PS servers need sparring targets that allow us to measure damage out like the special sparring targets on PC test. I understand why PC test got such targets, it's a test server (even though most just use the regular league hall sparring targets and the combat log analyzer). Since PS obviously does not have the ability to use this combat log analyzer, we at least need a tool to use as a consistent comparison to other powers, loadouts, rotations, etc. The current sparring targets in league halls are exactly what I wanted in terms of learning exactly how a power works in single target, small group aoe, and large group aoe situations. The problem is, there is no easy way to measure the effectiveness of your rotation from that point forward. When it comes to playing your role, doing your job as a DPS, I want a tool that can help me determine how to play my role at its highest potential, without having to rely on the inconsistency of instance scoreboards and comparing my damage out to that of my leaguemates in order to determine which power/rotation has the highest potential damage out. I know this sounds very "scoreboard chaser" and to be honest, I am to an extent because I am a competitive player. However, I have never and will never sacrifice the success of the raid just so I can be "on top". What I want, in essence, is to have all the time that we as DPS put in to figuring out our loadouts and rotations, to be consistently measurable so as to experiment with different setups and ultimately bring our best performance to the raid. TL;DR: PC test has special sparring targets available that were designed as a tool for measuring damage out, I would like to see the same thing on PS.
I would like to throw in a question for the community directed towards players who favor the Damage role and like to always be at their best: What do you guys typically do as a means of measuring damage out, or how well your rotation stacks up against other rotations and/or players OTHER THAN CONSTANTLY SCOREBOARD WATCHING? We all know referencing the scoreboard is the easy way to tell if you're at least doing well, but it also has its problems. I'm looking for creative ways you guys have found to really squeeze out every bit of damage, and I don't mean what your rotation is, but what you look at to determine if it's really the best it can be.
There's a suggestion in my signature - upvote it. Though kinky, I think dude would be pleased to know something happened with that idea...
I upvoted it. I know they implemented something similar to it on pc test, because I used it after I saw it in the release notes. I just see no reason why it can't be brought to PS as well.
There is currently a real time in game DPS metric that's being developed. Can't give you a timeline on it, though.
id also be in favor of being able to toggle off the practice dummies boosting your power all the time so I can actually quantify how well my AMs and WMs are returning power...