So we risk the wrath of a mod if we circumvent the profanity filter but...

Discussion in 'Joker’s Funhouse (Off Topic)' started by MrHoiPolloi, Jun 27, 2014.

  1. MrHoiPolloi Well-Known Player

    click on SOE Post Tracker and Jen's F-bomb on twitter is just over there to the right. Just found that sort of amusing. Nothing more to see, carry on.
  2. Owl Devoted Player

    It is his personal account.
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  3. Slade Wilson Devoted Player

    Besides that, it also highly depends on how you circumvent the profanity filter. Most of you immature kids just stumble through orthography or have serious typing issues - that alone deserves a ban, and when Butthead starts faking typos after noticing Beavis' gets past the filter with his typing, it's also highly uncreative on top. Also, SOE cannot earn money from it.

    So if you really really really want to get past the filter soooooooooooooooooo urgent and get recognition for it, do what every good gamer does in this game: pay for it!

    Here's how do to do - inspired by Lights Derp's post in some other thread by I'm sure he's not aware of that :p - if you don't to make up immature typos over and over:

    1) make a female toon
    2) use a chest style that allows for emblems
    2a) alternatively use a shield that allows for emblems
    3) call the new toon "Spell Chick"
    4) claim the bird legs and head from marketplace
    5) buy every letter-style emblem at the vendor in the HoD/WT
    6) stack up to 4 armories, prepare to expand to full 26 though
    7) repeatedly ask SOE in the forums to allow for more armories being in use at the same time
    8) to each of the 4 armories, imprint a build with a different letter emblem on chest/shield
    9) go to any noob safehouse and change builds in an order that spells your favorite 4 lettered vulgarity, for examples the highly praised f-word
    10) praise me for showing you how limited your creative capacity was until now
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  4. Lights Derp Loyal Player

    Yay! My stupid phone inspires people lol.
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  5. Prodigy Progeny Dedicated Player

    sure its his personal account which also posts on this PG DCUO forum...he is an affiliate of those logos at the bottom of the page here. Pretty sure he is expected to be playing the part.
  6. Crimson Jonni New Player

    It was probably an accident i highly doubt he'd drop it just to see how people react. He couldve forgotten completely that his tweets showed up on the website, and in all honesty its not even that big a deal.
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  7. Notangie New Player

    Spytle has immunity, he can do no wrong. Yes, I've been drinking the koolaid and am a fan of his.
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  8. Shadowdragon Devoted Player

    Superpatriot says "Jens puts the F in FNL!" Hey, someone has to do it!
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  9. Deathmike Devoted Player

    He has a breakout trinket with no cooldown that works in PvP, PvE and RL.

    Deathmike out.
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  10. KrimsonScourge New Player

    If the highlight of your day is, "hur hur, a swear word, hur hur" I suggest that /b/ might be more to your liking.

    Unless you're still in junior high I would hope swear words have lost their appeal by now.
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  11. Mont New Player

    Dunno y people have to use profanity in first place
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