So what's the difference between halls?

Discussion in 'Gotham City (General Gameplay)' started by Jeff Bond, Jul 29, 2014.

  1. Jeff Bond Committed Player

    Every hall is on the moon and you have a choice of crater or sea (which I assume means the view out the window is different) but what changes with respect to location and price?
  2. Jeff Bond Committed Player

    Lol.. I'm guessing nobody knows? I've heard that there's no difference between a 25k prestige hall and a 150k prestige other than the name. I can't believe this would be true.
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  3. Feenicks New Player

    Nothing changes
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  4. Netherith Well-Known Player

    Not even the view out the window?
  5. Sin Cattvo New Player

    From the patch notes a few days ago...

    §League Halls may be created at consoles located in each wing of the Watchtower and Hall of Doom. Doing so requires both the "Can Spend Prestige" and "League Hall Admin" permissions.
    §The first option the UI presents is Environment. While many Environments are planned for the future, the first available Environment to be released with GU39 is Lunar. Hence, all League Halls will initially be built on the Moon.
    §The second option is Terrain. This represents a choice of landscape to build your League Hall in and affects your view from the Observation Room. The current options are: Sea (i.e. Mare, for you Moon buffs out there) and Crater.
    §The final option is the specific location to select, given the previous selections. Each location has a Prestige cost for both the initial League Hall creation, as well as relocating the League Hall to that location

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  6. BipolarDiva Loyal Player

    Lmao. Want choices... you can freeze zoning inside or outside
    You can have glitched target dummies or glitches proficiencys.
    You can paint the trim on your league hall.
    Them is your choices..... j/k
  7. light FX Steadfast Player

    There are only 2 locations, crater and sea. All the different sea locations look the same and so do the crater 1s. I looked at all of them on test and posted some pics in another thread last week, cant remember the name tho. Search league hall locations and it might come up. Has pics of different sea locations and u can see they all look the same. The extra prestige is for name only and is a waste.
  8. light FX Steadfast Player

    The locations all look the same, u choose from sea or crater and then they all have the same view. For example, sea of tranquility and sea of clouds look IDENTICAL.
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  9. xColdFront Committed Player

    There is 0 difference except the view you see when you look out the windows of you league hall.
  10. Gargamond Dedicated Player

    Maybe the difference is not yet apparent. I'm guessing there will be a difference in the operations somehow..... Or maybe when league hall pvp begins...
  11. chipzes Committed Player

    Sea vs Crater has a different view. Only difference between same Terrain locations is the name that pops up when you enter.
  12. Deranya Dedicated Player

    Its all about location location location xD
  13. Jeff Bond Committed Player

    To all the above talking about Sea vs Crater... That's terrain not location.

    Out of the choices of location (after you pick crater or sea) there are 4(5?) that cost 25K and 1 that costs 50K. The Sea of Tranquility for example costs $150K to buy so what makes it different than the 25K ones?

    Is the Sea of Tranquility an iconic location? ( If so I've never heard of it)

    The league is getting close to purchasing a hall but we're not sure if we should grind out the extra couple days...
  14. Jeff Bond Committed Player

    Read that.. Asking about location, not terrain.
  15. Hraesvelg Always Right

    ...seriously? You make me weep for humanity.

    Tranquility Base
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  16. BipolarDiva Loyal Player

    Never heard of it? Omg !! stop playing games you need summer school.
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  17. Jeff Bond Committed Player

    I meant with regard to DC. They all refer to a Lunar Mare obviously.
  18. Hraesvelg Always Right

    But it's where humanity landed on the damned moon! That's what makes it iconic.
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  19. Abstrakt Loyal Player

    Were at 130k as of this afternoon Just as the title says what is the difference other than the name of where its located if we take the sight of the moon landing do we see it out the window any ideas?
  20. MattTheViolator New Player

    Price and location. Internally the base is the same
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