Starro's Loop and Mask of Omnipotence

Discussion in 'Gotham City (General Gameplay)' started by Pr0tojay, Dec 26, 2023.

  1. Pr0tojay Committed Player

    I checked the prices on all the stuff I was getting from those boxes. Not a single thing I had was even selling for a million.
  2. Cypharr Committed Player

    Obviously you didn't check all the item in the Starro Wars and Unlucky Stars and if you're referring to the price of my auras anyone is welcome to farm the instance or buy the Starro reward boxes like do for a chance to get what they want. My prices are non negotiable. Don't forget, also feel free to check the broker for the ones you didn't get. Come back if you want only as a last resort. Those are the people my business markets and appeals to.
  3. Pr0tojay Committed Player

    I did not get a single aura out of all the 100 boxes I opened, not one. And no, I did not check all the collections, just about 8-10 of them I checked between Starro Wars and Unlucky Stars. They were all worthless, at least for now since it's this week's episode spotlight.
  4. Cypharr Committed Player

    No bro OMG you open 100 boxes? You should have both aura by now. The auras don't drop from the boxes. You get the auras from completing the collections. Starro Wars rewards you with Starro-Tech Aura while Unlucky Stars rewards you with Starro Spore Aura. Hopefully you didn't delete the collections? Collect them.
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  5. Pr0tojay Committed Player

    Ah damn, yea I deleted those lol. Oh well, ill remember that in a couple weeks when i spend another 3000 marks to try and get this mask.
  6. Multiverse Creator League

    Ahhh the memories...
    Back then we had to craft them....

    And we had to walk 10 miles the snow. ;) :)
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  7. Multiverse Creator League

    Why delete them?? :eek: :eek:

    Sell them on the Broker??
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  8. Pr0tojay Committed Player

    Individually they were worth practically nothing on the broker. I know that's partly due to it being a bonus week, but oh well.
  9. Cypharr Committed Player

    It adds up if you had sold them and you definitely you got the wrong collections pieces. Like with every collocations there are different rarities. I know some that sell for at least 5m if you can find them on the broker e.g. Green Lantern Report, Modified Darkstar, Starro Tech Chip, Modified Starro. And it help to keep the collection till you have a complete set then get and sell the reward instead of individual collection. You need to understand DCUO market, DCUO market are are after instant gratification so the rewards are valuable if it was't I won't be into the business. The Booster Gold vendor is proof otherwise in a previous thread that I made ppl would have supported me saying we the Booster Gold vendor shouldn't sell the rewards but instead sell individual collection pieces. That's the sad reality, people buy rewards instead of completions. for 5000+ Quarks LOL. It's good business.