So what's the next QoL thing you want in the game

Discussion in 'Gotham City (General Gameplay)' started by Raven Roth, May 17, 2023.

  1. xGMZen Well-Known Player

    Cross save.
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  2. AshocusTheMuse Well-Known Player

    OMG! The inventory swell is REEEEEEEEAL, also, the seasonal vendor is an INSPIRED idea! Paying 15 mil for a treeline that is easily got during the summer even is... well it's highway robbery lol
  3. Limey Committed Player

    Different animation options for switching armories. Smoke bomb changes are nice, but what about a Doomsday jump into the air and back down as another armory? Or a wonder woman/flash spinning animation? Shouldn't be too difficult now that emotes are in the state they're at, and customizable animation architecture is a more present part of the game code.
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  4. TI99Kitty Dedicated Player

    OMG, YES! to being able to rotate base items 90 degrees, and being able to place items on other items. My Sorcery alt is not the neatest housekeeper, but she comes across as a slob because the pizza box and pizza slices have to be on the floor, instead of the coffee table, where they belong!

    Yes, to customizable sidekicks. Even if we can only customize the colors. Also, maybe have the sidekicks start out with similar outfit pieces as their mentors.

    Also, being able to discard base items we know we'll never use would do a lot to minimize the clutter. Too many times I've accidentally activated base items on the wrong character, or that I didn't know what they looked like, and am now stuck with them forever, gathering dust in some storeroom... Or as Achikah said, just having base items be shared account-wide. Only one toon at a time can access any given piece, maybe, so all your alts share from the same pool of base items.

    Cross-faction grouping.

    The ability to sit on seating, and to lie down on beds. Make it an emote, if you have to, activatable only when you're near the furniture.
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  5. Timekiller5884 New Player

    New flight styles would be great. I've been dying for this change. Flying through the air with 2 fists forward, or to the side of your body, instead of the traditional Super Man 1 fist forward pose. And for skimming, you could be on 1 platform like a rock or any object instead of what we have now, which are those 2 disks platforms under our feet
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  6. FoolsFire Devoted Player

    What if you sit in the chair and then log out of the character or just quit the game.

    Come back in an hour and that character has a full supercharge bar.
  7. Brit Loyal Player

    Well, literally the next Quality of Life thing on deck is the Name Purge. That's coming right up.

    But after that, if we were going to make requests, there are a few things I would like to see.

    - Completed Collections migrated to the bottom of the list like Completed Feats, so we don't have to scroll through 2000 collections to find the new Time Capsule.
    - Fix the "Permission to Move Base Items" permission so that it allows players to move base items. Essentially, just give us the same decorating functionality that has already been programmed for League Bases.
    - Items in Lairs for free-placement being allowed to be placed on all three axis. This allows us to put a pizza box on top of a table, instead of on the floor. To put a pillow onto a bed, instead of on the floor. To put papers on a desk, instead of on the floor. Etc.
    - Attuneable Items reading what the style is contained inside, and whether or not it has been collected, without having to attune it to check.
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  8. Raven Roth Committed Player

    additionally I would like:

    a supercharge charging station near sparring targets that fills your SC gradually

    a second aura section in the style tab so we can create aura combinations
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  9. FlawlessTime Dedicated Player

    I would like these things at some point

    1. Cross-faction grouping would be awesome

    2. Power color change because we need to separate ourselves from each other to a degree and make it more personal to us.

    3. Account-wide Material unlocked if we have it on one character it would be cool to unlock it for others on our accounts.

    4. 4th artifact slot no increase in stats just the granted effects.

    5. Exobite unleashed would be cool to bind or bond our characters to one other like a force bond and doing so both you and the other player gets a unique buff based on experience and years played in-game and power type.

    6. League invasion it would be cool for leagues to get invaded by npcs we gotta destroy and get unique loot and buffs, pets etc.

    7. Feat tracker being able to select it like a journal mission.

    8. Marketplace revamp it needs much needed love and new fresh paint make it POP.

    9 Base generators reminder when things get too low get a notification.

    10. Broker update enough said lol.

    11. Friends list update with power icons next to the name

    12. Ignored list update or cap increase from 1000 or allow us to mass delete because how it is now it's very outdated.

    That's all I can think of atm lol .
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  10. undrline Issue Tracker Volunteer

    Just off the top of my head, in no particular order:
    • Being able to recover an armoury you accidentally overwrite
    • Being able to scroll the description panel of the salvage dialog like every other dialog (right now you still have to wait for it to auto-scroll)
    • Being able to search broker by item you want to sell
    • There is still a bug on PC where if you switch to mouse-control while in broker dialog, you lose the sort dropdown
    • Put the auto-sort at the top of the inventory instead of the bottom.
    • Along those lines, it would be nice to set options for auto-sort to choose how it auto-sorts (which types of items go first, bottom-align with empty slots at the top)
    • Also along those lines, be able to exclude rows from sorting (eg: if I always want the first two rows to be for something in particular)
    • Fine-movement mode for base item placement.
    • Lock to axis for base item placement.
    • Preview base items in inventory
    • All base item previews be multi-axis
    • I heard a rumour that feats were coming to item descriptions; that would be awesome. Hopefully that also comes with collected indications for base items towards feats.
    • be able to filter/search/sort vendor items (eg: spring seasonal vendor by year, gear by role, hide style collected, etc)
    • See people's styles when you inspect them
    • Expand all/collapse all in R&D
    • iirc, you used to be able to stay in queue for On Duty for different types of instances (ie: you'd get out of the duo, and your raid would be ready). Now once you get out you have to re-queue.
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  11. ArtemisWonderWoman7 Committed Player

    Please make your base Teleporter list in alphabetical order and allow us to delete unwanted base items from are base inventory
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  12. Thewoe Well-Known Player

    A PS5 Native version of the game would be nice or at least an update on it.

    - Graphics overall
    - Big Expansion or Sequel
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  13. Tolly Committed Player

    - Artifact and allies linked to the account, see extending this to collections and augmentations to make the game more user friendly, the game is becoming too anti-reroll!

    - Better ambition for bases, new design bases and bases referencing powers or mythical places/planets, we could have star labs, a base for green lantern, fortress of solitude or at least a habitable part, a frozen base etc etc.

    - The equipment registered on an armory stored in the armory and not in the inventory.

    - Review the penalty for theft, as it is too discriminating.
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  14. ArtemisWonderWoman7 Committed Player

    Not really sure what you me by penalty of theft being to discriminating they hardly punish anything in this game be it speed hacking, money Glitching or even harassment. Are you talking about trading dc money for stuff without using broker? Almost no game can go after a player for scamming cause they will say that what the broker is for.
  15. Tolly Committed Player

    Displacement flight, fail trad...
  16. the solowing Unwavering Player

    A fix to be able to remove peoples bases from the list

    (I have bases of players who stop playing a half decade ago who i cant do anything but scroll through an increasingly longer list to find the new bases to to track for them to appear. Or a say fk it and give up on adding peoples houses)
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  17. Jack T. Chance Devoted Player

    1) The Bright Booster Style Set, both Regular and Enhanced, added into Style Unlocking YESTERDAY!

    2) Style Unlocking for MATERIALS AND CHROMA MATERIALS!

    3) The Community Style Initiative Blue Beetle (Reyes) Style Set must finally be made available from Dr. Fate for those players that missed out on it. The movie's right around the corner here...

    4) The LSH Flight Ring was a step in the right direction for updated Movement Mode Change Equippable Gear. But now we need ones for all the other Movement Modes, actual Scaling Gear that does NOT reduce your stats just because you want to temporarily use a different Movement Mode. We need, like, Mr. Miracle's Hover Disks (Skimming), The Flash's Costume Ring (Super Speed), and League of Assassins Climbing Gear (Acrobatics). Make it so!

    5) Make the Batwing Trinket available from Dr. Fate for all that want it, so we can have it on more than one character, and let's get some other similar trinkets. With the same technique, vehicles such as Wonder Woman's Invisible Jet and Blue Beetle's Beetlemobile could easily be offered as Transformation Trinkets.

    6) MANY MORE QUICK BAR SLOTS! Sinceriously, all of the Devs need to go play Star Wars: The Old Republic and see how Bioware did the Quick Bar slots, and the customization options they made available for the Quick Bar (and the UI in general.) When you have as many powers on a typical character as what we have DCUO, having only 10-12 Quick Bar Slots is NOT enough! Bioware thought of this, and Daybreak needs to, as well. Now, I do realize that that what SW:TOR does may only really work on a PC game, and may not be feasible on consoles, so what I'm proposing might be something that could only be implemented on PC, but guess what platform I play on? Go on, guess! ;)

    Here's a screenshot (from a different player) of the Quick Bar Style I use.


    Notice how many more slots I have compared to DCUO! Now, granted, this is a UI that's optimized for play on PC, where you can mouse over the on-screen buttons and click on them, but still. I'm not limited to just a very small rotation of a few powers that I have to pick very carefully. I can have them ALL readily available whenever I need them! MUCH BETTER, as it allows me to use the right power for the right job! :cool:

    And I'm spent!
  18. Raven Nocturnal Devoted Player

    Almost forgot, better tutorials and a mandatory role teaching mission for new accounts upon reaching level 30, in which includes (but is not limited to), basic instance mechanics lessons.

    So many people answer this with "they can just go on YouTube"... Well truth be told, most players refuse to do so (especially on Xbox). Many act like cell phones don't exist, can't even get them to join the forums.

    Speaking of forums... Please add a direct link to the forum (Main index or the guide section) when clicking the "Help" section in the in-game settings. Once again, just saying "go to suchandsuch website" seems like a major chore to most. Must be able to click it in-game and open their console's browser at least so people will actually use it lol.

    Thanks! :)
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  19. Limey Committed Player

    Improved ally targeting: either force them to target whoever the player is locked onto, or keep them idle until the player attacks a target then initiate the ally attack against that target. No more of this 'lemme call in an ally... who then attacks an add instead of the boss' nonsense.

    Customizable idle 'stance' for movement modes. An example would be.. for flight, instead of the normal floating animation, give us a Black Adam armed crossed floating with legs straight down animation. Or superspeed having a jogging in place animation rather than hunched over. Or acrobatics.. uh.. maybe a capoeira type dancing back and forth idle animation? Obviously the creative team could come up with other options but conceptually.. expand on the customizable emotes/animations in general.
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  20. Wonder Wiccan Dedicated Player

    One thing I would like is just clone the existing style tab in the style menu so we can layer things and yes I know clipping but that fallson the players discretion not the fault of the devs so players can use more combinations of styles. Lasso with a belt and two accessories cape with wings tiara with a hood trident with the speec metal back those types of things are what I would personally want but I am sure more people can think of more combinations. Also separate double weapons so you can use individual ones in each hand. God killer and sunblade. Future blaster and flint pistol.

    Also power color changes. Even if you can't give free reign maybe color variations already in the game? Green atomic, gold and black sorcery, black rage, violet and blue lanterns, green fire, black water, things like that that are already approved in the game.

    Switch stance by selecting in the emotes menu. Like have powerful in my dps form and primal as a tank. Or switch from powerful to serious. Or serious to flirty.
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