So why do we need to remove AM again?

Discussion in 'Testing Feedback' started by Aerith Rose, Feb 8, 2017.

  1. MyDpsIsBetter Dedicated Player

    Am is being removed not because ppl here are tired of it, the games dying due to how short term it is. Thiers no reward system on this game. No I beat such and such feeling. Simply log in beat X amount of current content with who ever is shouting in lfg, since the games is simple mode for every role because of ams. Beat said content log off until next time. Thats not how mmos thrive and dc devs figured that out. You know how bad something has to be for them to wipe out a entire system... Players don't want to play this non sense on live you have lost some of the most popular dc youtubers because the games to easy thats free advertising gone because any joe can do top tier damage your healers have unlimited power, things are bad and yall cant come in terms with thats not normal for a mmo.
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  2. TheCursedOne Well-Known Player

    I have played the game before WM and AM. I know how the game works pretty well. I do agree that AM's damage should be pulled down, and at the same time it should be hard to use the AM. I'm all for high risk high reward. Some of the AM's are harder to use then others, but I think the biggest thing about the AM that has be troubled is the power back. Without the power back you will run out of power and have to use weapons or can only use smaller power attacks. I hate using weapons, and don't want Fireball to be my main attack when playing without a troller.

    I also feel that the AM's made that power shine with its powers. Yes there should be more way to do around the same damage out, But that is no reason to pull the whole AM from the game. Not even going to get into the whole cooldown mess.
  3. TheCursedOne Well-Known Player

    PFtT is nowhere close to how the AM's work. Even placing SP into power will still leave you dry in open world, solos, and duos. You still have to fall back to using your weapon. You can get PFtT to work but you stuck with smaller shorter powers. If you try to use the bigger powers you will end up having to fall back using your weapon.

    The whole "one trick pony rotation" you are talking about will always be around. Even after this revamp. It has happen every single time the game goes though a revamp of the dps. It happen before WM. It happen during WM. It's happening now during AM. It will happen after the revamp. Players learn 'ONE" way to get the most and easiest damage out and that way will become the next "AM". If you are not using this "one" way then you will either be kicked from group or laughed at and called a noob.
  4. Soul Dedicated Player

    I'm mainly a PvPer, so to me not incorporating your weapon as your base desire is practically an insult to a Rock-Paper-Scissors game.

    This game was built on this RPS system, starting with your Block/Interrupt/Block Break (Counter System) functions and further into the Confidence Boost/Debuff functions (Healer>Tank>Troller>Healer).

    The "Dumbing down" of said system by stream lining it into a tray-only/weapon only Dps option is, in my opinion, a bad move that not only did not diversify the game, but rather forced a constant dominant stream lined way to Dps (WM when it came out, and then AM when it came out and up until today.).

    In a "dream world" you can pick up any:
    - Weapon.
    - Combos within the tray of said Weapon.
    - Powerset.
    - Abilities within the tray of said Powerset.
    - A combination of all of the above.

    And go up to par with any other choice made.
    But in reality, there's just no time, money or apparently the tech to make all of this balanced.

    Facing this reality what do you prefer? a stream lined Tray-Only Dps?
    * It would mean the "Counter System" and the "Immunity System" are both irrelevant to you, as you do not require RPS interaction with an NPC or another Player. (Imo, A dumbing down of your Survival Skills and Reward for Effort)
    * It would mean your reliance on your team is limited to Healing and Resurrection as you are Power Managing yourself. (Imo another dumbing down of Team-Play)

    I'm very worried this Revamp is going to be just the same as AM but with a different name.
    Weapons are part of DCUO, the RPS System is what made DCUO stand out.. Giving us other options is fine, making said options in a way that will render the system obselete is not.
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  5. Fatal Star 10000 Post Club

    Except the difference between the one trick ponies before AM is they didn't do almost 4× the amount of damage as what was considered a "regular" rotation. If you tried clipping or WM now, you will get at least doubled by someone using the AM. So far in the revamp, that's not the case. The difference between different play styles is minimal. The difference between various loadouts is minimal. You're right there will always be that one rotation that's better then everything else. That's unavoidable no matter what game you play. The trick is to not make it that much more superior then others so people aren't forced to use it to be effective. Despite all of its flaws, that's something the revamp has achieved so far.

    So your biggest concern with PFtT is power regen being too low. So instead of throwing in the "I quit" towel, why don't you try to make your voice be heard and attempt to get PFtT improved while the revamp is in the process of being tweaked? We all have aspects about it that we don't like. That's why it's in the testing process and taking so long cause they want to address the feedback. Not speaking up is counter productive of that.
  6. TheCursedOne Well-Known Player

    So by just cutting the damage down of the AM. Would that do the same thing? If you have the AM rotation and say a weapons only put out the same about what is wrong with that? You guys are just wanting it totally removed. Also with the PFtT there is no penalty for doing it wrong cause there is not way to do it wrong. At least with the AM's if you did it wrong you would know and get a penalty for it like loss of power, loss of damage out. PFtT dose not have that. You spam any powers you want until you run out of power then use your weapon, yea that takes so much more skill to use.

    That is just what I'm talking about. If you try to speak up say what you want to say or say what you think should change/ not change, you get threads like this. Players come in here and fight tooth and nail to shut you down even if what you are saying might hold some truth to it. I want the AM's left in the game. Instead of trying to figure out a way to keep it we see "just leave" or " you will have to adapt". So by the logic there is not point in trying to say anything about revamp. That is why I send my thoughts straight to the devs and miss with all the drama on the forums, like I'm dealing with now.
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  7. Ala Rebeldex Loyal Player

    One thing is certain... this Revamp has brought a bunch of salty tears, lol
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  8. Fatal Star 10000 Post Club

    Keep in mind also, other play styles currently require a troll. Clipping and WM does. AM doesn't. It's not fair for it to do the same or more damage then it's weapon using counterparts and have unlimited power pretty much. That's why passive regen on test isn't on the same level as AM regeneration. People want to just sit there and spam powers, get free damage, and never run out. That's partly why the role synergy now is so broken, trolls are only needed to power the tank and healer. In my opinion, that's not how it should be.

    Also this drama and fighting is how devs get important feedback. Mepps said himself it's the negative feedback that's most important. While you think it may not happen or get adjusted because a few forum goers don't agree with you, it could very well be something​ the devs look into adjusting.
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  9. Jacob Dragonhunter Steadfast Player

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  10. TheCursedOne Well-Known Player

    WM and clipping dose not need a troll or passive power regen to do the main damage. WM alone will regen enough power for you to use powers, and clipping is the same way. It's totally fair for the AM's to have a power regen. Weapons are "free" to use. You can run totally out of power and still be able to use your weapon. AM's if you run out of power then you are either stuck standing there or you have start using your weapon. On test the really only power you have to use with weapon is the weapon buff and then apply the most dots you can. That dose not require a troller.That is not fun. Its like setting off a big firework and then having to drop back to party poppers cause you have nothing to light the other big fireworks you have.

    No kind of drama is every good for a game, not like this. What helps the devs is to have calm and clear conversation over the topic, but instead we get what you see above. That helps nobody. That is called drama and Internet trolls feed off of that. Also if that was true then with all the negative feed back about this revamp, would one not thing its a bad move?
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  11. Ala Rebeldex Loyal Player

    No, because there is a lot of people including myself who support the Revamp and hate the AM´s and what they brought to the game.
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  12. Soul Dedicated Player

    A summed up answer to that would be:
    It's a bad move - Because their current customers are accustomed to AM. (Short term.)
    It's a good move - Because alternatives offer a better Risk/Effort vs Reward, Diversity, and therefore longevity. (Long term.)

    So you wouldn't be wrong arguing this might hurt the game short term.
  13. TheCursedOne Well-Known Player

    I'm not talking only about just the AM's. There are other things about the revamp I'm not liking and so have other people have said. Yes SP should matter more. Yes, there should be more way to do damage. All of that dose not require the total removal of the AM.

    I would bet there are more people that like the AM then hate it. Now if you listen to only the forums then no. On here the "AM's is what killing the game". But if that is the case then why has the game grew over the last couple of years? Yes, we have lost some players. We lost them because of the lack of options in the way you dps, I get that. But to take out a way the player have played for the last what 3 years just because you don't like it is not right.
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  14. Roocck Committed Player

  15. TheCursedOne Well-Known Player

    If you look over the past revamp, most of them have been "short term" and every single one of those revamp has lead to a population drop that takes forever to recover and grow back. But one more thing you have think about with this revamp is it not only changing the dps role. Its changing the support roles as well. Nobody is going to know how the population will take that. You have enough players leave then the long term will not matter.
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  16. Soul Dedicated Player

    You realize this rationale applies to when they introduced WM and AM?
    I know of whole leagues that left together because of it, first with WM, later as if to put the last nail in the coffin - AM.

    You can't objectively claim our population grew with AM/WM after it took that hit, use that in an argument, and then say removing said systems will create a different effect.

    There's only one way to look at it objectively - every change will make some people upset.
    Myself and others who still play from before AM/WM were part of the game - adjusted and endured. You and other players who dissaprove of these changes will either go through the same process - or leave.

    This isn't me trying to be mean, dismissive or rude, it's just how things are when we as a player base don't call the shots and are unfortunately not involved in the decision making (Not enough anyways..)

    And trust me, if we did have any weight in the decision making, this game would never have gotten WM/AM to begin with, as the VAST majority of players was against both systems being implemented, and as I mentioned earlier - caused mass exodus from this game.
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  17. Ala Rebeldex Loyal Player

    Power regen on live with AM´s is plain stupid, it has almost killed the controller role altogether of the game.
    Damage bonus of AM´s it's ludicrous overbuffed, besides takes away any form of choice since you have to do "the right" rotation to get the damage modifier.

    With the Revamp i can take Sorcery for example and play with or without the Fury and do very good damage with both choices, switch diverse abilities according the situation (adds or Boss fights) which add more diversity to my gameplay, Controllers are need it again and healers can´t solo heal with their eyes closed. There is a lot of room for improvent in the Revamp, but there are more pros than cons IMO.
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  18. TheCursedOne Well-Known Player

    Jackster did say during a live stream not to long ago that the game is growing, both in staff and in the player base. The mass exodus from the game was not because the WM/AM was introduced, It was because player have grown a custom to how the game was played, and then all of a sudden it was changed one day. One day WM or the AM was the only way to do the most damage. Which I understand, players did like it to much.

    But right now with this revamp what is the harm in have both WM and AM left in the game and balance everything around one another? Instead they are ripping it out. I'm all for having other ways to do damage, I really am, but taking out one way and replacing it with something that is not even close to what it did before (not talking about the damage out).

    Would it really be that bad to to balance the powers, balance the weapons, balance the AM, and balance hybrid builds? That would give player more options, which from what people in here have said is one the main goals of this revamp.

    I'm not trying to be mean either, but it needs to be said. Removing the AM's from the game is a bad move.
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  19. MyDpsIsBetter Dedicated Player

    We been trying our best to explain to you the issues of am and how stale it has made the game, ive always said am should be a entry form of dpsing until players learn currently it is the alpha form of damage that doesnt even need controllers that absurd. Test allows you to pftt depending on how your spec and the sp you have like other mmos you wana play strickly with powers you can either earn more sps or spec for power first. Whats on test isn't perfect but it will return respect to this game as a mmo. Just as many players you claim will quit and trust they wont even more have said they are returning they just need a reason. R.i.p AM and Cr differential DCUO a Comic game ReBorn. Am is gone I dont want you or anyone to quit but its time to accept that and adapt.
  20. Black Prime OG Devoted Player

    Let me clarify this for you. People didnt leave because WM and AM were the only options for dps. They left when they were forced to use only WM and AM. I forget the update, but when they added those dovetails to almost every power, they broke the game. No one could clip any longer. This is what killed hard light for many many people. The devs, which are still around, didn't understand how balance the game. Sound familiar right. Guess what? We were feed the same cap back then that they are saying now. Game balancing. SMH.

    There will never be balancing. Tanks are now gonna be all played the same way. Whichever tank power does the best damage, that will be the majority of all tanks. Same goes for trolls and heals. Removing the situational advantages of each power is a bad idea. It's what makes every power unique. Instead of trying to give balance to the powers with their differences, they are just making them the same, aka dummying them down. There are players who only play tanks on games like this. I can't believe anyone is happy with the current state of tanking, at all! But that will take a back seat to dpsing. Why even have roles if they are gonna spend 75% of the time working on dpsing. Why not just let us all be dps and make gear be our role, like other mmos. Something other that what we are being force feed needs to be done.