Stack Splittiting broken

Discussion in 'Testing Feedback' started by Jafin, Jul 15, 2016.

  1. Jafin 10000 Post Club

    Just went and tested the new duo and saw my equipped colas were down to 7 afterwards, so I went to get another stack to put on top of it to refill to 12. I use a PS3 controller when I play, so I pressed square on the stack in my inventory and normally that would immediately give me a box with a counter that I could press up or down on to choose the amount of colas I want to move, but instead it just grabbed the whole stack.

    I thought it was a new feature first but then I realised it also meant I wouldn't be able to split stacks of anything else such as exos, matter enhancers etc. and realised that has to be a bug.
  2. Cypher Well-Known Player

    I didn't catch this until everything went live today.
    I sent a message on Twitter, and they said they will look into this.

    They tracked it, and shows fixed internally now.
  3. Mepps Sr. Community Manager

    Yep, this had been previously reported but the fix was not in time for today.