Space and Time - The Quantum Guide Part II

Discussion in 'Oracle’s Database (Guides)' started by Absolix, Mar 14, 2015.

  1. chaotic3430 Committed Player

    I never said crits, I said numbers. For solo target the highest NUMBERS I get are 50-86K now. It seems they increased the low end of the Time Bombs from 20K'ish to 40K'ish, but there are no more 100K plus TB's. Unless you SC Temporal Vortex a TB. Before the fix I was running a simple GW, WR, TB, DW, TS, Tach Blast loadout. I don't know how people were even exploiting TB's, don't care. But testing my overall damage output on 1, 3, and 8 targets my damage went down significantly overall. The best loadout I have found is the one I used back before GU51/52, which was pre-loading. Preloading brings the low end TB hits even higher so I was hitting for 50K-99K with Warped Reality. So the best loadout without the SC (used on my other loadout) is for me, WR, WB, TB, DW, TS, Tach Blast.
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  2. Karasawa Loyal Player

    The version of Quantum on test is doing good damage. All powers should be performing at the following baselines at 126 CR:

    35.5K at close range
    30K at mid-range
    25.5K at long range

    My last parses show Quantum to be within 2.3% of those baselines at mid and long range. At close range, Quantum is above baseline by 5.8% which is actually over-performing very slightly.
  3. Absolix Loyal Player

    Note that while Time Bomb's do hit harder with preloading, they take one second longer to use each time which loses you Dps. Remember Dps is not just a measure of damage, but a measure of damage over time. How long it takes to do damage is important as well.
  4. chaotic3430 Committed Player

    I used the combat parser for three full 30 second iterations consecutively:

    Rotation 1:
    GW>WR>TB>DW>TS>Tach Blast>TB>DW>TS>Tach Blast>TB>DW>TS>Tach Blast>repeat

    Iteration 1: 32,528
    Iteration 2: 33,254
    Iteration 3: 29,843

    Rotation 2:
    WR>WB>TB>DW>TS>Tach Blast>WB>TB>DW>TS>Tach Blast>WB>TB>DW>TS>Tach Blast>repeat

    Iteration 1: 34,222
    Iteration 2: 36,465
    Iteration 3: 36,687

    All rotations were from the same spot at mid range versus eight targets, with CS and Max Damage Mods active, CR 141, and 11,745 Might. No trinkets, sodas, supply drops or any buffs other than CS/Max DMG Mod. Also, no SC was used, was max SC when testing.
  5. Absolix Loyal Player

    For Quantum you are going to have to use a lot more parses since Time Bomb's range is so large. Also, I don't know why you would compare preloading to a Gravity Well and Warped Reality rotation when it has been established that is not the best either.

    Now I already did the range version of a better rotation's base Dps on the last page.
    So, let's compare it to preloading's Dps at full-range.
    Rotation: WB/WR > Time B > DW > TS > Tach Blast > WB > Time B > DW > TS > Tach Blast > WB > Time B > DW > TS > Tach Blast
    Duration: 15 seconds
    Average base damage of Warped Reality: 72
    Combined average base damage of non-Time B powers that interact with the AM: 397.5
    Average combined base damage of the Time Bombs' damage: 875
    Total combined base damage, not counting Time Bomb's non-AM tick: 1259.5
    Base Dps not counting Time Bomb's non-AM tick: 83.966.......

    As you can see the quoted rotation is clearly better, and you could potentially add Warped Reality to that rotation as well.
  6. lanternknight Committed Player

    1) I mention crit and use crit because when that bubble pops up and says crit it is something everybody understands. Plus, saying I don't know the power because I don't use your terminology for it is stupid. Do, you know all the terminology for the usage of your ps4? I doubt you do, but you know how to use it. So, don't assume what people know and don't know about a power. I have 9 powers I play on equally. I hate all of them being nerfed. I dislike any powers being nerfed. Nerfs are what breaks the powers which then makes them need fixing.

    2) Mepps saying there was no change if you weren't exploiting doesn't mean he is right. Get a clue about this game and its history. Don't be so naive to think they tested what it was doing with a normal rotation and what it was doing with the exploit before and after update. If they did, he wouldn't of said that, when a lot saw the change in single target numbers on their normal rotations. I posted my normal rotation which is not the exploit and stated the high numbers it would sometimes hit for on single targets. After the hotfix my biggest number was 60k. That to me is a big freaking change. Especially when Mental is capable of hitting for 100+k.

    3) My change in numbers is my reason. I had to go on the forum to see why and saw all this crap with Quantum. Plus, I have been playing this game since 2011, my seeing the many crap fixes is proof enough. Others who have been here since start can attest to that. Like I said, they could of fixed the issue with Time Bomb hitting high without the magnifiers. That would of ended the exploit and kept the power up their with the others. Now, if you want hard numbers, you can go on youtube and look at the same rotation I stated I was using and see there numbers before the hotfix. You would see them not always hitting for high numbers. Plus, you claim to be a Quantum player. If you practiced your rotations on the sparring dummies like I do, you yourself saw the difference between your sometime high numbers before and now.

    4) I am seriously doubting you are an actual quantum user. I stated the max damage mod fix made quantum weak. That was a fact. It did less damage compared to the other powers afterwards. Why do you think they said they gave Time Bomb a buff in damage at close range last month. It being below par afterwards is also why people left to other powers.

    Lastly, you are no one of importance. As what was said to me once on this forum when I told someone something similar to what you said, "I can express whatever opinions I want on here. That is the purpose of having the forums."
  7. lanternknight Committed Player

    Exactly. I too had to go back to the preload rotation to get higher numbers. Compared to my normal rotation of Time Bomb, Distortion Wave, Time Shift, and Tacheyon Blast.

    This is why I keep saying I disagree with Mepps saying their was no change if you weren't exploiting. The problem is no one wants to hear it. They want to focus solely on the exploit. Not what the normal rotations were looking like. If they did, they would of realized everything was fine and just made Time Bomb not do high damage on its own without the magnifiers.
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  8. Absolix Loyal Player

    1) If you actually know Quantum well, you know that Time Bomb doesn't crit. So, mentioning your highest hits as crits indicates misinformation about how Quantum's AM works.

    2) I have no reason to doubt Mepps. As a person in his position who has to act in professionally, it is expected that what he says has an extremely larger degree of accuracy to it than any random poster. You have presented nothing other than that you say it is different. My personal experiences do not coincide with that claim, and further more someone with the repute of Mepps can be taken at his word as it would be a disservice to his job, as a professional, to lie.

    3) That is nothing. Just claiming "I say so" without being an actual member of the development team means nothing. I play Quantum regularly. I also run rotations and know my numbers didn't change. I went to the point of testing base numbers and getting the multipliers for Time Bomb. All my experience contradicts your claim. I didn't volunteer my time to write a guide, because I didn't put the time in to knowing my power.

    4) You compared an bug which was unintentionally buffing power, and actually double buffing Quantum, to actual balance. Yes it was weaker, I didn't say that was untrue, but to say it was a nerf when it was a bug fix is very untrue. Also, reaching for supposition to attack another's credibility, does not establish any reasoning or logic to your claim. That kind of behavior should not be in any post anywhere.

    Lastly, this forum has terms of service and rules. Posters agree to follow these guidelines when they create accounts and post. One of them is to be on topic. This is a guide for Quantum. You are not fulfilling the purpose of a guide with these posts. Furthermore, it is specifically my guide, and your posts are going against the topic and purpose I have created this guide for.

    Here you are comparing a preloading, a bad rotation, to a rotation that doesn't drop the PI, aka a really bad rotation, or even use Gravity well and Warped Reality, which while still bad is better than that. The nonpreloading one you described was worse before, given you weren't glitching, so of course it would still be worse after the glitch was fixed.

    If you want you can look a few posts and see where I use the base damage numbers for Quantum to show that another easy rotation is clearly better than preloading.
  9. Captain Domino Committed Player

    Hello, everyone!

    I was curious of I could get some pointers on maximizing my damage with the AM. I'm semi-new to quantum. So for my loadout is TBomb - WB-TS - TBlast - Vortex SC - DW.


    1) TBomb - DW (to activate PI) - WB - Tblast
    2) Tbomb - WB - TS - Tblast x2-3 (Depending on if I get interrupted).
    3) Repeat 1 and 2

    So far it seems decent but, I was curious if there is any way I could improve the rotation. Any help would be appreciated :)
  10. Absolix Loyal Player

    Never repeat 2 more than 2 times. If you repeat it a third time all the powers are hitting after the PI has expired.
  11. DCspawn87 Well-Known Player

    Sooo... Am I the only one thats starting not to care about numbers on the TEST server? The numbers on live point to/scream out that Quantum got nerfed. If it was indeed "fixed", then why is earth, sorcery, and insta-melt ice still putting up Quantum like numbers before it's hotfix? Please explain.
  12. Absolix Loyal Player

    The numbers on live point to Quantum not being nerfed.

    There was a glitch, and it was fixed. There has been no indication as to otherwise, or that there has been a nerf.

    The last numbers for Quantum from test showed it being on target for what powers with all three ranges should be balanced to. Everything looks to be good.

    Also, avoid comparing powers on mobs, duos, or any instance with enemies with low health. In those instances Ice, Earth, and Sorcery aren't hitting any harder, it is just the speed of their setup. Quantum still hits fine, hits just as fast as Mental and Gadgets, and hits much faster than the DoT AMs.
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  13. Miserable Dedicated Player

    I think many people were unintentionally activating the bug and that's why they think Quantum got nerfed.
  14. Stark23 Committed Player

    The glitch wasn't only throwing TB backwards. Why do you think everyone dropped pre-loading? Because if you threw TB and the 3 others powers and threw your next TB as soon as it was off cooldown and timed it right you could hit for crazy numbers every time. It was not intended and fixed.
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  15. Captain Domino Committed Player

    Not sure if I'm doing something wrong but, I'm not getting that great of damage.

    I've changed the loadout I posted above to this one: 1) TB - DW - WB - TBlast 2) TB - WB - TS - Tblast 3) WB - TB - TBlast - WB - TS - Repeat 1. My Tbombs are only hitting for 40k-50k on 126 dummy (I'm 137). Is there something wrong with my loadout/rotation? I see many other quantum dps hitting harder at lower CR.

    I've seen others consistently get anywhere between 80k-99k with there Tbombs.
  16. Absolix Loyal Player

    Keep in mind that Time Bomb has a very large range, so unless you are going to spend several minutes gathering numbers in a stable environment, which rarely happens in actual content, and averaging them it is likely not going to give a good impression of it.

    Something to keep in mind is that mods, stat colas, and skill points will skew results, and things like Temporal Vortex and supply drops can make Quantum's burst even more bursty.

    From what you describe you appear to be doing things right
  17. The Anxient Loyal Player

    Has anyone that is on test played around with any kind of battle troll loadout with the new damage in support stance. My idea has been time bomb as a stun, then use pot and 2 debuffs from the time tree while having power dump and SC shield. Obviously wouldn't be able to spam it like a dps and would need fast weapon attacks to regen power. All I have been able to play with on live is the power consumption which doesn't look to be terrible if used the way I'm thinking.
  18. Miserable Dedicated Player

    Has anyone tested Quantum on live after the update?

    At 142 CR, with 11892 might, Core Strength, Max Damage, and Escalating Might, I'm averaging about 23k DPS on single target (126 LH target) at melee range.

    Rotation: TB > DW > WB > TBlast > TB > WB > TS > TBlast > TB > WB > TS > TBlast > repeat
  19. chaotic3430 Committed Player

    So what is everyone's opinion of the GU54 Quantum increase? For me, I have tried all the different loadouts, and even at close range the damage is very lacking.
  20. Absolix Loyal Player

    Nothing has changed mechanic wise, so your loadouts and rotations should all stay the same.

    Instead of having 2 ranges for Time Bomb, there are 3 now.