Starro Event Reward Guide

Discussion in 'Oracle’s Database (Guides)' started by StealthBlue, Mar 11, 2017.

  1. Alrighty Then Loyal Player

    That would be awful. That feat would only give 2 spores per week, maybe 16 if you get it early. Even less, the later you get that feat. Considering all the time and dough it takes to get it; hardly seems worthwhile.
  2. Rebel230 Well-Known Player

    I jus got the Starro OP face. I see it has a face socket, are there face sockets in game as of yet and if so where do we get them, Thank you
  3. Here2Help Devoted Player

    They drop in the Member's version of the Raid. They are essentially White Mod versions of the Olympian stat mods that can be put into the face for extra stats.
  4. Tsigalko Well-Known Player

    anyone knows what is the spore currency cap here? the most expensive item cost 205 spores right? so I assume the cap is 250? or is it higher?
  5. Jafin 10000 Post Club

    999 is the cap.
  6. ALEX33016 Well-Known Player

    Does anyone have to the stats for the Starro OP gear (ring, utility belt, mask)?
  7. StealthBlue Loyal Player

    I noticed the other day that one of the collection rewards could not be traded (the Starro-Scarred Face mask). I've been able to find the Starro Spore Aura in the Broker, so that one can be traded. I've updated the post about the collections to mention if the reward can be traded or not. I just need confirmation on the Starro Tech Aura, the I will update that post. I just with the Devs were consistant and made the face piece tradable as well.
  8. Eddevil Well-Known Player

    I can confirm that Starro Tech Aura can be traded as well. I've seen quite a few on broker. Btw good job on the guide. loved it.
  9. StealthBlue Loyal Player

    OP Mask at item level 174
    831 defense
    395 toughness
    967 health
    372 power
    149 precision
    378 might
    381 restoration
    251 vitalization
    72 dominance

    OP Ring at item level 170
    463 defense
    463 toughness
    1204 health
    435 power
    185 precision
    461 might
    497 restoration
    320 vitalization
    89 dominance
    red socket affinity bonus: 77 precision

    OP Utility Belt
    638 defense
    638 toughness
    1538 health
    600 power
    238 precision
    607 might
    629 restoration
    410 vitalization
    116 dominance
    4 wildcard slots

    I got these on my test character, at the beginning of test and they are DPS values, but I think you may actually be able to attune these to roles as well. Someone feel free to step in and correct me on this, I don't have the Spores saved up for the plan yet (I'm going for the mask first) and don't have the R&D materials I need on live yet either, so I'm not sure.
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  10. StealthBlue Loyal Player

    Thanks, I'll update that right now.
  11. Here2Help Devoted Player

    No, OP pieces never attune. They share the same stats across all roles.
  12. ALEX33016 Well-Known Player

    AWESOME thanks for the stats. Something is something...great starting point
  13. FoolsFire Devoted Player

    ^^^ Agreed. I've been waiting to see what the stats are before buying any of the plans.
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  14. StealthBlue Loyal Player

    This morning there was a server patch note that made the vendor purchased collection pieces tradable. I've updated the guide to mention this in several places.
  15. ALEX33016 Well-Known Player

    I built the OP ring and although it said that it was unattuned and I was my Healer in heals when I "tuned" it the ring still had a red Precision socket. I almost lost my crap when I thought I was going to get an OP Healer ring. LOL I just added an Olympian Resto/Precision mod.
  16. Here2Help Devoted Player

    Yep, OP gear doesn't have the ability to suit different roles. They are just one set of stats for all roles.
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  17. ALEX33016 Well-Known Player

    Yeah, I read that and got super excited when it said "Unattuned" when I purchased it...I thought "Oh wow! I am going to be able to tune it. Maybe they changed it with an update." then when I did...I heard the "Wah- Wah" horn LOL No matter. Like I said, I still just added Precision & Resto...
  18. StealthBlue Loyal Player

    By now many of you may have noticed that all Spores (except the bonus Spores in the raids from having the feat Sori not Sori) are being doubled this weekend. What you may not realize is that this includes the first run only items. So if you have any alts that have not done the event yet, they will get 90 spores for completing everything the first day instead of just 45. If you still need fabricated motes to upgrade items from the team-up time capsules, this weekend is a good time to bring out some alts to get them. For 90 Spores you get 6 fabricated motes. To upgrade everything from the time capsule, you need 80 motes total (do less if you've already started upgrading).

    In other news, the devs have added some new feats to the event and will some time soon be adding another weekly non-resettable mission with a Spore reward. Unfortunately, it doesn't sound like it will make it up for this weekend. But the mission is a group bounty mission to take essentially take on the raid boss in the open world. At least that's what I've taken away from Mepps's responses.
  19. ALEX33016 Well-Known Player

    OOOOOOOH that must be the Starro Slayer feat that I saw in Feats yesterday. I think it was called something like that.

    Question: Does anyone know specifically where the endoskeleton and/or the tentacles drop? I mean, are they in the purple box in the regular raid or in the TBBe? I have reset elite and not gotten ANYTHING good at all and have yet to reset the regular one. I need 3 tentacles and 1 skeleton for the mask.
  20. Here2Help Devoted Player

    They don't specifically drop anywhere. You can get them for finishing content and in treasure chests.
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