the instance tweaks needed to balance the fights a little better, there's only one thing missing from Omnibus:
    - attach an ally reward box to the omnibus reward box from Steve Trevor.
    - two items in the box, RNG based on the type of reward box, so lower chances for the better drops from solo, higher chances in alert, highest chance in raid.
    - item 1. random amount of ally favour between 500 & 3000
    - item 2. random amount of ally catalysts (either; 1-4 rare alliance, 1-3 epic alliance or 1-2 legendary alliance)

    If you get super lucky, you're only gaining 24 legendary alliance and 36k favor a month extra.
    If you get super unlucky, thats only 12 rare and 6k favor.
    (3 omnibus rewards per week, 4 weeks)
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