So what's the difference between halls?

Discussion in 'Gotham City (General Gameplay)' started by Jeff Bond, Jul 29, 2014.

  1. Jeff Bond Committed Player

    Actually it was just a sound stage but...

    Fair enough... What about the iconic crater?
  2. TKMcClone Steadfast Player

    I'm not buying a Hall until there are better options... the moon... pft.
    I want a tropical Island... like Dr. No.
    My League Hall needs a beach and freaking patio.... the moon .... pft.
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  3. Mint Stiletto Loyal Player

    They should have made the bottom of the lander and a bleached out flag visible out the window. One rock could have "Neil wuz here" scrawled on it. Maybe Zod could show up and poke around the sight every now and then.
    I'd buy that for a dollar...or 25k prestige.
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  4. Skidmarc Committed Player

    Get the cheap one and run!!
  5. Mint Stiletto Loyal Player

    About tree fiddy. or 25k
    But pretty much the same as the other 20 threads with almost the same title.
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  6. Hraesvelg Always Right

    Agreed. That would have made it worth it. I'm still just baffled that someone didn't recognize the name.
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  7. Abstrakt Loyal Player

    Ahh didnt see the other threads
  8. EconoKnight XIII Legion

    You would think they would have done a small something to make the extra expense worth it. For instance, buy the Sea of Tranquility location and you can look out your window to see the Apollo 11 landing site with the American flag.
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  9. Skidmarc Committed Player

    And you know who will be at the door.....the loch ness monster

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  10. TKMcClone Steadfast Player

    I agree the cost difference need to have some relevance other than name. With Lairs, the location what relative to mission access...
  11. Mint Stiletto Loyal Player

    It's ok, I've been giving other answers in those like that the 50k sites all have Burger Kings nearby, which I have since found out was a lie and the closet burger joint is a Sonic about 40 miles away and I hate Sonic.
    So I went with the classic Chef's dad quote here. lol
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  12. Mint Stiletto Loyal Player

    Shouldn't have given him that dollar yesterday! Now he want tree fiddy! We work for our moneys in this family monszder!!
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  13. sterl320 New Player

    Question if anyone knows.

    If you bought the 25K one, would you have to pay 50K if you wanted to switch? or or just another 25k?
  14. Mint Stiletto Loyal Player

  15. Mint Stiletto Loyal Player

    Hey! That's the Loch Ness Monster from Amazon Women on The Moon
    "Was the Jack the Ripper really Nessie?"..."Bullsh*t or Not?"
    That movie is soooo dumb! I love it!
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  16. Hraesvelg Always Right

    Where's Buzz Aldrin when you need him?

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  17. Abstrakt Loyal Player

    We went with the 25 k location and used what was left to unlock part of our bank thanks guys
  18. Remander Steadfast Player

  19. NCR RANGER New Player

    there should be one in the mountains with an aircraft hanger that has jets taking off and landing in the un-accessible area.
  20. Netherith Well-Known Player

    If you want iconic, the Sea of Serenity and the Serenitatis crater within it are where the moon-based JLA Watchtower was built before its destruction in Infinite Crisis and the switch to the satellite.