So what new power and weapon do you want the most?

Discussion in 'Gotham City (General Gameplay)' started by xXxARMAGEDD0NxXx, Aug 9, 2014.

  1. xXxARMAGEDD0NxXx Well-Known Player

    I want mounted shoulder turrets and atomic
  2. GregDawe New Player

    Blue Lantern Healing.
    Sword(Spear styles also) & Shield
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  3. Notangie New Player

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  4. General Zod 10000 Post Club

  5. Chilog Well-Known Player

    I think they should do a wand weapon. They already use wands on Stingers and Archmageants so it's already in game. All they would need to do is add some unique combos and animations
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  6. hudapak Well-Known Player

    We've had green and yellow light powers for trollers and rage for tanks. It's high time we get a light healing power (not sure which fits the bill: hope, compassion or love). But I will gladly take water power any time.
  7. Zylo Committed Player

    Giant Growth:)
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  8. jackrawlings New Player

    Shadow powers
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  9. Caleus New Player

    Gun Blades

    Elemental Magic.
  10. rival exe New Player

  11. the blackheart New Player

    I actually want to see different styles for movement mode. Purely cosmetic. OR a whole new movement mode.
  12. willflynne 10000 Post Club

    Can't say there's one I'd consider to be a must-have for the game, but I wouldn't mind seeing something Blue Lantern-based coming into the game.
  13. rival exe New Player

    I'd like to see explosives as a weapon.
  14. DaKrushmor Loyal Player

    As for Power - see mah sig. It's only l want. After it done let be anything after - wind, water, physical, poo flinging... l don't care. As for weapon - here're 2 choices:
    Variant #1 - damage, range & accuracy like sniper rifle, splash like shotgun & grenade launcher together, fire rate like machinegun, look, size & weight like pistol
    Variant #2 - damage like pistol, reload like sniper rifle, accuracy like machinegun, range like shotgun, look, size & weight like grenade laucher
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  15. Giggles Loyal Player

    I'm content with weapons we currently have. However I want a Super Strength/Neo Venom type power set that is similar to Kryptonian/Bane type powers for Tanks. I dislike the 4 powers available to tanks and I really want to play a tank, but this would be the only way that would ever happen. :)
  16. Hooops Level 30

    Power type: Wind
    Weapon: Spear
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  17. EconoKnight XIII Legion

    I want to turn into a vendor bot and throw soders at people!
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  18. Seth Grey New Player

    I'll wait for another HL power a little longer. Yes to Sword and Shield.


    Tank type.

    Troll (for CC)

    Troll...definitely troll for wind.


    I also want a unicorn trinket that lets me turn into a magical unicorn, poke people (both friendlies in open world and enemies) with its horn and shoot rainbow out of its ***. :D

    Alternatively a unicorn sidekick is fine too.
  19. True Despair Well-Known Player

    Balance is POWER!!!
  20. Draco8573 New Player

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