Some New or Cool ideas

Discussion in 'Gotham City (General Gameplay)' started by Ethromel, May 28, 2014.

  1. Ethromel Well-Known Player

    Here are some NEW or COOL ideas:
    1. Make a lair/base that is cosmic themed for people that want to play like an omnipotent character, and in the far distant background the Watchtower, Ranx, and Mogo can be seen.
    2. An underwater Aquaman themed base where you can look outside your windows and see ocean life and maybe Aquaman himself swim by or the Hall of doom can be spotted.
    3. Relocate vendors so that players have to go to Star Labs to get mods, respec, purchase skin styles, or pay to adjust their height/personality/or powers. This gives players more places to go to and greater purpose in traveling. Plus the inside of Star Labs is already made.
    4. Change sparring targets in War Room and the Pit.
    Hero get: Black Canary, Green Arrow, Wildcat, Nightwing,
    Aquaman, Killowog and Karate Kid.
    Villains: Lady Shiva, Deathstroke, Talia Al ghul, Bronze Tiger, Cheshire, and David Cain.
    The player can train/spar in a one-on-one with these targets (that actually fight back) once a day unless they use a replay badge. If the player wins they earn triumph or stat points. If a lower level player loses they get 1 mark, and if they win they get three. If a higher level player loses they get nothing, but if they win they earn 2 points to a stat of their choosing. They must defeat these trainers/opponents to earn anything after a certain level. The combat will stop before the NPC falls, and they will simply say "Good, good, well done" for heroes, or "You are becoming an excellent killer" for villains.
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  2. Spacedude2 New Player

    Interesting! I'm all for more lair styles.
  3. chipzes Committed Player

    1. +1 for any new lair style
    2. +1
    3. I wouldn't mind them adding that but there is a reason all that stuff is in the HQs now and no reason to remove it from there.
    4. Sparring targets are for us to test our powers and skills, not to earn rewards or spend replay badges.
  4. Larfleeze New Player

    So basically you want people to replay the stat gain hundreds of times over getting incredibly exaggerated amounts of HP or their main stat (Vit, Resto, Prec)

    No thanks.
  5. Ch3wtobacco New Player

    still say they should make a lair that's a hidden starship (disguised as a building)

    that and a sorcery abode where the backup are winged monkeys so I can scream, "FLY MY WINGED MONKYS, FLY!"
  6. Ethromel Well-Known Player

    Uh no. I wanted it in conjunction with the "incredibly exaggerated amounts of HP or their main stats" therein. Thank you.
  7. Wickedone New Player

    sounds like a pretty nice idea
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