Special Stabilizer Week

Discussion in 'Announcements' started by Mepps, Mar 24, 2021.

  1. Mepps Sr. Community Manager



    It's all about those Quarks. This is the week to pick up those Time Capsule rewards you are missing!

    This week - from Thursday, March 25, 2021, through Wednesday, March 31, 2021 - all players will enjoy:
    • 5x BONUS Stabilizer Fragments when completing the daily Stabilizer event in the On Duty menu.
    • 20% discount at the Rewards from Time & Space and Second Chance (Quark) vendors.
      • These are the two vendors where you can spend your Quarks to obtain special items or items from previous Time Capsules.
    The event rewards different amounts based on your access level, so that ends up looking like this:
    • Members
      • Standard Reward: 6 Stabilizer Fragments
      • 5X BONUS Reward: 30 Stabilizer Fragments (two complete Stabilizers)
    • Premium Access Level
      • Standard Reward: 4 Stabilizer Fragments
      • 5X BONUS Reward: 20 Stabilizer Fragments (one and one-third complete Stabilizers)
    • Free Players
      • Standard Reward: 3 Stabilizer Fragments
      • 5X BONUS Reward: 15 Stabilizer Fragments (one complete Stabilizer)

    Remember, it takes 15 Stabilizer Fragments to form one Stabilizer, which can then be used to open any existing Time Capsule. The event can be completed once per day. Need a refresher on what's in which capsule? Check out our Time Capsule guide!
    • Like x 19
  2. Randarch Active Player

  3. Dark Soldier Dedicated Player

    This is a great tc probably the best we’ve gotten imo . If you dont use the batman mask u have a sweet military look. I like no emblem syles
    • Like x 1
  4. ObsceneBoy Committed Player

    can't wait for my serotonin loot fix
  5. Irvynnge Loyal Player

    cool. I've got everything I want from the current capsule, but, yeah, this'll go very very nicely towards saving up for the next one. awesome show, devs. well done.
    • Like x 1
  6. ExtremelyEPIC New Player

    Is this working for anyone else? I did the Stabilizer Fragment daily a few minutes ago and i got the standard, 9 fragments. Is it a chance based thing ?
  7. Beard Maaaan Well-Known Player

    It takes effect after the maintenance.
  8. HalJordan Active Player

    You did it too early, the changes take place after maintenance.
  9. ExtremelyEPIC New Player

  10. Reinheld Devil's Advocate

    Woohoo...kept some Megas around just for the chance they ran this. Always good to see the 5x stab event as it ADDS no extra running to my already busy grind schedule (yeah, I'm looking at you 2x beacons/credits...)
    • Like x 1
  11. Yochanan32 Well-Known Player

    Hey Mepps and everyone, Hard to earn Stabilizers when the authentication on the launchpad allow you to login. I am on the EU server.
  12. Yochanan32 Well-Known Player

    I resolved itself.
  13. sSavitaRr Level 30

    do you guys know when will the next stabilizer week back again
  14. Reinheld Devil's Advocate

    It's only happened a few times and it's normally pretty far apart...like 4 months at least. This time it came up faster, I think because maybe they didn't have a 'bonus' week lined up...so they threw us a bone.

    I'd count on 4-5 months before the next one. If it's earlier, maybe this last one is starting a new trend?
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