Sooo I bought the DLC for nothing

Discussion in 'Gotham City (General Gameplay)' started by PrimusTech, May 1, 2013.

  1. PrimusTech New Player

    Did I seriously buy the Last Laugh for nothing..

    I mean with all the PvP changes it's that all I got from the DLC was a bundle of legends characters and a weapon I don't use..what does everyone else think?
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  2. DeLaaNie Well-Known Player

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  3. John New Player

    Now that you mention it what is the last laugh pack useful for some maps a legend or too -__-
  4. pasufarin New Player

    You might not realize it, but those who don't have the DLC aren't able to queue up for the Safehouse, Arkahm, Ace Chemicals, the Pit, or Headquarters Arenas. So in the current rotation they are limited to Lair Battles (if they have Home Turf), Inner Sanctum, and Fortress of Solitude.
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  5. Drathmor Unwavering Player

    try to look at it this way money put in vs time spent
    even if you couldnt use anything that was aquired in the DLC the last laugh any more which isnt the case its just not as readly available as it was. it only cost 10 dollars and it was months ago and you have had many hours of playtime since with use of it all. now think about how much you spent on dinner last night Im sure it was at least 7 dollars most of the time more and it might of been great at the time but its gone now and you only got maybe 30 mins worth of enjoyment out of it. were last laugh has given much longer returns on your money. :D
  6. stayphokus New Player

    don't worry they will be coming back
    just be happy they gave you some of the feats
    if you was actually using the maps that is
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  7. Dynagirl Committed Player

    It does kinda suck that The Last Laugh was gutted for this update. The maps are now open to all even though we won't see em till they are rotated in. The gear are now just vault styles that seem to have a very very very very.... VERY low drop rate. So essentially if you get that dlc you are really just paying $10 for 7 legend characters unless those are free now as well.
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  8. Kintuse Well-Known Player

    Don't forget the shield! ..still..
  9. Aiden Warren New Player

    Did you read the DLC Info? If you read it, you will know what you get.
  10. Dynagirl Committed Player

    Oh yeah you're right. So its $10 for a new weapon type and 7 legend characters. It doesn't seem that bad
  11. DEMONIZER1 Loyal Player

    Wait till next months rotation, maybe you'll see those maps again... Stupid set up for PvP in my book!

    Submit a ticket and try to get your money back for the LL DLC that you can't play, hell, for that matter everyone here should!
  12. John New Player

    On a serious note the only reason most people bought (like me) the dlc was for the t4 checkmate gear am I right please tell me?
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  13. Sir Volt New Player

    sorry but your argument does not make sense ... what if ya bought a pair of pants , then months later some one showed up and took half the legs saying sorry but they can only be used as shorts now . hey be happy you got to use them as pants for a bit , you got your moneys worth .

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  14. Kintuse Well-Known Player

    The belts came with Hand of Fate aka DLC5
  15. John New Player

    There really should be a new benefit for people with the Last laugh dlc
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  16. Dynagirl Committed Player

    Agreed. If anything they should at least grant us the pvp gear styles automatically if u didn't have em
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  17. John New Player

    Yea grant all feats for the last laugh dlc
  18. Peacemakaz Committed Player

    Honestly? All I can say is get beasted.
  19. Drathmor Unwavering Player

    the argument make sence you might not agree with it but it is still sound. and yours is valid too if that were the case but its not, you still have access to what you bought when ever those maps are in the rotation were someone who hasent bought dlc cant. [not saying i agree with the map rotation now I hate it but this game is always changing and most of the time its not for the better] but you also got the shield weapon with this dlc and even if you dont use shield you can still go down the tree for the stats and you also got more ledgends characters nothing is gone and cant be used as in your shorts argument. just some maps in new rotation arent available at all times but that is the same for everyone wether you bought dlc or not
  20. The Doctor Loyal Player

    The T3 duo was fricken awesome when it first came out too. Such easy marks. Then they even added some easy feats for it.