SOE Maintenance Notice: September 25, 2014

Discussion in 'Announcements' started by Amnerys, Sep 24, 2014.

  1. Amnerys New Player


    Attention players: we will perform maintenance beginning at 7:00 AM PDT* on Thursday, September 25, 2014. We expect this maintenance to last about two hours. This will impact the following SOE services:
    • Game servers may sporadically lose connection across all games
    • Commerce functions, including purchases for all games
    • Game, web and forum logins for all games
    Thank you for your patience as we complete this maintenance.

    *Convert to your local time

    - SOE Community Team
    • Like x 2
  2. tyjames New Player

    Aww shucks
  3. Slade Wilson Devoted Player

    Is it just me or is there always maintenance affecting purchases when Booster Bundles are on sale ;) ??
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  4. MrJinggles Level 30

    thanks for the heads up
  5. Worldkiller New Player

    this is ridiculous, really.
  6. MyToy New Player

    you just did man yesterday
  7. Kai New Player

    Are you kidding me..................
  8. Doyodahay New Player

    Hi is the game running yet please,
  9. Jaispeed2014 New Player

    i'll check in a minute (ps4)

    EDIT: It's working for me (atleast on PS4) :)
  10. Circe New Player

    Shoot, was about to get on to play. :( Not good.
  11. adelen New Player

    not possible to log in at eups only error. i feel this game only get more and more error they not fix old error only put on more new dlc before old is fixed.
  12. Umbra78 New Player

    As punishment you will do sevenhundred sit ups.:cool:
  13. Ivar New Player

  14. adelen New Player

    finnaly get in and played 30 min so i dc and problem with log in again, omg this game is so annoying must be crazy for i paid for this game now soon 4 years. but its not far from love to hate, i feel i start to hate this game more and more for evrytime i get error. always when it been meainteance there is problem with my ps4 to log in
  15. akihiko1995 New Player

    Hay so this mean we can't play today or tomorrow? i have not log on in 3 day now. US server :(
  16. MasterOfTheHunt Well-Known Player

    I'm in idk why you guys can't, USPS3/4
  17. Vagenda Well-Known Player

    Is it just me? Since the new updates - none of my Armories work anymore. They still appear named in my generator, but they won't function, and they appear to be empty visually.
  18. Infyrneaux23 Dedicated Player

    My armories were working fine at around 11:30 am CST. Can't check until I get home from work, but that is worrisome.
  19. Infyrneaux23 Dedicated Player

    Also, I played all morning even during the maintenance and everything was fine. They said it would only really affect marketplace stuff during the two hour window with a possible occasional disconnect anyway. Wonder what was up?
  20. Vagenda Well-Known Player

    Somethings happened in the last 30 minutes. I can SEE my toons inside the armories now (I couldn't before) - I can SEE the gear in the armories when I select them now (I couldn't before) - but I still can't activate them at the armory or with a numberpad button. It still says "This build is not associated with an armory".

    It's still broke - just not AS broke, I guess....