Howdy, I recently replayed the old Star Wars Knights of The Old Republic on my bro's old Xbox cause, lets face it, that game is crazy-good. Yes, I kinda cheated on my ps4, sue me lol. Anyway I remember back when I first started playing it thinking "man, the only way this could be better is if it was turned into an MMO". Then after its subpar sequel it was turned into an MMO and quite frankly, a disappointing one to say the least. But as I replayed KoTOR there the other day it got me thinking, why hasnt DC ever considered making a Green Lantern MMO in the spirit of KoTOR? It seems insane to me that this hasnt happened yet? You start off on OA as a recruit lantern, your first few missions are learning to create Constructs under Kilowogs supervision, and once you pass that you get assignments from Salaak and get to travel around 10-16 different planets, each with 4-5 different areas including Cities, Wastelands, Forests etc etc. Imagine travelling to Earth to help stop some menacing villain, then your next stop being Ysmault to try reason with Atrocitus & Zox, then to Daxam to help with negotiations. Not every mission would need to be action-packed so as to keep the feeling that your a GL, a Space Cop and Galactic Peace Keeper. DCUO has clearly shown that a Videogame based on Comicbooks that sticks to Comicbook Lore religiously can be excellent. If enough time and effort was put into this game, maybe 5-7yrs, I think it could be a monumental hit. Especially if it was released for PS4s too. (Sorry PS3 but this game would be too big for ya ) Lemme know what yous think anyway.
I thought SWTOR was a very good MMO. It has just been crippled by too much interference from EA and how they changed how their payment model works multiple times. And are there any good Green Lantern games at all? I don't know if there are. So we should probably get one of those first.
Thats my point though really, if your gonna do a Green Lantern game it should be done right. When ppl think Green Lantern they think power ring and justice league, but what they should really be thinking is 7200 Space Cops, 2 Cops to each of the 3600 Space Sectors, and countless worlds under each GLs jurisdiction in each Space Sector. I mean most ppl dont even know that Ysmault, home of the Red Lanterns, is actually in the same Space Sector as Earth, Sector 2814. If you make a Sandbox game with a GL floating around on a small part of Earth its wasting a really good opportunity. Put these chatacters where they belong? Out in Space and visiting multiple Planets and interacting with tons of different Aliens? THAT is what a GL game should be.
There arent any lol. The game based on the GL movie with ryan reynolds has to be the most vile P.O.S ive ever seen. I dunno why they even chose ryan tbh, hes cool but As hal, ehh
Hooray for the three year old thread necro? Anyhow, as vast as the reach of the various corps is in the comics, the whole thing just sounds like a limited and possibly limiting premise. It'd be like making a Star Wars MMO that's ONLY about Jedi, and while SWTOR did come close to that even THEY didn't go full-on glowbat user. As a side note, it always amused me that some would complain about Star Wars Galaxies being Jedi-centric when Jedi was just one of many professions in the game and yet no one seemed to bat an eyelash about SWTOR making half of their classes (and their stories) Force focused. There'd also be various canon obstacles to deal with, such as the usual stuff that pops up in the Lantern power request threads as well as details like Lanterns usually sticking to their own sector the vast majority of the time, limiting some of the world-hopping potential. And just as a nitpicking little thing? If you're going to make it SWTOR-like in the "follow the story/world hopping" kind of experience, that's FAR more of a theme-park/directed content MMO experience than a sandbox. SWG pretty much stands out as a prime example of a sandbox MMO, and even after it had a directed content path put in to help leveling after the NGE, it was still very much a sandbox game. Mind you, this is coming from a long time fan of Green Lantern in general and from someone who geeked out hardcore when they introduced the other color corps into the DC universe. Like Jedi in Star Wars, Lanterns are a signature aspect of the DC universe, but unlike Jedi they're not anywhere near the focus of their particular fictional universe. I just don't see a Lantern-based MMO having the power to draw in an audience as a stand-alone MMO.
Green Lantern + No Man Sky You can explore, fight, or join some big cosmic raid against a conquering fleet.
I dream of playing Green Lantern Corps mmo since Green Lantern vol. 4 with Geoff Johns’ multicolore corps. Basically it would be more like an action rpg with controls adapting to either planet level, low orbit and outer space. For the first 10 lvl you would be a recrue lantern wearing a white circle getting missions from Kilowog. New player would be restricted to basic races like human and later could unlock advanced races like Daxamite... it should be based also on a tank/healer/damage dealer system where it would be related to a background choice like pilot or surgeon or soldier. Around lvl 12 you get a special mission on OA and team up with 3 other lantern in matchmaking or with friends and do some kind of dungeon with a Boss battle and get more like those every 10 lvl or so. The first expansion would be Sinestro Corps War from where you can start to play a yellow lantern. (From there it would be like WoW with the Alliance vs the Horde or City of Heroes and City of Vilains) and from there introduce the blue, red, pink and indigo corps. Orange, black and white would be for specials events only. Obviously all known lantern would be npc with whom you could interact with over the course of main story mission. A lot of important location like earth, OA, Daxam, Ran, Tanagar, etc would be designed but everything else would be procedurally generated to feel like the actual universe and there would be a lot of repeatable side quest popping within the vastness your sector. A fun feature would be that you would actually play as the ring so when you die it would be permadeath and the ring fly to get a replacement and it would bring you back to character creation bit you would retain story progression so you would only have to do a quick Kilowog drill, grind a little and you would be back on track with new side quest maybe like to investigate death of predecessor and avenge... I so wana play that game where I would chose a race and train on OA developing construct shaped with relevance to my race style and homeworld, unlocking different badge style (everything green lantern ever from the comics and any other media would be included for art to chose for tour character customization) going on patrol across my sector, bringing vilains in sciencells, play as a blue lantern and support the team in a big raid against the red and yellow lanterns, complete flying challenges, wandering on OA and learning GL lore. Seasonal events with Larfleeze, missions with other DCU heroes, playing special endgame missions involving going back thru time to play major historic DC cosmic events... endless possibilities!!! If the controls are good and the story well crafted then enough ppl would play it. A good game’s a good game.