Starro Event looks great, but the stat clamping ruins it for me.

Discussion in 'Gotham City (General Gameplay)' started by The Drama Club, Apr 5, 2017.

  1. WilderMidnight Steadfast Player

    its not unfun for me but i do agree its way too easy.
    the challenge is in running with an inexperienced or new player.
    i do like the variety in the duos and alerts.

    giving it a c plus...
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  2. willflynne 10000 Post Club

    Okay, I need to walk some of this back.

    I didn't run the mission itself earlier, I simply checked the only available quest NPC and saw "Spore" (singular) in the reward list so I thought it was only one Spore total. I didn't know that completing that first mission would send you to another NPC after that, and so on.

    So I ended up with 5 Spores total, which means in 30 days I should be able to get the pieces I'm looking at. That is, providing you can get 5 per day. With tomorrow being Thursday (and reset day) I may have to wait until Friday to see if that's the case or not.

    If it does hold and I can get 5 per day, I'm going to have to change my personal event score to 1-1. We'll see.
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  3. SuperBell Loyal Player

    When you say "scale the difficulty", what do you mean? Isn't that what stat clamping does, scale everybody's CR to the same "difficulty"?

    And not everybody is maxed on end game gear. I might be wrong, I haven't gotten any gear yet, but doesn't attune to just above the gear you have? So it does have it's benefits.
  4. SuperBell Loyal Player

    To keep their interest piqued? Levels 1 through 30 are pretty much a solo game. After that, you need people to run content with in order to make any progress. And I always hear that lower tiers have terrible queue times.

    This at least lets newer players play the same new content as vets. Too feel like they are actually part of the game. It must be so disheartening being a CR 60 waiting for a queue to pop, only to see LFG asking for CR180s. I would feel like it would be an impossible task to ever reach what would be considered end game in the future. And who knows, maybe you'll ended up in a group with a noob that actually wants to learn the game, and you invite them to your league, and they turn out to be cool and competent gamers?
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  5. MaverickRaven657 Well-Known Player

    Yeah, most of the thing is easy, but it's like all you long time players forget one simple truth.

    It's been out for more than SIX years. I preordered this thing in October of 2010, why on EARTH should anyone go through the grind we did? It's not current/relevant content.

    You guys are too focused on the fact that it's too easy, and that the new players have it way too easy.

    The whole thing sounds like an envy thing. And I REALLY doubt anyone here envies the newer guys, at least not on the conscious level, but all of these posts sound the same.

    DC isn't the only game that gives newer players a leg up. Most MMOs do this, I'm sure you guys know that. It all sounds like a case of the truth being too bitter to notice and that's a shame.

    DC will NEVER be what we used to have. Please get that outta your minds. The sooner you do, the sooner you may appreciate what the game is now. If you hate what the game is now, then just quit, seriously. A game is supposed to be ALL about fun, it's never supposed to be stressful or agitating. If this game is more about aggravating and depressing than fun, there's no reason to do anything other than quit.

    Don't wait for the revamp and hold out hope, it's not worth that if it upsets you so much. Try to enjoy the game for what it is today, not for what it was yesterday.

    I got angry about a lotta things going on here, one of which was our unfortunately toxic community. I took a break, and when I realized I actually missed this game, I came back. I've done it a few times, and I'm playing now like if it was years ago.

    The only difference is now when I play, it's not some idealization about what the game was, and I'm fully aware it go all go rotten any second now. I'm just appreciating what I got for right now.

    Just like a bad marriage, you try to work it out. You give it space, you give it time and therapy even. But if it just doesn't work, and the relationship only brings you anger and frustration, you can't harp back to the love you once felt.

    And if you do, you're only hurting yourself.
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  6. VariableFire Loyal Player

    I wish people would stop repeating this. Not because it's not true but because it's become the go-to-excuse to blame people for instances failing even when it's false. Just had an Underworld Trials failure because some jerk, who double-roled but would only play DPS, kept leading the Minotaur to miss the chain. We'd get the Minotaur pointed right and the moron would jet away and make him turn. EVERY TIME. After the first wipe he wouldn't stop complaining about "people skipping to 100" all the while keeping up his shenangians. So second wipe he whines once and leaves, apparently convincing one other person (not his leagumate or anything) to leave too.
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  7. SuperBell Loyal Player

    Could I see a spread sheet detailing these stats? Some type of documentation? Or at least a link to some sort of source?
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  8. IamINC Dedicated Player

    The game is not the same as before , I get what you are saying and agree with some of it but it ain't cool when you get a cr175+ 65sp dps asking you what the orbs are you just dropped (supply drop) or just sitting there spamming dual pistols.

    The boost was a great idea in theory but needed a tutorial to back up what the player missed through levelling and grinding that we all did to be at the level that most of us vets etc are , I don't think it's much to ask of a new player to learn how to play the role they picked , especially with so many guides out there on here or the ton of you tube videos around , but that's got nothing to do with the starro event being too easy.

    this thread's gone way off topic ................
  9. VariableFire Loyal Player

    But then there's the question of players actually learning correctly. I've pretty much given up on tanking unless asked really nicely or no poops were given. So many misconceptions about tanking abound from the "veterans" that you pretty much have to pray that new players come here and use the pinned guides(and not the general discussion).

    I'm not surprised players might not know about supply drops. Remember that a lot of stuff has been shaved off from episodes in the MP so they may have never even seen that option. Moreover, they probably won't have a steady supply of Marks to even use them until the last two tiers.
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  10. SuperBell Loyal Player

    These are some good points.

    How many of you, "I'm going to look for a better game" people are going to play an MMO that's 6+ years old that you've never played before? Then go to the forums completely lost and see nothing but "New players are killing this game." I tried WoW (after I started playing this game, I'm new to MMOs) just to see what the hype was about and I was completely lost. I was like, meh, and haven't bothered since.

    People who complain about how much better things were back at launch reminds me of people who say they were fans of a band only for their first few albums. I'm a fan of Metallica, and I swear I've heard reasons why every album was the "last great Metallica album". People change. People's taste change. But war. War never changes. So stop complaining about change. Unless you are complaining about war, then yeah, that should change.

    And yes, taking a break once an a while does a lot of good. I haven't played every day since the last event. This is something new and I don't feel pressured into being maxed out in stats. I can just sit back and kill starfish*.

    *Did you know, starfish aren't actually fish? And they don't have a brain, so it's kind of ironic that Starro is a hive mind with mind control powers.

    Go to 1:02. Why can't we post specific start times. [Joker]IT RUINS THE JOKE![/Joker]
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  11. myandria Item Storage

    Hmm..well, I did expect this event to be more difficult; it is easy even for a returning player like myself. In my opinion, this event should have come in 3 flavors, Clamped, Unclamped and Elite, with Elite requiring the highest CR to this date. I also do not understand why level 10 characters can participate in this event; it lasts more than a month (April 5 to May 31) and a player can level many characters to level 30 by the time it is over. The minimum CR requirement should have been 30 at the lowest. I have to admit, there is not much that is thrilling with the rewards that will warrant me to grind for the goods. Especially with the rewards that drop from doing the Event Alerts that are only meant for members; if only members can use the rare rewards, why have them drop during an alert that is open to all? I rather see event alerts that are open to everyone AND event alerts that are only open to members; at least I would know where I stand and then can decide if its worth getting the membership. Trying to coerce players into purchasing a membership because of a rare reward drop they cannot use until they do is very callous indeed; I may have to reconsider coming back to this game.
  12. Vic Zangief New Player

    If you don't remember club hallways, PVP rock, or even FC..

    There's nothing to say. Everyone says they were here since launch, but most of those people are just lying.

    Why should people get a chance to enjoy old content as it was enjoyed by others? I Guess you're right.

    Pay for a quarter of the game.
  13. Johnny0276 Dedicated Player


    Ha...sigh. Well, I wanted something different and it is different. But being Clamped-Man was a downer for me too. My first two attempts with my sorcery and ice alt were semi successful. My third however with my Green Lantern alt was an unmitigated disaster. What is that one mission? Have to set those devices. A whole swarm of star fishes jump out and dog pile you all at once. I forget what it's called. But I'm already starting to dread it.

    The 4 player mission against The Flash. He kept on vibrating his molecules and phasing through the closed door to the entrance area. I figured I was locked in, unable to warp to rally because it was mid battle and all. Only way I stayed alive was to tank it. But just barely.
  14. SUPERMANPRiM3 Well-Known Player

    Events weren't meant to be for CR progression, I do understand that the content was not challenging, hell i did the non member Raid and Alert and the question i asked in just a few min, IS THAT IT? we went through it so fast felt like a duo. to be honest i enjoyed the First event more then this one.

    I just wish they buffed us instead of clamping that way the content could have been bit more harder.

    i suppose the consolation for me is that as i am bored playing so at i am working to decorate by base and the new base items make a fine addition.
  15. Johnny0276 Dedicated Player

    That's what I thought. That everyone was going to be buffed like in the Anti Monitor Event. Instead we're clamped. I could barely solo "Applied Science." With my Sorcery and Ice alt. The mission just got progressively worse as I tried it with my other alts. I'm clamped to cr34, the starfish cr40, cr differential = instant a$$ kicking. Now I got to ask for help. Which isn't always forthcoming. Sigh. Same ol' Central City. Think I might just avoid it all together.
  16. Wiccan026 Loyal Player

    Most MMOs do actually help folks catch up... I'm not opposed to that.

    I am opposed to the fact if the half the content were getting a year is used to help folks catch up, which seems to be the case.

    Edited to add the following:

    The community is toxic, even more so these days, but it's because camps are divided and very few people even try to see the other side... and sure at the end of the day neither camp has any control over the game.. but some folks would rather do something... even if that's just voicing their opinion, than do nothing and perhaps with luck they might achieve their goal.
  17. Tsigalko Well-Known Player

    the anti-monitor event buff us to 230, but in case u forgot, the enemies there were at 235 cr. and the "applied science" mission, tho it is possible to solo, is not meant to be done solo. u can see that in the mission tracker that it is really a group mission. kinda like the shadow demon archon weekly mission in the last anniversary event. the starros in the applied science mission is at different tier, tho they're at the same cr like the others. i.e like in t3 content u can do the solo easily at 53 cr, but if u walk in to the FOS teleporter, the adds there will kill u at 53 cr, even when they both have the same cr. they're just different tiers of enemies.

    i'm not a dev's fanboy that will only say good things about this event. if any, ill only rate this event a solid "meh". but clamping is surely NOT the issue here. an event where we are clamped to 34 cr with 40 cr enemies, is just the same as where we're buffed to 230 cr with 235 cr enemies.
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  18. Elusian Crowd Control

    It wouldnt be harder just the same difficulty with a different CR attached to it.

    What I saw so far is that the duo and alert are clear handouts. No doubt the alert being faster than any other content is quite funny, however I saw people struggling on some random adds cause they havent hit Level 30 yet so what is for us easy-going is for new players still a "challenge" to overcome.

    A friend told me he pugged the non-member raid last night and wiped twice on last boss! Just to repeat it, what's easy for us is still a tough time for others and these events have to appeal for those players too.

    The member raid is designed for the endgame players in terms of gear. Calling it a "challenge" in on duty or even "elite" in lfg makes me chuckle since the only thing that people seems to not grasp is to use consumables on last boss or the one before clearly being not brained enough to stay outside the middle (not that it matters but it avoids a random death once in a while). And the usual scorecard-idiots stepping on the juveniles cause they trying to get as close as possible to max their damage not even realizing that touching them turns them into the mind-controlled state after happening 10 times plus.

    The hesitation of learning the most simplest stuff is astonishing and people wonder why we need that easy content and call this already a "challenge".
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  19. MaverickRaven657 Well-Known Player

    I gotta say, this is a valid point. I know you and I are typically on the opposite ends of the spectrum, but I do try to see your perspective. But absolutely, it looks as if we will be receiving only 2 DLCs this year.

    The only thing I gotta add/disagree on, is that perhaps it would be fair to count the Anniversary Event and Starro as semi events, lol. They aren't a full event, but if you were to add them together, those two fractions make a whole DLC in my mind.

    A skimpy DLC, but a DLC nonetheless.

    And if you look at it like that, we would be getting 3 DLCs a year. To me, that's still unacceptable actually. In an MMO, you shouldn't really ever have a feeling if "ugh, what am I gonna do now?" In DCUO, because of the way the instances and major cities are designed, there's not really a lot of interaction or things to do once you've past the individual tiers.

    You got Metropolis and Gotham, which are amazing. But that's it. And they always do the same thing. There was hope for other cities. It seemed we could get other cities, when they released Central City (even though Central City was more like "1 square mile in Central City"). Of course that never happened and most likely won't ever happen. Woulda been awesome too, getting all the different cities, checking out local crime in the other, lesser known venues.

    And because you're not traveling a huge world to get to your instances/quests (a la EQ, WoW, and a dozen others) it only makes the game smaller. So IMHO, if you're gonna have a game like this with this compact, streamlined feeling, you should have a bunch of content every few weeks.

    I'm probably in the minority, but that's why I liked monthly content. By the time you were getting comfortable in your mastery of the latest raid and alert, a new release would drop. Yes, there was less content and you could say it felt rushed, but now the devs are working to get it right, is this what you prefer?

    I hate this drought... I'm just hanging on, not for the revamp cause I'm thinking it's gonna flip the game upside down and all these rookies are gonna have an event harder time, but because they seem to really be interested in making much more content. And they're being more interactive with us, so they're trying new things.
  20. Wiccan026 Loyal Player

    While I understand the point you try to make by the amount of content making it like a DLC, I still tend to disagree with that due to two major factors. Factor one, the majority of the content is clamped and therefore the content itself is kind of a "throw away" due to how it needs to be "approachable" for everyone... which kind of takes away even more from the uniqueness of it. The second factor is the only way to participate fully in the event is to be subbed... because premium members can't just purchase things like they would normally just purchase an episode.

    I also favored monthly content and due to how things are looking, well let's just say I am one of the few in the camp who rather have that return at the cost of losing open world places to explore (a pipe dream I know but still) because at the end of the day we'd get "more content" and most folks desire for them canceling it was to make sure that the game would be more "challenging" to an extent... and it certainly doesn't look like were headed that way right now.