Someone keeps putting npc's on teleporters in Watchtower

Discussion in 'Gotham City (General Gameplay)' started by useless, Dec 9, 2018.

  1. useless Well-Known Player

    Someone is having fun,blocking teleporters,if you looking for Supplier Sibyl she's on Gotham east end teleporter.
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  2. 9001BPM Steadfast Player

    I videoed the idiot doing it, I’ll be reporting them tomorrow.
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  3. Schimaera Devoted Player

    That's funny :D

    The devs did not make their NPCs immovable. Now ppl move them. There is literally nothing to report here other than the fact that the devs cannot glue NPCs to the floor they are standing on :D
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  4. LadyLightning Issue Tracker Volunteer

    It would be funny if it wasn't blocking players, especially new ones from entering the affected teleporters... those can't play!
  5. Schimaera Devoted Player

    Yeah it's annoying though there are ways. And this is a good way of these new players to find solutions to their problems. It's a good thing to learn.

    Like ... Teleporter to a savehouse blocked... there are still four (or eight) different ways to get to that exact save house. Or nine if you count the Teleporter Lair Amenity.

    I'm not saying it's funny for everyone but, well, things like this existed forever and never kept me from playing. Just sayin' that there are simple solutions and everyone who wants to find them can do so :p
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  6. TechWarrior0329 Steadfast Player

    Personally I really don't see anything funny about this. Had a very similar issue when Age of justice was new. I can not recall if it was the vendor or the repair man but one of them in the Area 51 zone was wandering off and was actually found several time outside the building he was "supposed" to be in. Guess he got bored and decided to just look around a bit? The dev team actually had to do a hot fix where basically the mailed his feet to the floor so he'd stop taking walks.

    We are not referring to some NPC just stuck there to make the place look more realistic. We are talking about a vendor. Interestingly we have had vendors in the game forever and has anyone ever found the Bat Woman vendor that is supposed to be in the Tech Wing clear over in the Meta Wing chatting with her buddy Power Girl? Those NPCs need to be immobile so everyone knows where to find them so they can buy what they need without spending ?? minutes trying to find them. And if the usual misfits that think its FUNNY to screw things up making other players game more difficult by luring those or ANY npc onto the telepads making it impossible to warp from the zone they need at least a few days ban to think about what they did.
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  7. WilderMidnight Steadfast Player

    i dont find it funny. i dont find it particuarly offensive. more annoying things have been done in the past. i just don't get how other people can find it funny. its like using a dated catchphrase and then acting like you came up with it.
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  8. Saami Loyal Player

    I think you might be sociopath or psychopath, if you cant understand why other people could have fun or laugh from different things. Lack of empathy maybe.
  9. WilderMidnight Steadfast Player

    Just because i want to see what you look like from the inside out means nothing!
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  10. August Moon Well-Known Player

    i dont find how arsonist get a rise out of setting peoples homes on fire, i guess i must be psychopath. i can see why everyone is upset at this . you're not just inconveniencing the people who are just trying to warp to a set spot when their base warps are on cool down , but you're also inconveniencing the people who are trying to get a hold of the npc. now i have to play hide and seek with the earth 3 vendor , and i cant jsut use the teleport because john Constantine is playing king of the hill with it and every time im trying to warp in hes trying to sell me something. warp to base > yeah ill do that in about 5 minutes wen its off cooldown. scenario painted i really hope you understand how annoying that can be , and if one person is doing it you bet your bottom dollar 2 weeks from now were going to be playing musical npcs
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  11. WilderMidnight Steadfast Player

    Now that was funny.
  12. Caesar's Lion Dedicated Player

    Lol, we apparantly have the most toxic community in any game ever, & yet people get all incredulous over this.
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  13. recoil2 Dedicated Player

    this sort of made it funny as it sounds like something constantine WOULD do, his character is basically being a big british sob and he even admits it during the artifact mission XD.
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  14. Kestral Committed Player

    Help others by moving them off the teleporters with the Material balls if possible if you are concerned.
  15. Kestral Committed Player

    Yeah no pretty sure that's LoL. Unless things have magically done a 180 on that front recently.
  16. LadyLightning Issue Tracker Volunteer

    • lowlevels don't have bases
    • lowlevels can't go to HQ
    Therefore, if some idiot decided to block both safehouses in Gotham there is only one thing these players can do: Quit playing.
    Not fun.
  17. Schimaera Devoted Player

    Since the NPCs were mostly moved through the watchtower, that's not the issue.

    In fact, the argument you made doesn't really make sense. If someone would block Gotham East End I can go to Diamond district and to East End from there. If they are blocking it in the HQ that means I already was in the HQ and every other Savehouse can teleport me to another one. Plus for that I can simply go to PvP phase (again, only if you already have access to HQ.

    I'm not defending anyone however, I'm just stating if you try stuff out and look at the Gotham/Metro map you see more than one savehouse you can access. Back when I started it was like five minutes into the HQ that I found out that I have peace there. Sure those things are dick moves to some but they aren't the end of all things.
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  18. Proxystar #Perception

    Actually zone disturbance is considered a form of griefing and is a violation of the terms of service.

    Now with that being said it does come down to context, there's nothing wrong with having a little fun but there is also something to be said about sustained griefing that becomes relentless.

    There are problem people on both sides, those that are more delicate than a rose blowing in the wind upset as the smallest thing impeding them and those that don't know when to stop.

    It is for this very reason the gorilla trinket got nerfed and the barrels got ruined and don't roll flat anymore.

    Im not sure which type of person i consider worse lol
  19. TechWarrior0329 Steadfast Player

    I'm sorry but did you actually READ what you typed before you hit send ? Okay so let's say I am still slightly below level 30 and I just finished up the OMAC mission we get from Fire in the East End. At this point maybe i am a NEW player and the teleporter i have in my base doesn't even have the ability to allow me to click on it and wind up inside the East End safe house. So that rules out one "other" option if the entrance to the East End PD is blocked. So I took off, flying or running depending on what travel power i have and just headed for the East End PD to talk to Fire and complete that missions so I can get my final reward and move on to the next mission.
    I arrive to find some IDIOT has managed to block the pad and i can't get inside from there. Now I get to turn around an travel all the way back to the Diamond District and then use the telepad there to get to the East End. In other words because some one had nothing better to do in game be see just how annoying they can be to everyone else.... I get to take a tour of Gotham just to turn in a mission? And according to your logic there is nothing wrong with that? Just good clean fun?

    No that's not some "learning opportunity" all that is is some one Grieving other players because in their warped little minds that is more fun that actually playing the game. Now why the Devs make it possible to that supplier to be moved to begin with is beyond me. But it takes a real jerk to take the time to discover they CAN be moved and then take time they could be actually playing the game to do whatever they have to do to get that NPC on the telepad and leave them there screwing up everyone else's game.
  20. 9001BPM Steadfast Player

    Also Ocean Master has been pushed onto the portal to HQ in Atlantis.