Something between the legs...

Discussion in 'Old Arkham (Bug Archive)' started by Carbon Based Unit, Dec 17, 2016.

  1. Carbon Based Unit Well-Known Player

    There I was one day, jump jetting around in my new Runes of the East legs, and what do I see? A really big lump!

    [IMG]Here is sleep position in other pants that do not have the lump and the ones that do for comparison.

    This is like the massive merger of camel toe and something coming out of my behind! I do not think it is intended, but it certainly needs to be fixed.

    This is on a small pixie body, so it may be different on other people. Anyone with a different female form, if you have Runes of the East legs, please try them on, see if you get the same results. That will help show if this is wide spread or not.
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  2. sepiaskidmark Committed Player

    It's OK you just picked the transvestite body type.
  3. JasonIsley Devoted Player

    The dangers of wearing tight fitting clothes.
  4. Seethra Well-Known Player

    Hmm, how to respond here.

    Are you looking for a bugfix, or a doctor?
  5. Carbon Based Unit Well-Known Player

    Bugfix! Remove the bug... or whatever is shoved in there to make a lump! I gave up on those legs just because of this. I like rune and glow rune stuff, but had to find a different outfit for my heal mode.
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  6. Caroline Dedicated Player

    Thank you for making me laugh in these cold, dark days on DCUO. :D :)

    But yeah, hopefully it gets fixed.
  7. Wiccan026 Loyal Player

    Have a piece of cake, the day will be sunnier after you eat it :D
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  8. Caroline Dedicated Player


  9. Wiccan026 Loyal Player

    *sighs* you now made me want rainbow powers again.

    Now I need another piece of cake.
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  10. Carbon Based Unit Well-Known Player

    Only cake I have seen for DCUO is 5 year old anniversary cake....