Stat Clamp Is Dogwater And An Failure

Discussion in 'Gotham City (General Gameplay)' started by DrakeBall, Nov 17, 2021.

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  1. Black Dawn Steadfast Player

    If people don't struggle with the content and have already mastered it, there is no reason to lift the clamp.

    Many years ago, the second time the winter seasonal was a thing, players would kill Larfleeze in the first phase, therefore literally breaking the instance. It was terrible for new and old players.

    The idea that we should just be able to pew pew and bypass mechanics is silly and will lead to a "dumb downed" player base.
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  2. GhostRyder3000 Loyal Player

    Keep telling yourself to tell me to keep telling myself that. [IMG]
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  3. GhostRyder3000 Loyal Player

    According to you.... but, that's okay... You can speak for everybody. :rolleyes:
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  4. Proxystar #Perception

    Yeah I always laugh a little when I do a curious census search on the players that complain about the clamp and see they've regularly only got about 300SP, it becomes obvious why they hold the position that they do.
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  5. GhostRyder3000 Loyal Player

    That ain't me.... GhostRyder3000 ain't my main. (He's my 4th tier character)

    I use him mainly for events....

    That's okay... You can be a weird little creeper, if ya want.
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  6. Proxystar #Perception

    I hadn't honestly even looked you up, I have looked up some others in the past though and more often than not...
  7. GhostRyder3000 Loyal Player


  8. Black Dawn Steadfast Player

    I can, the same way you can.
  9. Cyclonic Dedicated Player

    I don't always speak for everyone else, but when I do... I'm probably drunk and genuinely believe that it's a good idea.
  10. GhostRyder3000 Loyal Player

    I don't pretend to speak for everyone.... I want an option to make everyone happy.
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  11. LowFlyingMoon Loyal Player

    Yaaawn... Come back when you've realized, that pretty much nobody has strong enough feelings about this particular issue to even click on your little FB "experiment". Or just do the usual - pretend like it didn't happen and stick to your preconceptions.

    For someone, who doesn't even play the game you sure like to spend a lot of time here, arguing about things you clearly have no strong opinions on, one way or the other. That seems... healthy and normal. :)
  12. Reinheld Devil's Advocate

    This applies to solos and duos....some alerts. But to say 'you' aren't playing very well in a raid with 7 other people who all must contribute and do their job to succeed AS A GROUP is idiotic and means nothing.

    Now....'aren't patient'...maybe, but I don't think anyone signed up to play in order to wait around and re-explain simple mechanics to 7 other people who may or may NOT pay attention. This really has nothing to do with the clamp either, as bad players still exist in endgame and have always existed in endgame. It's just a lot easier to spot them there, and easier to backfill after a kick/bailout. Prior to the clamp, at least in EEG they didn't matter as they do.
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  13. thedemonocus Loyal Player

    At the very least, they need to remove the clamp from open worlds. You can't get those feats anymore because you go there and those worlds are empty.
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  14. KidKretz Committed Player

    i have reached a point that if my group fails once, i will consider giving them a second chance if i think they are trying. once they fail twice, i bail and move on to something else.

    i used to stay in raids, after the clamp, sometimes for an hour, trying to explain and teach and carry, but my life is too short now to give that kind of dedication to my fellow players. 2 wipes are my limit now.

    i have que'd into raids that have already existed for an hour. sometimes with those i just bail right away, other times i help finish. depends on my mood and/or which raid it is.
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  15. KidKretz Committed Player

    but its still not perfect.

    devs said they would look at each thing case by case but they havent UNLESS it effects Save the Universe, then they are quick to make the needed changes because it is effecting EVERYONE all at once.

    some content, that players complained after the clamp, was made easier, BUT NOT because of those complaints at the time, but because later on MASS FAILURE was happening via Save the Universe.

    so when ppl come here and legit struggle, pro clampers give the same responses, "git gud", "learn mechanics" "teach them" "form your own group" "level up your artifacts" blah blah blah

    but what SHOULD be happening, is devs should be looking at this content and figuring out WHY these raids are failing so often and make some sort of needed adjustments without it having to land on Save the Universe to where it effects every single player. but sadly, effecting every single player seems to be the only way things get changed when it comes to the clamp. (hey, im glad for the changes, as they are perm changes and these raids/alerts/duos have forever been easier)

    but the easiest solution to all of this, is the one suggested by those who dislike the clamp, which is "remove the clamp" obv the reason that is their go to argument is because it solves majority of the problems.

    now, you bring up a valid point, things did break when you were able to kill fast. i remember the days of my pets killing bosses during cutscenes and having to quit the entire raid/alert/duo because of it. no fun for sure. that being said, ppl STILL glitch Return to the Nexus because three players can still kill the boss before i free the batmans first :(

    so please, support the clamp all you want, but its not perfect. so much more needs to be done, and you pro clampers are doing yourselves no favors when you just ignore the complaints or give your same answers that think make you look smart. its not solving a thing! real change still needs to happen ingame to bridge the gap between those that truly hate it and those that will give their lives for it.

    anyway, maybe i got a little too deep or too serious, but it needed to come out....writing that was at least therapeutic hehe
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  16. Black Dawn Steadfast Player

    Part of playing an MMO is dealing with completing content as a group. And if one need to rely on others being overpowered and not following mechanics, then no, they are not playing the game as intended.

    I recently queued into Unholy Matrimony via Omni, the timer was already at over 60 min, the list of names was practically endless. I was the only one clamped at the max allowed cr and was the only healer in the instance (thankfully there was a low level tank and troll). It was the second to last boss. I wrote hello and asked if anyone had done this raid before. They didn't know the mechanics. It had been forever since I ran this raid so it took me a few minutes and one wipe to remember the mechanics. I wrote the process down (only release one bro at a time, bring them over to Raven etc etc) and slowly but surely (and a couple more wipes and a few more people leaving and joining) we beat the boss. Then it was time for Trigon. This one was tougher since I had to look up the mechanics as I had forgotten if we needed to kill hate or not, but I convinced them to all join voice chat and I called out the different parts (kill hate, look for purple circles, block). I did have to bring in one friend as someone left and we were stuck at 7 people, so there were 2 people at max allowed CR, but before they joined we had him down to 2% health in our last attempt. But we got it done with people following the mechanics and not relying on pew pew. The players who stayed were very happy to have learned the mechanics and they were playing very well.

    Bad players exist because they rely on pew pew instead of learning the game. If we want a better playerbase we need to be willing and able to teach them the way instead of complaining and not giving them a chance to improve.
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  17. Black Dawn Steadfast Player

    It's not prefect, you're correct. But I think it makes sense that the devs would not make major changes until the overall population gets a chance to weigh in on the issue.

    I'm always for improving the clamp to make sure nothing is broken, but I think removing the clamp is not the way to go.
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  18. GhostRyder3000 Loyal Player

    That's the same line-o-crip we've been hearing for the last 2 years...

    The clamp doesn't make that happen.
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  19. Reinheld Devil's Advocate

    At this point I would only run an omni raid or let it populate VIA omni if either A) I needed something VERY specific, B) I was drunk or C) I knew at least 3 other people in the group were capable players. Most any raid can be completed with 3 or 4 (depending on any required buttons), so at that point I'd just let the dead weight die or leave and just keep plugging with the known quantity players. Most times if people leave in an omni I won't even re-open the instance to catch more dead weight.
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  20. Reinheld Devil's Advocate

    Again...that's not YOU being a gud player as much as it is a patient one. I have lost my patience for bad players at this point. It's been 2 years of this experiment and yet you landed in a 60 min+ run with a 20 name roster. So have I...and lumped through it as you did....that's 1 run and I don't have time for it every run. The next time in, I'd guess you will find the same situation. Almost any monkey can follow spoon fed instructions for a few passes in a single run, being both typed and verbal. It is foolish to think that most of those players will end up in THAT run with you...or me...or even in a group where they will make a difference knowing THAT set of mechanics again. A more likely outcome would be they will land in some other run with similar mechanics (most mechanics are NOT that difficult or dissimilar) and still not be able to figure it out without someone popping in to spoon feed it to them. That is NOT developing better's developing better sheep.

    For 10 marks? Sorry, I can get 10 marks elsewhere, like 3 runs of the WV solo, done in under 10 min with no typing required. I applaud your misguided belief that your efforts will make some great impact to our playerbase skill level....but it won't. BTW. My complaint and reply to you weren't about the teaching was your implication that any person who is anti-clamp is simply not good. For my part, I'm fine with YOU spending 30 min of your time teaching sheep and monkeys....I've retired from that except for people I know directly or league members.

    BTW...the entire endgame has always been and will always be about the pew-pew-pew. Good luck changing that trend with a few runs in 7-10 year old content. Good luck teaching the importance of roles when LFG is full of 'NO HEALS' or 'DPS ONLY' alert runs, or following mechanics as people can't even be bothered to hop over WW's pulse in the raid or as 2 guys have to run the bombs to the aspects shield as 3 other DPS just bang away at it.
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  21. Enemy Ace Well-Known Player

    In the past, the most adept players conquered new challenges swiftly, solidifying their status as the elite, and we admired them for it. I may not have been exceptional, but I believed that with dedication, time, and better equipment, I could surmount those obstacles. Understand, like many fellow players, I confront challenges beyond your comprehension, like my macular degeneration, which makes "getting good" an uphill battle.

    Before the clamp, investing time was a means of leveling the field. Pre-clamp, we could bridge skill gaps by putting in a bit more effort. Everyone had a chance. Everyone could triumph. Not anymore. Not for me. Not for numerous players grappling with unique disadvantages.
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