Solid Spider: Ultimate Stealth Loadout and tips

Discussion in 'War Room (Powers, Artifacts, & Builds)' started by Funky, Jul 11, 2013.

  1. Funky New Player

    Hey just posting my ultimate gadget/stealth loadout that I've had a lot of fun with in PVP and I left some of my favorite strategies as well.

    Control stance

    1. Thermite Mine - Plant these as the battle goes on or while out of combat plant these in key areas such as the door terminal on moonbase, or the Chemo switch. It causes burning as well to keep them from hitting any cogs
    1. (alternate) gauss grenade - defense debuff

    2. Taser Pull - Not only used for p o t but dragging an enemy close to you for melee or pulling loose enemies toward a tank. Quick Trick if you use this power midair you can send the enemy flying behind you; useful for trying to beat your opponent to a node. Also used this when I just planted a bunch of mines in one spot and want the opponent in the middle of the explosion

    3. fear gas(*riot spray) - I use this in conjunction with mines and taser pull. You can also use this on a group of enemies, make sure to jump after use this is vulnerable to interrupt
    3. Defibrillator (alternate) - Your still a troll, throw out some f*cking power.

    4. Stealth - Not only are you invisible to the enemy but you have a new loadout tray available to you.

    5. Holographic Decoy - Works best when faced with henchman or pets. Could also be used to slow down opponent before going stealth.

    6. Distract - shields from damage and crowd control effects for a very short time, which is a perfect opportunity to go stealth and quickly get out of harms way

    Effective stealth combination 5 , 6 , 4.

    During Stealth

    1.Thermite Mine - while in stealth can be more strategically placed. Just for fun place right next to your opponent and laugh as they get frustrated trying to find you.

    2. Any super charge attack. In stealth mode your critical attack chance is much higher so don't waste the opportunity because you will come out of stealth after use. I suggest either bunker buster or asphyxiation gas.

    3. Sleep dart - I just do this to annoy people in duels. other than that it's good at interrupting an attack if you're teammate is getting outnumbered and you just can't get there just yet, also good for keeping pets down for a second.

    4. Surprise attack -during team matches I find it most useful while

    5. Self Destruct Signal - Detonates everything within range, holographic decoys and mines. I would usually use this while holographic decoy is still on field

    6. implosion mine - only briefly slows down an incoming enemy but if you know your geometry well it could pull an opponent into your mine field. also keeps the pets down for a second.

    Other Stealth tips:
    If you're low on health and about to die you can go into stealth, evade battle and heal yourself.

    While in stealth you can do an unexpected block break, interrupt, or a block you can also dodge too, but once you come out of stealth there will be a delay when you transition leaving you open.

    In arena combat node capture you can secure your node, place mines while you wait and start the exchange with the upper hand, if you come to a node alone against 2 or more opponents you can just stand there to prevent the other team from getting points.

    In death matches only concern yourself with giving out power, picking out the weaker enemies, taking out healers and not dying.

    Art of Trolling - Start a duel, go stealth, leave room, get something to eat, comeback, continue playing; same goes for 1v1 lair battle.

    While in stealth chat up the opponent and mock them.

    Beware of fire and ice don't even try going stealth in flames it will be a waste and then you have to wait for stealth to reload. And by waiting I mean continue the a*ss beating you are dishing out.

    That's it.
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