So whats the most effective tank in SM right now?

Discussion in 'Gotham City (General Gameplay)' started by Pr0tojay, Sep 24, 2015.

  1. Pr0tojay Committed Player

    I was gonna switch back to tank tomorrow. Ive always been an ice tank, but might switch it up this time. Ive always done really well with ice in SM's though.
  2. Veritech Loyal Player

    Stick to what you know, I reckon. Better chance of not letting others down.
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  3. Drifting Dreamer Steadfast Player

    Honestly, the most effective power will be the one you understand the best, like the best, and want to play the most. Of course there are FotM powers all of the time, so, if you pick a power today which is "OP" then be prepared to respec again tomorrow when the devs readjust the powers and create a new FotM.
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  4. lukelucky Devoted Player

    Any tank is fine if the group can do thier jobs. Its been 5 yrs of fire needs a range pull or cant do........ yet when I use it no problems. My healers can heal, know their powers and most importantly pay attention. Which tank makes up for bad player I cant answer. Throne obviously rage covered or carried players butmwas NOT needed
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  5. Ichiro Loyal Player

    Not sure about effective but I have seen a lot of quantum tanks lately.;) Lerrroooyyyyy Jenkins!!!!!
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  6. chaotic3430 Committed Player

    Fire plus Low Pressure equals a Fire Tank with a ranged group pull.
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  7. X-zero Loyal Player

    The answer usually ends up being Ice, but maybe this SM will prove differently.

    Earth may be able to dethrone it.
  8. CrazyArtBrown Dedicated Player

    Sure did, I remember splitting some tanking with you on the last one. New one seems perfect for ice again. Even in the first round Metallo's special attacks were hitting me for 15K. On my ice tank that took out a shield and a chunk of health; no problem. (Got my Dom + Rest up to 11,783 total)

    To cover that much damage, the amount of healing going into the one fire tank I saw in there was very expensive in terms of power and general healing resources. Surely there's some stunning bosses to make life miserable for the rage tanks again too.
  9. Pr0tojay Committed Player

    Cool, ice it is tomorrow then. Cant wait to get rid of this Hard Light, i hate it so much lol.
  10. Remander Steadfast Player

    Theoretically, in higher levels, Earth will have an advantage. Its Absorption mechanic is independent of CR. Other tanks are reliant on CR scaling. Regardless of the hit size, Earth still absorbs 50%. Something to think about.
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  11. WhiteW0lf Devoted Player

    Ice of course!

    No seriously idk. Haven't even been in there yet lol.
  12. Scar-Red Nova Dedicated Player

    It sounds good but from past experience earth tanks are severely lacking. But I don't keep up with Earth, I know the DPS got a buff maybe the tank did too.
  13. Remander Steadfast Player

    You probably haven't run with many good Earth tanks, then. ;)
  14. MEBegnalsFan Devoted Player

    Ice and Earth are the tops ATM...

    Ice has shields and Earth has damage absorption. Those two tanks make the most logical sense for SM.
  15. SpicyMoonlight Devoted Player

    Just remember, there are a few fire tanks out there that will outshine all the other tanks out there (provided good heals of course!) :)
  16. DarkB Well-Known Player

    I've seen fire tanks to stay alive at the same time that the ice fall like flies, rage are interrupted with his RC and earth not withstand 3 hits.
    It depends on the player while know what their jobs and team work in harmony no matter the power you use.
  17. Scar-Red Nova Dedicated Player

    Quite the contrary, I've ran with some great Earth tanks who've gotten past round 10 and beyond in past SM events. Both tanking alongside and other support roles Earth tanks are a heavier strain on the group in higher rounds. Not to say it can't be done and I assure you those players were quite good, it certainly can but an earth tank will die more easily and be more difficult to heal in my experience. I notice it's very easy for a Earth Tank to get smacked doing the aftershocks or whatever whereas other tanks can be less active and stay in control. Food for thought!
  18. Pr0tojay Committed Player

    Are you sure youre at 11783 total? i have 240 sps and u got me beat by like 900...hows that possible
  19. CrazyArtBrown Dedicated Player

    Here's a shot from the other day at 11773, gotten another SP since then:
    I'd bet your Dom is a lot higher than mine because I'm modded for Restoration or Restoration + Health almost everywhere now. Most of the mods, generator, and both Elite bonuses. I noticed that all of the Rest numbers for things like mods are higher than 2 * Dominance. That means every place you replace Dom with an equal tier of Rest bonus you gain a little in (Dom + Rest). That makes Reflect weaker but all the other shields/absorption stronger. For SM where I'm going through shields like mad I like the Rest heavy setup better. This is basically the exact opposite focus of Rage tanks who mod everything for Dom.
  20. CrazyArtBrown Dedicated Player

    And when you're kiting around trying to stay away from a boss, Brick takes a one-shot to the face like champ!

    Also worth mentioning that just among the early round bosses, Evil Star will spawn a bunch of adds that are much easier for rage tanks to deal with, and maybe bounce-heavy fire tanks too. Hitting a rage immunity to protect your crash canceller will help the whole group out with all the enemies that literally suck too.