St patrick's day seasonal

Discussion in 'Gotham City (General Gameplay)' started by Flashhh, Feb 21, 2013.

  1. Flashhh New Player

    ok this is random but i wanted to ask are we gonna get the St patrick's day seasonal this year cause i missed it last year... ?
  2. Tsavorentless Dedicated Player

    Yes with some new additions
  3. Clu New Player

    have you got confirmation on this?
    if so, please link.
  4. Flashhh New Player

    ohh cool thats awesome
  5. SuperDan New Player

    I, for one would like to see Ms. GSPTLSNZ incorporated into it somehow. Like maybe make her the seasonal vendor instead of just buying stuff from a pot of gold.
  6. Ozman79 New Player

    Wait til he posts a link or a dev chimes in to confirm before you get excited.
  7. Flashhh New Player

    well even if they wont put the event and missions, they will probably do the same they did with valentines event
  8. Mepps Sr. Community Manager

    Last year's event is returning with small additions.
    • Like x 9
  9. REEEPR New Player

    I never could beat that race last year. I didn't know you could zoom the camera out back then lol.
  10. Gafa New Player

    Boo. Last years event was annoying. I thought you said that all the seasonals were going to be different this year after last years St. Patricks Day event?
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  11. Flashhh New Player

  12. Singlemaltkiller New Player

    thus far they have made slight tweaks each year to the pre-existing seasonals. I think one thing being added is lair items. I for one am hoping for kegs of green beer.
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  13. Wiccan026 Loyal Player

    If they added seasonal items that would be awesome. I just hope this time around it's more than just two :p
  14. Gafa New Player

    Well, last year it was announced that they would overhaul all of the seasonal events and that you wouldn't even get the same feats from last your for doing them. That was said just before the St. Patrick's Day event last year because they didn't even do the Valentines Day event last year because of the giant amount of complaints they got on it andthe other events as well. So, they said that every seasonal after that would be entirely new.

    Are they still going to change everything or just add things once a year?
  15. EconoKnight XIII Legion

    I imagine there will be a 4 man instance attached this time; they've done it with every other seasonal, so I don't know why they would leave this one out. That will probably be the only change unless they add a new style or trinket.
  16. recespieces31 New Player

    St. Patty's Day Seasonal is meh, not good, not bad, IMHO...nothing stacks up to the craziness of Larfleeze
  17. Mepps Sr. Community Manager

    Our plan is to improve existing seasonals each year. Sometimes this will mean a large addition (like last year's holiday boss fight), and sometimes this will mean some new items. St. Patrick's this year falls into that latter category.
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  18. Righteously New Player

    Yay. When can we expect this? :p
  19. tthedoctorr New Player

    mepps, your goal needs to be making me a naughty dcuo GOD! how come this hasn't happened yet? since everyone else is at full t4 now tooo, i need to be at least t7... make this happen
  20. Laff Riot New Player

    Cool. Not like I need to do this unless they add new feats. I got all the feats from the seasonals besides Halloween last year. Stupid PS3 died.