Sorcery Might buff

Discussion in 'War Room (Powers, Artifacts, & Builds)' started by xXS0EXx, Sep 12, 2014.

  1. warpax New Player

    ye but compare it's CD to other wepon enchancers, not to mention it doesnt rely on procing, it's 100% hit.

    sorc is one of the best dps and healing powers atm, both pve and pvp.
    the only thing that's not as great is AM, but any prec/might buff wouldnt help AM either.
  2. Sbel Devoted Player

    Fire and Electric both have Might buffs now.
  3. Perseus Chase Committed Player

    Pet is Socerry AM........js.
  4. Spacedude2 New Player

    So power interaction don't buff your might? You need to re-evaluate your terms. Power Interaction is exactly the term used for might buff. There are no might buffs in the DCUO dictionary. They are called PI's. You might as well say Restoration has nothing to do with healing since restoration is a stat for your character while soder colas and healing powers do the healing.
  5. savageprime New Player

    And somehow even after this above post there still manage to be 5 follow up pages disputing this. Oh how we forgot to not feed trolls.
  6. Whizzkid Dedicated Player

    I had troubling understanding a lot of arguments as I read through this thread. There's a lot of misinformation burying the posts that are actually true. I'm not sure why AM's are being discussed or brought up but Fury is Sorcery's AM.

    Sorcery does not need a "Might Buff" or an upgrade to WoD for the reason that WoD is much more effective and beneficial than most if not all of the Weapon Buff powers. It allows for players to inflict a PI while also expending up to 4 ticks of damage often in rapid succession or instantaneously depending on your weapon choice. It has a 100% chance to proc on the first 3 or 4 hits and it has a much shorter cool down than all other Weapon Buffs. Sure, it may not give all of your attacks a flat Buff like Wired, Fiery Weapon, Carnage etc but it is still a very useful damaging power.

    The RSA does not give a buff to your character but it will increase the damage of certain powers when used while the RSA is active. It should also be clarified that the Crit Buff gained from Soul Wells are not tied to the RSA that can also be gained from Soul Wells.

    Tl;dr - Sorcery, it's AM, and WoD are all fine.
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  7. Zerefu New Player

    dey do? o....ok lol
  8. Perseus Chase Committed Player

    Tbh though, for people that said they have a hard time DPSing with Socerry......well I think they dont understand the power or take the time to get to know the PI of Socerry.

    I actually have a hard time as a Socerry DPS myself, but for a different reason. My hard time is that we have too many Socerry DPS these day that it sohard to find a group.
  9. The_fair_1 Committed Player

    So wired and fiery weapon are PIs? No they are specifically stating that they buff your might, and they do. Bloodlust buffs your precision. You're telling me to reevaluate something that is specifically stated. PIs are things powers use to do more dmg, a might buff is something you activate and buffs your might. But I guess by your logic there are no buffs in this game, anoint, bloodlust, reinforce, carnage, inspiration, wired, fiery weapon I guess are all just moves that are useless because not all use a PI and yet they still buff you. Things that buff you and things that help you do dmg are not the same thing.
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  10. Spacedude2 New Player

    Your right, my logic is different than yours.
  11. Raijin1999 Loyal Player

    Yeah, his statement on that subject threw any credibility he may have had out the window. Doesn't understand the power, defo' can't bother to understand why his suggestion isn't a good one either.
  12. xXS0EXx Committed Player

    I never said the pet wasnt sorcery's Power Mechanic and never will. My suggestion was simple and that was "Sorcery should have a might buff because is the only healer/dps that doesn't have one" and yet you guys are talking about whether Pets are AM or Not and thats not even part of the suggestion main point. I understand the power perfectly and I do very good damage with it never said I didn't. All I wanted is a might buff sense we are the only power of our kind that doesn't have one. Is that so difficult for u? Or do I have to dumb it down for everyone?

    There are useless powers on sorcery that needs replacement or adjustment and no one takes that into considerations either.

    Its like Hard Light those who faught for that power never asked for a buff prec or even Pi but still got them but if I ask for one is wrong . How silly is this lol
  13. xXS0EXx Committed Player

    All I want is for sorcery to be able to boost himself rather than having to wait for someone to do it for me or having to kill something first to get only crit chance.

    And again I repeat to u sorcery is a good power and it does real good damage and healing but it still needs a few fixes that no one dares to mention and that's one of them. 2 years waiting for a revamp that never got finish and as a compensation of that they fix the pets instead of fixing the powers we already had. Don't think that because they updated the power doesnt mean they fix the power completely. I remind u that sorcery was the first to get his PM or AM whatever u wanna call it and still as we speak is falling behind. Even Fire AM is falling behind because they didnt finish editing the AM it self and they just jump to the next thing witch is Gadgets.

    Every revamp I saw before sorcery where a 100% change including visual effects and all that sorcery got was a few power fixes without at least showing some love like they did with Fire, Ice, Gadgets or Even Mental revamps. I just want them to complete what they started with sorcery and those other powers that suffer by it.
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  14. Kaiya Redd New Player

    Hence the "side note". I'm no expert on sorcery. that's why I didn't comment on the op. Only stated you were wrong on what an AI & AM is classifed as. Gadgets AI's are their AM. pretty simple to understand.
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  15. xXS0EXx Committed Player

    Its alright and it doesn't matter because they are all Power Mechanics anyway. If u wanna call them Advance Mechanic than is all good they are still the same thing.
  16. Kaiya Redd New Player

    Lol sheesh you are hard headed. it's not the same but. How does a 170sper. Not know the difference or better yet see it in his own test. Another sidenote like I said I'm no expert but if you have 3 wells & a circe up plus w/e burst moves you use. Seems to me the might buff/crit chance would make you too op. And everyone would cry nerf...

    you think you have problems... my main is celestial... Don't see me asking for buffs.
  17. xXS0EXx Committed Player

    I understand ur point but like I said before Im not having problems with the power it self its just that we dont have a self buff like all other healer/dps power like yours. Ur not asking for a buff because u already have one.
  18. Badname28 New Player

    perhaps an intelligence buff would serve you better no?
  19. Kaiya Redd New Player

    Won't let me quote from phone but I understand your point as well. my celestial buffs are strong yes but with the time it takes to do them(Cbenediction to anoint) and then attack, Sorcery has already/almost killed the mob I was trying to buff myself for. a sorcery buddy with the same sp's and similar gear always out dps's me. Which is fine with me. Been ninja nerfed alot this year I'm used to it but I remain celestial for life! Lol. sorcery is a beast with the right loadout. Adding a buff like fires would make it too strong imo. i believe that's why you just have a proc buff. To keep things balanced. Btw I know for a fact I increase your precision but my crit buff may also extend to you. Not 100k% sure. Never asked my guys. so running with a celestial like me would increase your damage. Just saying. :) good luck on your quest my friend.

    Ps I have 3 powers that can add a total of five different buffs to myself. Crit chance, crit damage, precision, might, restoration. Before gu40 most low sp (-140) celestial's were always low in damage. Point is having that buff you want might or might not fix your issue.
  20. Remander Steadfast Player

    This. If you aren't already destroying content as Sorcery, you're doing it wrong. Sorcery and Rage are the top dogs right now.
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