Stat clamping, first experience

Discussion in 'Gotham City (General Gameplay)' started by nawanda, Aug 30, 2021.

  1. Proxystar #Perception

    Given your can now get source marks in end game content, stepping foot in stat clamped content is effectively all but optional.

    If for any reason you don't have a feat from some old content that you now require to go in there to get, then you're already more powerful than you were when that content was at level and the feat is therefore already easier, even with the clamp, if you're still struggling after that then I'm afraid to say it but, git gud practice harder until you get it :)
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  2. Tiffany6223 Devoted Player

    There should be no bonus ways to help fight. My stats I earned should have been my bonus way to fight. But I am clamped. Please do not feel I am lashing out at you, it's just frustrating that I would have an option to have an ally / allies to assist in fighting when I was already more than capable of handling things myself.
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  3. Wildcat Committed Player

    stat clamping was a step in a wrong direction... just my personal opinion.
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  4. the solowing Unwavering Player

    So, what would you do to fix the gameplay experience for first time players instances?
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  5. GameIsGreat. Well-Known Player

    Make tier one alerts only available to people pre 30 with a tutorial how to play their role.
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  6. Doctor Nova Devoted Player

    I've been a troll with 3 dps in save the universe alerts lately and completing it. sometimes with one person ko'n now and then if they wander off alone in the first room or attacking a boss. I have Settings/Role Optional Alerts Disabled. I do not see a support role icon next to the other 3 dps's. Luckily some change to tank vs bosses.
    DPSuniverse will never end.

    Doing any less than T6 content is clamped content, no? Using the old on duty menu to specifically que for certain instances does not count as using Omnibus? Am I missing something? or is a bug? soon to be fixed?
  7. Tiffany6223 Devoted Player

    As I observed from this morning’s solo, the stat clamp didn’t seem as bad, I actually did feel powerful. Nevertheless, the stat clamp is here to stay, we have to accept that fact, doesn’t mean I will ever like it, but so be it. Hopefully the player base will grow as a combined result of new content and this new way of game play. As for me, I am not motivated to play anything in DCUO, not end game, not stat clamped. I’m just really demoralized right now about it. I no longer expect anyone on the other side to even try to understand let alone sympathize as I have seen personally what this has done to my own league and the resulting loss of a friendship.
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  8. Alpha Maximum Well-Known Player

    "High roading" only works when you have the high road. You came after me post after post for no reason other than I made a fact based post about the stat clamp you didn't like. You proceeded to go from nonsensical arguments to insults. I tried to understand why you would behave this way so checked your profile (that's why they exist) and that's when I found your daily fourteen hours of seemingly endless posts and the multitudes going after people.

    So here we are. You have no high ground and I am thrilled you have finally shown the maturity to stop harassing at least me for daring to disagree with you and apparently worse critique the game.

    Of course you will not see this or reply as you have "ignored me." (and there was much rejoicing) You have clearly shown you live in an echo chamber and that is why you can't deal with anyone not conforming to your demands.


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