Spectator Seating

Discussion in 'Battle of the Legends (PvP)' started by Lovora Liaht, Aug 7, 2021.

  1. Lovora Liaht Well-Known Player

    We should totally be able to queue up Arenas as Spectators.

    I think it would be neat to have "Spectator Areas" inside PVP Arenas for those that just want to watch a few battles.

    Spectators would receive NO rewards of course.

    Just a random thought.
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  2. 23rd Emperor Active Player

    Not a bad idea! No visible downsides or upsides other than it may be a waste of time
    • Like x 2
  3. Lovora Liaht Well-Known Player

    LOL! XD
  4. Puppet Master New Player

    good idea. i would include it for scrimms also.
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