Solitary Riot walk-ins?

Discussion in 'Gotham City (General Gameplay)' started by Wildboy, Oct 23, 2014.

  1. Wildboy Committed Player

    I did a quick search on the forums regarding this and didn't come up with anything so I wanted to through it out there.

    There was a player shouting out in chat this afternoon for anyone who had the 5 Solitary Riot daily missions and needed to go indoors for the solo.

    I shouted back that it is solo and he can't have other players in with him. He sent me a Tell saying that he wouldn't have to do the dailies himself if he grouped with someone who has. I replied that I was pretty sure he had to do the dailies first. He then said "Trust me; I've done it. It works."

    I declined stating that I needed to check out some things on the forums.

    Does anyone know whether this works to get into Solitary Riot without doing the 5 dailies? Is this being done on other HT solos?
  2. Sbel Devoted Player

    That never used to work when I was doing them. Doubt it works like that now.
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  3. Kzinti Committed Player

    He may be saying if someone has done the 5 dailies and you have none and group with them, you can go in and do the solo. Each of you will be by yourself though and not together.
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  4. Sbel Devoted Player

    Oh, never tried that.
  5. Kimone Luthor Genetech Clone

    I dunno if you can circumvent the five dailies that way, but I do - for a fact - that if you try to go into the instance with someone else along, you ALWAYS end up in a solo instance.
  6. Wildboy Committed Player

    Hhhmmmmm. . .
  7. Sbel Devoted Player

    What would you get from it though, a 74 piece or just the weapon/ring/neck?
  8. HazeTA New Player

    A guaranteed piece from a box and whatever drops in the instance. Surely that bypass is not intended though.
  9. SSB Active Player

    I saw that guy shouting for that and he told me that if someone has the mission where you go inside, that the person that's grouped with you can go into the instance as well but it will still be a solo as usual and he also said he was just trying to get the feat for doing the boss part 10 times. He didn't say if you get drops if you skip the daily missions or not.
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  10. oasenhoheit Loyal Player

    The box is attached to the quest, that only shows up, when you completed the 5 missions.
    I guess even if it was possible to get in, he wouldn't get the Piece from the reward for the inside-misson, only the drop from the Boss.

    Same as in the T5-duos, where you get credit for the side-bosses, when you are in a duo with someone who has them, but won't get a book from WW/Circe, if you didn't complete the 5 dailies before.
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  11. Deranya Dedicated Player

    If it works, you skip the grind to finish the style for example. Or you work on another feat, like the villain Arkham one with the vines. That one alone would probably get people to skip the dailies.
    I kind of hope it doesn't work and that that person is just talking nonsense. There really doesn't need to be more stuff that is given out for free in this game.
  12. oasenhoheit Loyal Player

    I tested it out today, hero-side, Strykers Island.

    I completed my 5th Strykers-mission and got the inside-mission. I invited a friend into the group, but the portal was closed for him. After I went in, he was also able to enter, and we both ended up in our own instance.

    He didn't get loot, not from the boss, no box to pick a piece of armor. All he got was trash-loot from the adds.
    But he got the headline for completing the instance, the feat for completing the inside-mission the first time and one tick on his counter for completing the mission 10 times.

    So my theory was correct:
    Same as with the T5-duo side-bosses you can work on your counter that way, but won't get the rewards to complete the style, which is attached to the actual quest.
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  13. oasenhoheit Loyal Player

    I tested it again, villain side, Steelworks. Same result as on hero-side, Strykers.

    My friend could enter his own mission, after I entered mine, and got credit for the mission for the feat counter, but he didn't get any loot or reward.
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