Starro's Loop and Mask of Omnipotence

Discussion in 'Gotham City (General Gameplay)' started by Pr0tojay, Dec 26, 2023.

  1. Pr0tojay Committed Player

    Do they even drop in Deluge content anymore? I've had the renown maxed out for a year. I've spammed the elite raid this week around 15 times. I've gotten the starro tier 3 pet to drop a couple times, but still no op items. Do they even drop anymore?
  2. willflynne 10000 Post Club

    They drop. I've had them show up from the reward box at the end of the Stemming the Tide solo.
  3. Stranger Committed Player

    Yea they drop from the treasures after last boss. (Any starro instance)
    If you have enough source marks u can also buy these loot boxes from starro central City and hope for luck. (Guess it was 25 SM / Cache)
  4. Stranger Committed Player

    Update: It's 30 SM / cache (and it's called Starro the Conqueror: Loot Box)
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  5. Eve Creator League, YouTuber

    They drop, but I remember having to craft mine... :D
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  6. Pr0tojay Committed Player

    If that's true, I've run the alert and raid a godlike number of times and have never gotten them to drop. I've completed all other feats and renown over a year ago, still no OP items. Have you gotten them to drop in the last year from these boxes or know anyone that has?
  7. Plowed In Loyal Player

    The pieces themselves are right in the treasure boxes. So they don’t drop in content, only the boxes.
  8. Plowed In Loyal Player

    Starro the Conqueror Loot boxes can also be bought for 30 SM right from Equipment Supplier Starro.

    Personally haven’t opened these but they should be the same from the treasure chest reward box.
  9. Stranger Committed Player

    I've had some issue with dropping the Utility Belt at the beginning of the year. Was just bad RNG for me.
    I bought like 10...15 of the boxes then and had luck, that's it.
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  10. Limey Committed Player

    I was on hiatus from the game between 2014 and 2021. I have a variety of characters that have obtained at least one of the Deluge omni items in the last 2 years(though mostly the last year because I was working on catching up on content and gameplay standards for a while and didn't run older deluge content much for a while).

    Anyway, tl;dr yes they drop as of sometime after 2020. RNG is RNG. My tank got the prime battleground helmet in 2 runs after I came back, other toons have run prime uncountable times back when it was the one the handful of raids I was familiar with, still don't have it. RNG is RNG.

    Failing 5+ breakthroughs with 95% success chance. RNG is RNG.
  11. Reinheld Devil's Advocate

    At 30 SM, they are better off running the solo or duo on repeat and crossing their fingers. Even at USR spamming rates, 30 SM will take 12-20 minutes minimum, and you could get many more boxes from the solo, duos or the alert to increase your chances.

    Honestly, I'm not sure why these and the conqueror gear are still locked behind RNG. All of the items were readily available and attainable during the original Deluge, 1 month 'event', running once or maybe a few alts once a day. Now, at 1 run a day, I doubt you'd get all those RNG related feats done in a year.
  12. Stranger Committed Player

    Yea there is no doubt that farming the Duo is the best way to get these OP items.
    Just saying if he has source marks with no use, he can give it a try and buy a few of the boxes. That's what i did and had luck.
  13. Pr0tojay Committed Player

    Well I do have 9000 source marks and there is a double source marks event coming up in a week, so I could spend them. But I wasn't sure if I could even get the piece from that box.
  14. Pr0tojay Committed Player

    Just bought 60 boxes for 1800 marks. I got the ring to drop twice and finished the enhanced conqueror style (not a feat, just a title), but still no OP mask. Jeez, like how many does it take for me to get this? smh
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  15. Stranger Committed Player

    The RNG God knows no mercy :-(
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  16. Pr0tojay Committed Player

    Decided to go for 100 boxes for 3000 marks. No op mask still.
  17. TI99Kitty Dedicated Player

    So, I just got the ring from a Starro loot box after beating Ocean Master in the walk-in instance. Am I correct in assuming the only use it (or the other 2 pieces) serves for EG players is the feat? Like, having them equipped doesn't do anything in Deluge content, right?
  18. Korlick Loyal Player

    Just a few minutes ago, bought 15 boxes. Got the mask at 10 or 12 box.
    Last time i tried getting it with the boxes (like...6 months ago), opened a lot more and didnt get it.
    Luck was on my side this time.
  19. Korlick Loyal Player

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  20. Cypharr Committed Player

    They drop from the Starro reward box, since completing that feat it has drop multiple time for me but then again I buy the Starro reward boxes from the vendor in deluge with SM a lot to farm collections and sell Starro Spore and Tech Auras. Good business atm